Mojo for the Modern Man

The Army, Daughters and Leadership with Mike Sweeney - Act 1

July 03, 2024 Ken Mossman

Today I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Mike Sweeney, a Boston-born "country mouse," Army veteran, and father. Our conversation traced Mike's remarkable journey from an emotionally limited young man to a more self-aware adult. We explored his privileged yet conflicted childhood, delved into his transformative military experience, and discussed the profound impact fatherhood has had on his life and perspective. Mike's story illuminates the challenges and rewards of emotional growth, leadership, and finding purpose; from learning hard lessons in the Army to discovering new depths of empathy as a father to daughters, Mike's experiences offer valuable insights for any man grappling with personal development. Mike’s ability to blend raw honesty, practical wisdom, and thought-provoking reflection is a powerful one, and I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did. Looking forward to Act 2, Mike!

Bio by Mike:

In my career, I’ve applied my love of learning to coaching leaders, accelerating organizational change, and building high performing teams – often through digital learning. I enjoy the challenge of new industries so I can discover techniques that work everywhere.
• Digital learning – I started with flip phone videos to help employees make label changes easier. This grew to personalized learning experience platforms, virtual facilitation, social learning, xAPI learning analytics, and content development in eLearning, video, simulation, and all the fun formats.
• Coaching leaders – I’ve developed coaching skills through a Master’s in organizational psychology, courses on positive psychology and appreciative inquiry, and the full curriculum from the Co-Active Training Institute. Nothing thrills me more than supporting people as they learn the craft of leadership.
• Accelerating organizational change – I have experience leading large transformational change efforts – mixing new technology with behavior change. After years of studying change, I’ve found ways to weave the people side of change into projects. The outcomes have been higher engagement, faster change, and better results.
• Building high performing teams – Working with a diverse group of people is where the magic happens. I know my strengths (and where I’m less good) and look for complementary all-stars to do great work together. My point of view on teams has evolved, but elements I learned as a platoon leader in the U.S. Cavalry still resonate – leader as servant, aligned ambition, and mutual respect.

Outside of work, I learn from my three wonderful daughters, get outside to stay centered, and run often. I am enjoying watching my two oldest daughters run XC without being too involved. As a certified distance running coach, I often bite my lip. I ride the PMC to raise money for cancer research.
