Email Einstein Ingenious eCommerce Email Marketing by Flowium

How to Pick a Name for an eCommerce Business: 12 Best Practices

Vira Sadlak & Andriy Boychuk Season 1 Episode 192

192 - Dive into the art of naming your eCommerce business with our 12 best practices! Join our hosts Andriy and Vira as they share insightful tips and humorous anecdotes, including the stories behind their own business names.

Watch the full episode!

You’ll Learn

  • The story behind Flowium’s brand name
  • The first thing to consider when picking a name for your business
  • Domain value: Andriy and Vira’s insights on pricing 
  • Best advice on validating your brand name 
  • Amazon’s original name and why Bezos discarded it
  • The technical advice for choosing a strong brand name
  • One thing to consider if you want to go international
  • 3 techniques for crafting stand-out brand names
  • Trademark and why it’s crucial to register your brand
  • 4 key resources for choosing a brand name + a walkthrough on how to use them  

All mentioned resources are here!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to email Einstein, a podcast by Floium. It's time to start honoring your inner marketing Einstein. Tune in for the data-driven tips that'll make you a marketing genius. Here you'll find email marketing formulas and tips straight from the brilliant mad scientists at Floium. It's time for your emails to start earning more money. It's time to unleash your Einstein.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello everyone. Welcome back to email Einstein, the podcast by Floium. We are your host, vera Sadlak.

Speaker 3:

And Andrei Bojchuk.

Speaker 2:

And today we have yet another episode of our series about Andrei starting his own business.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I.

Speaker 2:

Say something, Andrei, yeah say something. Yeah, business.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh wow, starting a new business, to start something from scratch is like exciting, but at the same time it's scary because you need to go through. No, I'm older and wiser so probably I'll not repeat the same mistakes, but still it's like scary exciting.

Speaker 2:

It's a journey, let's just put it this way, but today we're actually going to be talking about the exciting part of starting a business. For me at least, I think it's such a fun part. Today we'll be talking about picking the name for your business. Your business name is arguably one of the most important branding and marketing tools you have at your disposal and obviously it's super important. Obviously, you should like it. Other people should like it too, and a strong, memorable business name can help you build like a strong brand identity, and that's exactly what we'll be talking today. We'll be talking about 11 things to consider when picking the business name and actually today possibly, we will be brainstorming some business names for Andri's business. So it's going to be like a live thing.

Speaker 3:

And actually I want to keep you listening to the end because there's not 11, but there will be one bonus 12 things that I did not think about it and I was almost put out of business because I did not check that thing. Stay tuned to number 12 to know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

You get me hooked, andri. You get me hooked. I'm like I'm staying for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm bad with those hooks, but I'm learning, I'm learning.

Speaker 2:

No, no, you're getting better and better. Do you want to start from like a story time of how you came up with the name for your existing brand, Flowium, and what was before that?

Speaker 3:

Come on, you said when we rename it, you're the first one, I believe, said like why did you rename it? You had such a cool name before.

Speaker 2:

I liked it. I mean it was very descriptive, but give people some background.

Speaker 3:

Sure, I always said I did not plan to start a business, I did not plan to have an agency. At that moment, when I come up with that original name, I didn't know that agency business model existed. I was so new to this. I live at that time and right now I live in New York, but NYC was a cool acronym that almost anybody in the world I was doing email marketing. I put two plus two email marketing. Nyc domain was available and here you go. This is a business name. It was the original.

Speaker 2:

The original was email marketing NYC Actually, I'm still using it to log into the T-sheets and something emailmarketingnyccom the longest business name ever, but it was so descriptive. People knew exactly what we were doing. People knew exactly where we are from. It was almost too descriptive.

Speaker 3:

Do you remember that Clavier event we went to together? Like when you meet new people, the typical icebreaker hey, where are you from or what are you doing? And when people read our badges, there were no icebreaker. It was a hard time to get to ask us something generic.

Speaker 2:

How is the weather? It was almost too descriptive, but then you decided to rebrand. What was the thinking behind rebranding? Why did you decide to change the name from email marketing and NYC to flowume?

Speaker 3:

From the beginning. So first I came up with that name just to register a domain, so I have a website to look legit and I didn't plan to start any kind of business like we have today. But when we start growing and I start to hire people and we start to have some reputation on the market, I was thinking, hey, I want to have some cool name not email marketing in NYC, which was, in my head, not cool. So I start to think about different kinds of names and we'll go through today through the same process. I went back in the days to come up with the name flowume.

Speaker 2:

Okay cool. So let's talk about step number one.

Speaker 3:

So number one actually sorry, vera, but before we start I want to also give some social proof. How we said, there are a few people already for businesses that I know in my close network who went through the same process and already named their business. Actually, two are still in the process of naming, but two already picked the name and name their organization, using the same framework, will be going over and also during this podcast, we will be brainstorming the name for the new e-commerce store that I'm starting. Not sure what to expect here, but let's throw ideas, vera, if you have any.

Speaker 2:

Cool, let's do this. But let's start from the step number one. When you're thinking about your business name, it's super important to make sure that there is still a domain available for the name, and obviously it's a very important thing. Ideally, you'd still want to get something withcom, but it can be very challenging with those generic names or semi-generic names, and that's where your creativity comes into the picture. So yeah, andrei, why?

Speaker 3:

is it? I personally believe sorry, my personal belief. If it's notcom, it does not exist for me. You can sell me any appleco and I will never buy that domain because in my eyes, again, it's personal preference, but I need to havecom. This is kind of the bare minimum for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm on the same page with you. We spend a lot of money to purchase fungoosecom. I know it's not like super.

Speaker 3:

How much if you don't.

Speaker 2:

For us back then, like five years ago or four years ago, when we purchased, it was something like around $7,000, I think so it was like a lot of money for us. Yes, yes, because it's like super generic, right Fun and goose, like literally there's no changes.

Speaker 3:

And you just made fun of me purchasing coldume for the $1,000?.

Speaker 2:

Listen, andrei, when we purchased fungus and for those of you who don't know what we mean, in my husband we have a business we do Fungus started actually as a mushroom business. We were selling mushroom gummies. That's why it was super witty and smart idea to use the fungus as sort of a name for our business, because fungus sounds like fungus, like mushroom, but at the same time it's like a fun goose, like an animal.

Speaker 3:

So it's a play of words and we oh, andrei, okay, well, thank you so much, let's do some shout out to Vera and her amazing work with her husband.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean we changed it ever since we started the business. We like expanded. Now we're selling books and stuff and now that like fungus, that animal, actually became like a symbol of our business and we have this like fungus, like that guy, in each and every story that we have. So, yeah, so that's my story of how I spent a lot of money on something ending with likecom, so yeah. So if you still can get something withcom, I would recommend going for it. Honestly.

Speaker 3:

Before we continue aboutcom, can I give you one advice about email marketing?

Speaker 2:

Please, please do.

Speaker 3:

No, I saw this upton method recently about some brand and they said, hey, sign up for our newsletter and toilet jokes. In your case, I would say subscribe to our email and some dad's jokes. I would sign up for dad's jokes. We're like right away.

Speaker 2:

Or jokes about geese, about geese right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah or geese.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But for me it's a deal like ifcom is not available, I will not buy.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, that's Andri's preference, right? If you guys? Yeah, yeah, of course.

Speaker 3:

Everything that will be describing here today. This is kind of best practice, or, but you don't have to have those 12 things, you can pick only eight. But this is kind of the best practices I have, or you might have even 20.

Speaker 2:

But don't let thecom thing stop you from creating a business Like, honestly, it's such a it's important, but in my opinion not like as important. So I don't know you do you boo, but but I spend a lot of money oncom, just saying so. Number two make your business name unique, unforgettable and catchy, just like email marketing. Nyc right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it sounds easier than you think. I mean, we can say, like you can call your company, let's say banana, but if you have bananacom, it's amazing domain, but you will be competing with all banana companies, banana products, anything banana related. You will be.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you think so right. Why just Google Apple. You won't find any apples on the first like five pages, just like applecom.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I wish you to be as big as Apple with your banana brand and anything you type in. You will be on the first pages. But let's say, let's say, pick a letter, letter for climbing, like if you have a company name letter. Yes, it will give you SEO ranking, but it would be hard for you to compete. And something unforgettable like Floreo I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

No, it's actually a really good name.

Speaker 3:

So for me, the next step, after I get the domain, I enter that email. That email, not the domain, sorry, that name, not withoutcom. I'm putting in Google and I want to see how many searches are there, how many pages of searches. So if I see like 10, 15 pages I need to do some work to compete with other brands. But if I put in and I see only one page it's easier to compete with others. I know the person from Single Grain, eric Sewe. He has a marketing agency as well, but Single Grain it's about Scottish whiskey because multigrain and single grain whiskey. So he said he got a lot of traffic, people searching for whiskey and non-smartening services. So think about how you name your company as well.

Speaker 2:

That's a cool idea. I never thought about searching for how many searches are there. I just typed in Fungus and I'm not doing a lot SEO speaking so far, but we are number four, I think, on the search page. But that's just because we are like Funguscom and we have an Amazon listing and website and stuff, but I never thought about that generic aspect.

Speaker 3:

For some reasons they don't show anymore how many words are there. It's just continuous loading. Does it show you how many Fungus pages are there? No it doesn't, it just shows the number of pages.

Speaker 2:

I wonder why. Maybe it's super generic. That's why I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Okay, the next thing is about awarding unusual spelling or how hard to pronounce and commonly misleading words. Can you come up with some ideas here?

Speaker 2:

I actually have a story about it. It's about the Amazon. Do you remember the story of how Amazon started and what was their original name?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't For those of you guys who don't know it's such a famous story. Basically, when Baz's first created the company and it was like I don't know early 90s, right, sometimes before the internet was a big thing it was like a book company. When Baz's created the company, the name was Kadabra, like Abra-Kadabra, so the name of the company was Kadabra. But when he actually called to his lawyer and lawyer on the phone, he heard not Kadabra, but Kadabra or Kedavra. I don't know how to pronounce it, but basically it means the dead body. So Kadabra, kedavra, kadabra, kadabra it sounds very similar when you just don't see this word written.

Speaker 2:

So he didn't hear the Kadabra, he heard the dead body, which made Baz's thing and he decided to rename his company, but this time he actually decided to name a company that would start with letter A, because back in 1994, in the pre-Google world, people used alphabetical web directories to find new websites and for Baz it was super important to be on the first page, right. That's how he came up with the name Amazon and Amazon it's super easy to spell, easy to remember. It's such a short and memorable domain name. I loved it. I loved it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I just came up with the idea how to test your name. If you live in US or anywhere close to Starbucks, go to Starbucks and if they ask you what is your name, tell them this name and see if they spell it correctly.

Speaker 2:

So it's probably the easiest. I love this idea.

Speaker 3:

Because when I say my name, nobody got it right in terms of spelling my first name.

Speaker 2:

Really, what did they write, andre?

Speaker 3:

Some person wrote John. No, they come up with.

Speaker 2:

I think they're actually just having fun. Honestly, I have this theory. They're just there having fun mispronouncing people's name.

Speaker 3:

In the past we used to have a competitor. They were sold to bigger agency called SmartBog, but the agency was called Worst E-commerce Worst Commerce, and even for me, because I have had the accent, it's people hearing Worst, like the worst, like the worst. But I'm trying to say something that's worth and you know what.

Speaker 2:

This is like the worst name ever.

Speaker 3:

But you're getting the point. So when you're picking up the name, it's extremely important to get that thing right.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, no, that's a terrible name for marketing agency. I think it's clever in some ways, because it's like a conversation starter almost, but that's definitely not a message that you want to send. Are they still in business? Do you know, andrei?

Speaker 3:

No, no, they were acquired by SmartBog.

Speaker 2:

So the worst emails don't exist anymore or worth agency.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Good for them. I guess it's my opinion.

Speaker 3:

But actually it goes to the second point that we, as a second criteria is about pronunciation.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, pronunciation is a huge thing. Some things that are like super easy for me to pronounce as a Ukrainian speaker, like a lot of American speakers or English speakers are like struggling with it. So I know some people are changing their names and stuff like that. And actually do you remember the story about, like Lulu Lemon and how they came up with a name and how it was like very difficult to pronounce for Japanese market?

Speaker 3:

I think you, I read in the book and also I think you told me again, but I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so basically, when the guy gosh, I forgot his name Andrei. What was his name?

Speaker 3:

My goodness, it's so embarrassing Chip Wilson.

Speaker 2:

Chip Wilson. Yes, sorry, chip, we're almost neighbors but yet I don't remember your name. So when Chip Wilson came up with an idea for Lulu Lemon, obviously he didn't have the name. Back then he already knew that his biggest market would be like Japanese market because they were, like, obsessed with all of the American Canadian brands and he had a big experience with like Japanese market before launching Lulu Lemon with his other brand. But he wanted to create something that would sound super American or super Canadian and apparently in Japanese language they don't have letter L, so whenever they say, whenever they see letter L, it sounds like a RU for them. So they can say Lulu Lemon, they would pronounce it as Ruru Raman.

Speaker 2:

But, they no, seriously. If I'm mistaken, please correct me Japanese speakers. But for them, like, if the company has like L's, it means that the company is like, truly, truly like American or truly truly Canadians. So this is something like super western, because there is not many brands in Japanese markets that had that L. So Chip Wilson came up with a name that had like the most L's ever Lulu Lemon. So, yeah, so that's a story. Nice, nice, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

Clavio created a cool clip where they were telling in a video how their name was mispronounced.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people are having a hard time with like pronouncing clavio. I heard clavio clavayo. What else Clavio? Like all kinds of all kinds of variations, but I mean it doesn't prevent them from being one of the coolest in marketing platforms on the market, but it's just like fun thing to know about.

Speaker 3:

And, at the end of the day, name does not like. People will not buy your product or services because of your name. People will use your product or service because it's cool product or service and they will remember the names. The same thing with Cladro.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, I agree. Just pick a word and make it cool. Pick a name and make it cool. Little them and didn't mean anything until they became this huge badass company.

Speaker 3:

Floreum either.

Speaker 2:

I can see people wearing Floreum t-shirts all over the world in like few years.

Speaker 3:

Do you mean like I'm wearing Floreum t-shirt and traveling all over the world?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much Cool. Okay, next thing to consider find a name that has almost no Google matches. You kind of covered it right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we covered it in a unique section. We combined it together, so let's move on.

Speaker 2:

Cool Check if the name is available for incorporation. Yeah, we're getting technical here. Why is it important, Andriy?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like each state, sorry, depends where you live and I'm talking right now only about you as, again, I'm not a lawyer. I'm not giving you any advice. But this is the recommendation If you want to register, before you name the company, you want to go to your state website, corporation website and check if the name is available, because if it's not available, let's say, if you want to register Floreum in New York state, it's not available because we have a name of Floreum here in New York state.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, definitely seek some legal advice from someone more knowledgeable than us, but that's just like something that is important to consider. Okay, the next one. Keep it under 12 characters. Yeah, so.

Speaker 3:

I read this book by Dan Norris. He is the founder of company WP Curve. It was a subscription service, subscription service for supporting WordPress websites. They were acquired by GoDaddy for $1 million and he wrote this book and in one section of this book he was talking about the name and what his study observation was that all the biggest brands in the world, all their names, are under 12 characters. Even I was giving. I was thinking about Federal Express. We all know FedEx, but they used to be called Federal Express but they made their yeah, but they made their name much smaller, which is FedEx.

Speaker 2:

Same with IBM, right, international Business Machine, like I've never even knew that it was their name. I only know them by IBM. Yeah, smart, smart, okay. The next one is tricky Check the names meaning in different languages. It's a tricky one because so many languages, so many meanings. But if you plan to be international company or, if you like, envision this in the future, you better check the meaning of your name.

Speaker 3:

So I think Google will help us here. So if you put that name, that thing, in Google, you want to see what kind of results you will get. So, like, for example, for Ukraine, we use Cyrillic, so it will not help you much, but it's not as important but anything for how long we use Cyrillic in English.

Speaker 2:

Latin, Latin, Latin words.

Speaker 3:

So any languages that use Latin letters. It's important because you don't want to call your company as something abstract, and in other languages it's a curse word.

Speaker 2:

That's actually the reason why they don't have Mitsubishi Pajero in Spanish-speaking countries. Yeah, because it's a really rude, really bad word and yeah you can Google it. I'm not going to explain what it means, but yeah, they basically they name it something else. In Latin America it's Mitsubishi whatever, Mitsubishi, something. Okay, so the next point is kind of like a no brainer one. Make sure you like it, and I don't even know if we need to add anything here. It's so self-explanatory but yet so important.

Speaker 3:

Also I read I used to be upset with Seth Godin blog and on his blog he said when you rename your company and it happened to us as well, so he kind of knew what he's talking about when you rename your company, people will hate it. People will hate your new name. So it's important for you to like it, but the next phase people will like it so much that they will forget that it. You used to have different name before.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. I don't remember hating Flavium, but I was like so emotionally attached to email marketing and WC for some reason yeah.

Speaker 3:

So we'll be talking about this process. I have a spreadsheet, a calculator, where I apply numbers to each value, Like if it's available on the Google, so I do this. I have a snapshot here, I believe. So the names I came up with it was Flow Vio, Flow Vee like Brownie, but Flow Vee I love that. Flow's B one, two, three campaigns Flow Point, backflow. Backflow is like your company Single flow, active flow. Flow One, two, a, 12, and active flows.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I mean, there are some like some strong competitors. I'd say Flowny is my favorite. But, I actually am like so happy you like decided to pick the flowy room. It has that like that feel of something extra luxurious, right Like platinum or like flowy room something.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'll explain you later. There's three technique how to kind of come up with those unique names, and I'll explain you which technique I use to come up with flowy.

Speaker 2:

Cool, let's just quickly go through the last two points. Don't include location in the name. Why Andri? Why not including location?

Speaker 3:

The same thing with email marketing. In my city, people were constantly asking me if we do business only in New York or are we able to serve our companies in other states. And I'm like, before I come, after I came up with this name, I never thought about that. But when they were asking me I'm like, oh, hold on, it's causing some issues.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. I like when people add in like cities in the in the names, like a lot of fashion company at Paris to them right, or like some people add London or some like fancy design groups at Stockholm. It's just like represents almost like the values or like the lifestyle that you want to project. But with service company I can see how it can be a problem.

Speaker 3:

So there's two things that happened. First, what I just explained people were asking if I'm doing service in other cities and states and second, people from New York City was making fun because I live on Staten Island and my office is on Staten Island, so I had technically I have have nothing to do with New York City, so they make fun of me being from a village but presenting unlike for in the city.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I see, that's fine. You, that's how I always tell people when they used to live in Vancouver. I'm like I'm from Vancouver, I know I'm 40 minutes drive from Vancouver, but it's just like so much easier to explain to people where I live. Okay, and the last one, include a clue about what you do.

Speaker 1:

I would disagree that this is like yeah, it's like, so optional.

Speaker 2:

so optional Like I, it would be hard for me to probably like remember a brand that I like, that is like a fashion brand or something that has a clue of what they are doing.

Speaker 3:

But it's like poop over in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good example. That's a good example. Cool Okay, andre. Now let's go to the secret sauce for resources for naming your company. What resources do you use, what resources you recommend using?

Speaker 3:

And let's just bring some Actually before we go about resources, we forgot to do the bonus one and I'm excited, and I'm extremely excited to share something. So a year ago on Google, I start to see flow on other people's advertising. So somebody typing flow on the email marketing people were using our name to advertise their services and I'm like whoa, I had a heart attack. Not as a keyword, but in their ads. Oh, okay, it's like flow, flow email design blah blah blah and their service.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's a fame.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I had a heart attack. I put the thing on LinkedIn, people like supported me and say, yeah, it's like messed up, and so forth. So I contacted Google, blah blah, and I realized that I need to have a trademark to take down those companies. And when I start to learn more and more about trademarks, I realize that anybody on the street can register under flow room and knock on my door and say I'm sorry but you cannot use that thing anymore, and I was worried.

Speaker 3:

But I'm excited to share that we register our trademark and we got approved. So yeah, so now we do have a trademark and it's extremely important for you. Maybe not to register because it costs some money, but at least check that there's nobody there.

Speaker 2:

And then register because if you're a big dog, someone would definitely want to purchase that trademark. That's actually a very popular technique of how it's very popular in Germany for some reason how they get businesses out of business, get this like Amazon listings out of business and stuff like that. There are some like black hat techniques with that like trademark.

Speaker 3:

So I mean there's nobody in my kind of preview that who kind of crossed our roads. But I have a friend who kind of was working for the guy, for my friend, and left, quit and opened exactly the same company using exactly the same name and instead of beginning green he used blue. So okay, and he's servicing the same area. So you see the conflict, the conflict that people like, because the unique is a second language, a second, second part of the name, but the first part it was just a collar. I don't want to name the company name because somebody will go and register and he doesn't have a trademark and what I recommend is go and register and then contact that guy and say sorry, but you cannot use it because it's a conflict. Yeah, so it's extremely as a bonus number 12 extremely important to go to US trademark. It's free, just go and search if it's available or not.

Speaker 2:

Okay, awesome. So four resources for naming your company. Are these resources that you underused when coming up with names for your brand?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, I used about, I use all of them. But what helped me number three to get flow in and other other domains First of them is word Do it. How are you say it? Word Do it.

Speaker 2:

Word Do it, word, do it.

Speaker 3:

So I'm sharing, I share my screen. If you are on YouTube, strongly oh sorry, if you are listening podcast, strongly recommend to watch this section because I will show you and demonstrate how it works and it's very cool tool. So, first of all, it's a you pick the language in which you want to have a name. So if you use Spanish, we will not use that. Jerobard, what's the name?

Speaker 2:

Mitsubishi Panjera Don't.

Speaker 3:

Panjera, will not use Panjera. No, yeah, and quality like high, medium, low. I typically pick high. And where that words that you want? Let's say, you have bananas to give me a word, some some short word or something that you If it's for skincare.

Speaker 2:

Let's go with something like glow, something glow like a skin.

Speaker 3:

Glow, glowy skin is like a perfect, perfect, so glow, I love it. Glow, we will mean glow, we will.

Speaker 2:

Yes, just just glow, we will be done. This podcast is over.

Speaker 3:

Inside, inside, inside story, like because you don't know, vera is always teasing me about I U M and anything that. Yeah, if you want to tease me, she always add I U M to anything that she's talking to me about. So glow, and now we want to pick how many characters we will. Oh, sorry, and we want to this glow to be at the beginning of the sentence, ending or containing, so it can be somewhere in the middle.

Speaker 2:

So let's do. Can we do multiple?

Speaker 3:

No this is okay. Containing. Yeah, okay, let's do Okay.

Speaker 2:

Where it is, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And let's do lengths. Okay, and it's glow is what for letters and how many more we want to add. So if we add three, I U M so seven.

Speaker 2:

No, let's do more so it gives us more options, like let's do like extra eight, so we like up to 12.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you mean up Whoa? I wouldn't buy that kind of name. But anyway, I have a name.

Speaker 2:

I have a name for your company. I think we're done Andri and glow.

Speaker 3:

We're done, andres glow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 3:

That's an idea, and there's option in terms of domain. This is goes back to the first characteristics show all available. Show all or show available only, but available only if we search. Let's do create a word and it will give us different variation, but it doesn't mean that that domain is for $12. Sometimes they give you option for $30,000. It's available for sale, but it costs $30,000.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Glow, glow.

Speaker 2:

Love that, love it for you.

Speaker 3:

And glowing and glowing and glowing.

Speaker 2:

actually, I like it and glowing, but it's just like it's like, but you don't. But you don't if it's like. And like an end of something, or and as a word that connects two words glow pieces.

Speaker 3:

And these are all the dot coms, or yes, you see, wow, yeah, so basically it's extremely cool tool to use to look for any. Oh, I actually picked to pick Spanish as well. So let's do something a little bit harder. Let's do seven, because I don't like on glowed leg lows, leg lows, glowing oh glowing, glowing, I like glowing.

Speaker 2:

It's not, it's not very appropriate for like a skincare.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but they see $9,000.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what it means? Does it have like a meaning? Because I glow in. Yeah, I think it sounds like, because it sounds like it should be a word like this. It sounds so organic.

Speaker 3:

It's, it's, it's wrongly spelled Halloween.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was my association actually too, so I don't know if it's like it the best. It's a cool name for some, like like other brands, like kids brand or like costume brands or something a. Glower Good one.

Speaker 3:

Really yeah, probably also expensive a glower, someone who? Actually I might buy this one just for wait but I don't know if a.

Speaker 2:

What about Glower dot com? Yeah, probably taken, because Glower is someone who glows, right.

Speaker 3:

No $15,000 available.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't think I like it that much, not like $15,000. Good, it's good, but not.

Speaker 3:

Vera maybe like so maybe we'll sell Fun goose and flow of you and chip into buy a glower together glower.

Speaker 2:

Sure, I really like when this, when skin care brands and stuff they, when they like, connect two short words with like and like Grace and Stella Luma, and leave something and something, something and glow. I think would be cool. Maybe. Anyways, we don't have to like, decide or we don't have to stop on glow. This was just an example.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean we let's continue Looking for something to use other resources, but this is just an example of a tool you can use to come up with different names. So the next yeah, the next thing is indie market. Mm-hmm, it's basically a website where people sell there. They used to be called one K Project, so all projects were selling from under $1,000, but right now you can buy any side hustle that people were building, like some sass, some FBA, some e-commerce, and selling here for like, sometimes for $100, sometimes for a few thousand dollars.

Speaker 2:

So it's like a business marketplace almost.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, but here they have a. They have a section for domains.

Speaker 3:

Hmm and you can filter, but for some reason it does not filter, does not work. But basically in there's domain and you there's. Let me just type a domain, as you can see some vintage, retro cars like domains so you can look for New York parking rates domain Comparison website. So there's different, different domains here for sale or maybe there are some other market places where you can't buy domains. Okay, the third option where this is where I bought a flow room. Originally it's at the Domain auction. I use a gold a D for auction and it was there and I paid, like I put it, placed a bit for $250 and they accepted. So this I purchased flow room for $250. Originally they were planning to create some kind of sass.

Speaker 2:

Wow, interesting Is that. Is that that function when you like like some Domain and they say that for $50 they can like reach out to the owner or it's something, something else.

Speaker 3:

No, something else. I use that. I use a service that you're talking about, the broker brokerage. I use that In many cases. This was not successful either. They wanted to match. I was trying to purchase Automorium no, I just love that.

Speaker 2:

It always have to be I you am. I love that it's. It's a part of your brand.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the you and re.

Speaker 2:

Have you? Have you purchased it yet?

Speaker 3:

No, no, no you should. No, no, so that is brokerage. Actually it's another way you can try. Maybe person does not use that domain and go daddy for 60 can't promise you anything right. No, but if they don't find you, can I ask for refund and they return the money. And the last thing is Flip through dictionary. Take physical dictionary, don't? I know it's all way, but did you know that Uber means something? Because I didn't yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't know, but it's like a German word, I think. But yeah, that's actually. Over something like super big is something like bigger than something, something like humongous and big, I think over beyond.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah yeah, so over beyond, and this is is the just On your free time, take the big book of dictionary and flip through the pages and Take the words which are not commonly used but you like and easy to pronounce and like match all the other characteristics.

Speaker 2:

Or just have a session with chat GPT to get some inspiration. I.

Speaker 3:

Almost, I almost broke my computer when shut GPT was Answers for this, for this words.

Speaker 2:

Really. Yeah, I don't know. I use it definitely as an inspiration tool almost. If you are giving it like a really good Directions, it can be super helpful. Actually, today I have a funny one. I was like trying to come up with an idea for your brand and I said, like it's a skincare brand, it's from Ukraine, so it has it has to be something like Ukrainian, but also Maybe like use a part of Ukrainian name and maybe use some, like you, ukrainian Word. And it actually came up with that. It's stupid. Came up with the name Vashivanka Vitaly. For those of you who don't know. It's like Traditional Ukrainian dress or like the shirt, and Vitaly is like the man name very commonly.

Speaker 3:

Ukraine. It's like tissue, john pretty much so.

Speaker 2:

Chetgy didn't good, didn't do a very good job, but yet I like the direction, you know, like I. I can give him brownie points for that.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so three. It's also three techniques to create a business name for your company that and one of them I use myself. So take the Main words of your company and add one of those ending it's L Y, f? Y, I, you am, I, f? Y, I Y O. And I'll give you a few example.

Speaker 3:

By the way, this is how I come up with flow you. So I knew that I want to have a flow in my name. That's why I was coming up with flow knee, flow, via, and so forth. But I was at the conference and there were a company presenting called build you, so like building, like building, and I am. It was property management company, and I'm like, oh wow, I, you am. And I'm like, how about flow you? And this is how I came up with the name. It was in Orlando, florida, so like Shopify, ending at FY, sortly, and they get L? Y. So any name you like Google right now, or like go to Go daddy probably all domains are bought with those extensions, but still you can come up with something. Cabify is Alternative to Uber.

Speaker 2:

I feel like this I FY, like Cabify, shopify, that they are almost have reputation of like something like tech businesses, like so many apps right now was like I FY and stuff like that. But that's a cool, actually way of thinking about it. I never thought about this like formula Cool.

Speaker 3:

So. So the next one is to combining two words, two short words. What? What you just said about Using and, but you can use to a word to give more meaning. Let's say, door dash Mail chimp active campaign. I.

Speaker 2:

Have one more story. You know this. What's the name? There is a door dash and there is something with the dishes something dishes. Okay but I, I don't. I, for I can't remember this. It's probably like a bad branding, because I call it drop the dishes, but it's not drop the dishes, it's something else. Skip the dishes, it's skip the dishes Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean good idea, good branding. It just doesn't work for me. I always call it drop the dishes for some reason. So yeah, door dash, I love door dash. And male chimp, cool, like, really cool names I probably like. This is the Strategy or technique I would go with for you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the last thing, again, it's very similar to what I just said. How I came up with flow him. Keep your eyes open when you walking street, driving less than he. See how other company named their brands and Get the inspiration from them. So you know, as your firestone from smart marketer, he named his company zipify some very simple. It's a app for Shopify, zipify app for Shopify. Back in 2019, me and Vera were working on in Boston for Clavio 2019 event and I presented to Vera idea of flow. You, vera didn't like it because it's like she said. She said it's it's very too close to Clavio and I said like, but zipify and Shopify is Similar. It's like okay, makes sense, but I still don't like.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, I don't like it almost.

Speaker 2:

it almost like limits you to working only with Clavio, right, and what if something happens with Clavio? What if they, I don't know just go broke or whatever Things happen? So yeah yeah, I like our current name, though, so you did an amazing job, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. No, but listen, without you giving me a hard time, I couldn't come up with such a great name.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome, andrey, anytime.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, thank you. And the last thing I just want to share a snapshot from that all times when I came up with them Name, so I created this kind of table.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I created this kind of table in the first column. It was an all potential names and I use those Criteria that we described it today and rated between one to ten and at the end it give me a score. I don't think flow. Yeah, flow was not there. So when I come up with flow, I forgot about this table because flowing was that. They're one. But basically you can use this table to brainstorm your ideas and, as you can see, I was like fixing numbers and thinking about it.

Speaker 2:

I love, I like flows be so fun Flow me face be. Yeah, fun, it's a really fun name.

Speaker 3:

No, it was be but just imagine somebody to spell it and to pronounce it too, it's challenging yeah sometimes people like flip the w in our company called flow me home Not floating, but yeah, yeah, Recently new. One floppy or something was yeah when they came on that's a new one.

Speaker 2:

There is like this whole meme about like meant men can't pronounce Valentine's Day, like a lot of people say Valentine's Day. Like not Valentine's but Valentine's, so that's, that's like the same thing. But yeah, what are your ideas about the new company? Like, where you thinking about, like potential names, anything that stood out to you?

Speaker 3:

So you, you said about your kind of keywords. Your idea was about glow, my idea was about bloom. I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

I like the bloom one, but there is actually a company, the skincare company, that literally calls bloom. So be careful yeah.

Speaker 3:

I didn't mean to call it like put bloom, maybe the bloom you know, but as to play from that perspective. But basically I will use some of popular keywords about presenting something fresh blooming, growing, no, growing is probably what one word and I'll play with that doesn't even have to be this way.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what is like number one most popular skin care sunscreen on Sephora? It's called. It's called Drunk elephant. It has nothing to do with like with skin care it has like nothing, but yet you like remember it right, or like ordinary. I mean ordinary does not Say a lot about what this product is about or what it's gonna, what it's gonna change, or I like brand it, it's not.

Speaker 3:

It's not it's something about cosmetics or it's not only skincare routine, I believe, but I love their rituals, you mean ritual, now routine rich, rich. Yeah, do you guys have it in?

Speaker 2:

the States because we don't have it in Canada yet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I read sure.

Speaker 2:

It's actually French brand, but their entire branding is very like Japanese, so they have this like Japanese symbols on the brand and I love this. I love their product. I love their branding. They're selling. They made boring products fun again. They're selling like shower gels and stuff like that, and I love their branding. Yeah, rituals.

Speaker 3:

So here's, here's just quick update what's going on right now. So the company that I hired for it see they almost done next week what they will be done with the audit. So basically, they will pick close to 10, probably 10, products oh sorry, we already picked 10 product they auditing and how to present it to the market, like like in terms of Description, what to say on the packages and so forth. So this, so, after they deliver the audit, next step would be easier to sell it in the original package, so changed nothing, and just to start selling, which is my way of doing things.

Speaker 2:

And then, if it starts selling, well, and then I will start investing time in Creating the name and buying the name, registering and their original packaging is amazing and their branding is so cool and I love like the name of the business, but you said you had some like issues with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, now like five or six trademarks registered in us and we talking about, like big pharmaceuticals. Who has deep pockets to go after you so hard?

Speaker 2:

one name that I had. Okay, let's judge if he generated it, but I like Something like renewable, renewable, but it's like very hard to pronounce or it can be something like actually you know that kohanacom is still available. With which with kh so it's a Ukrainian spelling. Yeah, with each one is not available. Kohana in Ukrainian it means my love, so it's a beautiful name for like a skincare. I think that's there's.

Speaker 3:

There's a coffee company, kohana, but it's in. You know what it is?

Speaker 2:

It's something about Hawaii, I think there's oh, maybe it's actually when you said it. It sounds actually Hawaiian. Yeah, I was thinking maybe like mixing some like Ukrainian, Wow but I think they have.

Speaker 3:

I think they have. They probably have a trademark already registered. If the name kohana is primary, a female name of Japanese origins, that means little flower, so cool. But, I will buy a by domain anyway.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Just don't buy it, we are please.

Speaker 2:

Do this. I have my credit card connected to go daddy. You know it's my, it's my little hobby too. But yeah, I mean, I was just like thinking of like using that like Ukrainian origin because, like our language is like so melodic and so beautiful.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not available. No, maybe I miss out with kh with kh koh K8.

Speaker 2:

It's a difficult spelling. Yeah, so, yeah, so, maybe something like Ukrainian, like Lana and spring or like milla milla and spring or something, because that's like brand. The whole brand is like around, like spring and Renewal and like glowing and stuff like that. Or wish a vanco, vitaly, you can always go with that.

Speaker 3:

I'm just curious how many people finish listening is this episode, which is, if you are still listening. Thank you much for listening. We had fun. I hope you have fun. You know what sometimes they release in our podcast just to like. You're in mind, where we laughing a lot just to Pick up my mood, because when I'm listening I'm laughing as well.

Speaker 2:

You're just like laughing at your own jokes. Look at you the way to go. And you guys, if you have some like cool ideas for like a skincare brand name, just like, let us know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what's up, Thank you.

Speaker 2:

We are like even under this YouTube videos. Let's, let's do the contest. If undre picks your, if undre picks your name for his brand, we're gonna send you something. Socks Well thank you so much for listening till the end and staying till the end. If you state We'll see you next Tuesday. Bye, take care. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to email. Einstein, can you feel that your marketing brain just got a little bit bigger? We ask that you please use it wisely. You've got all the theory you need to get out there and start boosting your sales, because great emails equals revenue squared.

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