Email Einstein Ingenious eCommerce Email Marketing by Flowium

Mother’s Day: Top Email Marketing Strategies and Campaign Ideas to Drive Sales

Vira Sadlak & Andriy Boychuk Season 1 Episode 193

193 - Tune in for our insights on how to engage with your customers on an emotional level while helping them find the perfect gift for mom. Discover our top email marketing campaign ideas to prompt your subscribers to shop this Mother’s Day.

Watch the video showcasing all email design examples here!

You’ll Learn

  • How to tie your products with your email marketing strategy
  • One segmenting strategy you should implement before Mother’s Day
  • The differences between marketing Mother’s Day in the UK, the US and Canada
  • Email campaign ideas for even the least giftable industries
  • The secret to conversion beyond discount incentives
  • Andriy and Vira’s top suggestion for optimizing your website this Mother’s Day

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to email Einstein, a podcast by Floium. It's time to start honoring your inner marketing Einstein. Tune in for the data-driven tips that'll make you a marketing genius. Here you'll find email marketing formulas and tips straight from the brilliant mad scientists at Floium. It's time for your emails to start earning more money. It's time to unleash your Einstein.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone and welcome back to email Einstein. The podcast by Floium. We are your host, Vera Sadlak and Andrey Ibochuk. And we are happy to welcome you guys back to discuss all things Mother's Day. Hey, andrey, what are your plans for Mother's Day this year? I know it's like far from the moment we're recording, but like, do you guys have any like traditions at home? Are you doing anything special on Mother's Day, traditionally with your family?

Speaker 3:

Nothing unique, but typically we go to each like to my mother-in-law, to my mother, like to give them flowers and sometimes gifts, and then later we'll probably go to restaurant for dinner, lunch or dinner with my family, with my wife and kids.

Speaker 2:

So this is our Cute.

Speaker 3:

Do you?

Speaker 2:

guys also celebrate Father's Day, or is it not such a big deal as Mother's?

Speaker 3:

Day no, no, we do, we do, we do.

Speaker 2:

Oh, cool we try to celebrate All things, because I just learned about like Father's Day when I moved to like Canada and I think it's like more like a recent thing, the Father's Day. But Mother's Day obviously is like a big thing. But Father's Day is just like I feel like it's getting more and more popular and we will actually record like a whole separate episode about it. But today, you guys, we want to share some like exciting ideas for Mother's Day campaigns with you. Mark your calendar if you haven't already. Mother's Day this year is May 12th and we celebrate moms in our lives, all kinds of moms, and we'll definitely talk about it today. But before we go to that like juicy part of our episode, andri, I have this like numbers from the research conducted by National Retail Federation I was trying to ask you the question.

Speaker 3:

This is typical question. You always ask me, so go ahead let me guess.

Speaker 2:

No, no, go ahead, andri Go ahead, but you probably have the answer.

Speaker 3:

I was trying to ask you how much do you think people span on Mother's Day?

Speaker 2:

here in the US. Oh, my question was different, but let me guess. Let me guess it's in billions.

Speaker 3:

It's in billions.

Speaker 2:

Okay, then I might be like super off One billion dollar dollars no 36.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was so close, Not really, but wow, 36, which is, I wonder, how much is it per person? Like, what's the average span per person? Well, if you like, add the traditional branch that a lot of people are doing cards, flowers, stuff like that. It's a, it's a pricey holiday and I think it's like so worth it, so well deserved. Actually, have this like stats. Maybe you can guess what is the number one thing that people spend money on during that Mother's Day season.

Speaker 2:

What is like the most popular category Flowers are actually number two.

Speaker 3:

Candies, sweets. The number five candies in sweets oh come on, I'm not, I'm not, I'm bad today.

Speaker 2:

Actually, the number one thing is greeting cards, and I think it's kind of kind of cool cause email, if you think about it, is like an electronic gift greeting card, almost. So yeah, so let's see what we have.

Speaker 3:

You know, I sometimes I go to pharmacy stores and they have like the entire row, like on both sides, was greeting cards and I'm like, wow, it's so expensive to have those greeting cards. And you have a like mega companies like Hallmark where they just sell greeting cards. I mean they have other stream of incomes like movies, series, blah, blah, blah, but majority sorry, but big portion of their income is from greeting cards. And recently my, my wife, bought a greeting card and she said like whoa, I just spent $8 for greeting card. I didn't know they are so expensive.

Speaker 2:

That's inflation for you, andrew. A few years ago they were like around four bucks, so $8,. Huh, that's expensive. I do actually buy them in bulk, but the generic one without like anything on them, just like a generic, like a thank you card or something, or just like a plain one.

Speaker 3:

So I'm like guilty, guilty of that. Congratulations was a baby boy and you bought the like 20 of them.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember like in France they had this episode when they bought this like banner it's a boy, but it turned out to be a girl. So they just like added it's not a boy or whatever. So I guess that's me and the cards.

Speaker 3:

Funny thing about adding stuff towards. You know there's under armor. Under armor, famous t-shirts has the hardest worker in the room and my coach in the gym wore the same t-shirt, I mean with the same thing, and like came to me. Like I said you're missing the second and he's like I didn't get it. Who's the?

Speaker 2:

hardest working now. Yeah, you see conflict of interest.

Speaker 3:

Well, anyway, so we just lost probably half of our audience, so let's now continue with the Mother Day emails and email working strategy. Let's do this, Andrey, actually sorry, I do apologize for all listeners. There's a big construction across the street. They go crazy today and I cannot mute them, so I do apologize for back noise.

Speaker 2:

It's New York for you, it makes it even more like you know New York, your sounding so authentic. That's the word. That's the word, andrey, actually this first idea that we're about to discuss.

Speaker 3:

So we'll have like six email marketing examples, strategy examples you can use for Mother's Day. But before we go over one by one, I just want to share cool stats that I found on Clavio website, with the statistics so, on average, on average, email marketing campaigns bring around like 730,000 for brands, but for all Clavio brands, not just specific brands. They did the study for all Clavio, all brands that are using Clavio, and the average attributed revenue for email marketing is 730,000. And for SMS is around like 30,000. So, yes, it's much smaller but it's still extremely important channel for you as well.

Speaker 2:

It's like still insane if you think about it. I know a lot of brands are actually debating whether or not they want to do this like whole Mother's Day campaign if they are not in that like giftable industry or like flowers or whatever. But we're actually going to share some examples of how you can tie this holiday with your email marketing strategy, even if you're not in that like specific industry. But yeah, thank you for sharing this numbers. They are crazy to me.

Speaker 3:

honestly, I didn't expect them to be that high. And if you, if you planning to do campaigns or specific campaigns for Mother's Day, we strongly recommend, as a step number one, to start preparing, and start preparing early. And by preparing I mean collect, start collecting data. Data about your subscribers Are they male or female? Possibly do they have kids, do they have a wife or husband? That information will help you customize and segment the list later and also we'll talk about it in our first example but also to create different segment and one of the most important segment would be, like emails segment of people who should not receive your campaigns about Mother's Day promotion.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and that's actually our first strategy that we wanted to talk to you about before we go into all of that. Like other promotional emails that you can do, the trend that we've started noticing a lot and honestly, that's something that we've been doing with, like a lot of our clients are this opt out a Mother's Day Kind of emails and read tell us more about it, like I think you are actually the first one who brought this idea to our team, so yeah, I personally did not invented, just probably notice some other brands doing this and I introduce it to the company and we start offering this to our clients.

Speaker 3:

By the way, this is how everything works out, like I follow million different brands, million different industries actually we all do and we even have a slack channel where we share different ideas what other brands are doing and it's I mean, it gives us a lot of ideas what we can offer to our clients anyway. So the strategy here is very simple to send the only one email, simple email. It can be tax based email or it can be branded email, but their shirt was one call to action. It can we to ask people if they would like to opt out or stay out from mother's day promotion or any emails, because for some people it's sense of the topics, especially when you lost your mom, let's say it's your mom died or I don't know. Something happened and it's extremely sensitive topic for you, for your audience. So that's why it's nice to ask, but don't be pushy. Send one email and the said if they opt out, great.

Speaker 2:

Make sure to create this segment and excluded from all mother's day campaigns yeah, last year I received actually quite a few of those emails and I can imagine how even this emails can be like triggering to someone you know, when you're just like Receiving 10 different emails from 10 different brands. Hey, do you want to opt out from our mother's day? Like emails like I always feel like sometimes they can be even more pushy and aggressive than the mother's day email itself. But that's just me. I don't know what do you want me to?

Speaker 3:

I hear your point, but if you're doing this, not your first year, remember to save that, the response. And if the person first year said, do not send me anything, what mother's day do not, as that person next year like nothing, trust me nothing, probably nothing changed. So I mean, yeah, and maybe in the same email, it's a good opportunity maybe to ask about mother and father right away. So you collect two pieces of information.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, interesting, interesting. Yeah, I also don't want to give my Like subscribers and idea that they can opt out of my emails at all. I mean, obviously that's an option, but I don't want necessarily to give them that option too often. You know what if they'll decide to unsubscribe from like other holidays as well and that's such a big Marketing holiday for us. Anyways, there's just like I'm thinking out loud. I did receive quite a few of them actually.

Speaker 3:

I would agree kind of I would agree with you. So we giving ourselves too much, too much credit as a brand. That people reading all our email from A to Z and they just following us. So maybe Use it or not use it is up to you. Try it and see what kind of response you will get.

Speaker 2:

I actually started receiving mother's day emails already, believe it or not, and we are recording it and it's still like February, right.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, is it by accident, you think, or it's real?

Speaker 2:

No, because in the UK they celebrate a mother's day and like I think like beginning of March or something, and I didn't realize that before. So that's like another important thing for you to like consider. If you like selling different countries, do not send this like Mother's Day, happy Mother's Day emails in May, because it's like two months too late for UK people. So yeah, just something to consider.

Speaker 3:

If you, if you miss, we recorded two episodes. Earlier episode was here about UK versus US brand. I mean shopping experience, markets and so forth, and we spoke a lot about culture. So, as we are sad, she's already receiving mother's day emails, but she's in UK Also in September. I received father's day email and from Australia brand, australian brand and I thought it was a mistake. But now I'm thinking maybe in Australia they also celebrate in September, so maybe it wasn't mistake.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, and actually I think all of this, like Commonwealth countries, they will be celebrating like similar holidays at the same time, except for Canada, because Canada is doing everything the same as US. So yeah, that's like a little tip for you.

Speaker 3:

I did check it so I was right. So in Australia it's September 1st, the father day.

Speaker 2:

Nice, nice, and then I mean they kind of have to have something, some sort of like holiday that's like the same time as our. What is it Labor Day? Or what do we have like in September, whatever? Because I've noticed that all of the countries they have holidays at the same time, but they just like celebrate different things, which is like super convenient, especially if you're like work with like international community, right. So In Canada we have identical holidays to you guys, but we celebrate different things, just because we are different, you know, but basically we are off the same time if you're watching us on YouTube, there's few example, one from rocks box.

Speaker 3:

I don't like their header like yeah, you can opt out, but here's get $25. You know it's like combination of transactional plus. We trying to place play nice and asking you for opt out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm in general not a fan of like brands. Adding that like menu bar on top of the emails, yes, possibly it will help you increasing your click through rates, but I mean the main traffic will not go through your main CDA, right? That's a good conversation for the whole. Another episode probably.

Speaker 3:

I think that the parallel I can make is like blasting one email to everybody. Well, can you hit more people? Probably yes. What will it help with the conversion? Probably not Okay.

Speaker 2:

So we covered the first one, first strategy and let's move on to the second one, and it's yeah, the second one, the second strategy, I call it celebrate all kinds of mumps, and that's like the point that we briefly touched on before. Basically you don't need to be in that like giftable industry or whatever to be celebrating mumps. I really like this email example from the brand called wild one. I think it's like supplement brand for pets or something. They actually have this email that says to our favorite kind of mom celebrating moms, to the two lagged and four lagged or somewhere in between. Obviously they're referring to like dogs and humans and stuff. But yeah, it just like it's the day where you can be fun with your copy and email designs. You can celebrate all kinds of mumps.

Speaker 2:

This other email that I think is very like smart and witty is the email by brand called clean cult, and this are the cleaning supplies. Basically, the most terrible, probably gift that you can give to your mom is like the bunch of cleaning supplies For mother's day. I'm just like thinking about my mom. She wouldn't be happy about like receiving like new cleaning supplies for the house, right, but they actually worded it nicely. They say consider this a gift for your home and mother earth.

Speaker 2:

So they kind of worded it differently and I think it's like super fun and super cool and yeah, and then the email design itself is very, very, very cute and Sephora did this like huge promotion, like few years ago, where they were celebrating mother figures right up. So they celebrated like woman who like adopted kids. They celebrated different, like women who are like artists known throughout their communities because they are like teachers and cultural advisors and they have that like Mom figure role. So the idea here is you don't necessarily need to talk about the actual mothers if you want to send emails for your mother's day also on the same topic, I will add that nurturing like Celebrate all mom slash like nurturing.

Speaker 3:

If you're not in that giftable industry, let's say you're selling something that I don't know, let's take a shock surplus of the clients. We spoke a lot about them and we had shown on our podcast before they sell not sucks Sharks. So I would create a nurture campaign. You can not mention your products. You can create either gift guide or recommendation or something that will be useful for your, for your audience. All, all people, by default, have mothers. Meaning is our nature, so it's applicable to all brands. And, based on my experience, like even from last Saturday, I send a campaign. It's totally different industries like not for profit, but I send a campaign, not asking for money. What I send it? I shared with people printable posters that they can take to rallies. I didn't ask for any penny. I just say, hey, today is the second world, second year of war in Ukraine. Here's a posters you can print out and go to your local rallies. I didn't ask for a penny and that that campaign generated few thousand dollars, just I mean from donations.

Speaker 2:

It's that like giving before asking thing. You know, that's what I appreciate about like.

Speaker 3:

By the way, you can reuse every year, maybe update some design or shift the order, but just I don't know, like, pick a playlist or a list of restaurant things to visit, whatever it is, what's what's fun for you, just create it and share it with your audience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, actually for shock surplus, we didn't do the mother's day although I might rethink this strategy but we did really cool father's day campaign where we basically asked all of the shock surplus dead To share their favorite dad joke about cars. It was such a fun idea. It was like such a cool campaign. We like generated a lot of revenue, a lot of fun. Also, that like community building aspect and we like showcase the pictures of like shock surplus employees who are like fathers with their families, with their kids amazing campaign. Maybe we're gonna talk about it in one of the future episodes.

Speaker 3:

I, you know what, you know what, I would do something fun I'm not sure how possible to do it, but your first mother of your first mom's car or something you know, like in picture by the car, like like when the audience can share it with you in advance, or maybe community, and you can feature them in that email that's such a cool idea.

Speaker 2:

Actually love it, actually love it. Yeah gosh, I wish I could Feature my first car. It was such a what's the word English word beater is that the, is that a word? Such an old car. I shared it with my husband. It was Volkswagen Jetta. We draw it to like a half of million kilometers and I would definitely want to feature it in one of the emails. I just need to come up with a reason why feature this car. It was amazing.

Speaker 3:

Just because I put it is a subject, just because.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one. I can do whatever I want. I'm the admin in that account right now. I'm joking. Okay, let's go to like more like typical, standard kind of more expected kind of ideas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sure, I mean, of course it's a great idea for you to run the sale. It's a you need the reason you can create a sale just because, but also you can create a sale because of mother's day. People are trained and expecting To get sales on the mother's day. You can. There's a bunch of on the radio, on TV. You go to local mall, everything like mother's, they sell, mother, they sell. And here we have a few examples. I love this from ever lane, land lane. How do you pronounce?

Speaker 3:

ever lane and I love that, that collage of pictures with kids and mom's. Yeah, but those like retro pictures, not that the it's probably from what 90s? Yeah or 80, 85, 90s, and I love that, like I love those vintage pictures, and they are adding some urgency, saying hey, the last day to shop, to get it by Mother's Day and free today shipping.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they actually shared the pictures of them with their mothers, just like the team, the Everlane team, or something because it also says, since most of us can't hug our moms right now, we're offering a free two-day shipping.

Speaker 2:

Today I think it was like around like pandemic time when they send this email, so I think it was like super cute and yeah, yeah, I mean the email is amazing, cool and, just like you said, all of the all of the Promotions and sales, they will start early because you need that like time for people to Like to think, to pick the gift, to purchase the gift, but also to deliver. That's why I really love that like free shipping Promos around the around the holidays. They are always ahead with our customers. So, yeah, maybe that's.

Speaker 3:

Also, when you do sale, I would strongly recommend for to give a reason why I Should buy in your brand for my mom or for my wife, why it's important, because I cannot talk for all guys but just talking about myself. 50% off tells me nothing. But if you paint a picture why my mom or why my wife need that product or service or trip or dinner, how the life will be different or that moment will be different. It will be more impactful for me personally than 50% off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and actually we have like one more example here is by Brent, called dough lashes, and actually we did something similar with one of our lashes brands that we work With last year. It's that like buy one, get one free kind of deal, or in that in their case I think it was like buy one, get one, 50% off, but the idea was that you can buy one set of lashes and get another one for free, so one is like for you and one is for your mom, so for you to to like match or whatever. So I think that buy one get one is a really cool concept, especially around this holiday.

Speaker 3:

So the Brazilian bomb bomb should do something similar.

Speaker 2:

I mean, Andre, you've got to try it. We it's like the third episode that we like keep talking. Your wife probably know about the brand. Like ask her.

Speaker 3:

I see, is those bomb bombs now all over the place. I saw it in the airport in Sephora. Anywhere I go I see now see those bomb bombs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm talking about cream.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for giving the background, oh, but the way if you miss the episode.

Speaker 3:

If you missed the episode and the Insiders joke, please go to the previous episode one when I telling how, how we, what like, how to open the online store and the steps you need to take.

Speaker 2:

Yes, really fun episode to listen to. I might be biased, but I think it was a fun one. Anyways, another strategy that we love around this holiday is called help them. Help them shop, or help them shop smart. So there are a ton of ways of how you can like make your customers experience simpler and more enjoyable. Quizzes is one of them.

Speaker 2:

Gift guides and then as another way of doing that and sometimes people get Overwhelmed by all of this technology, but I'm really really loving this example by brand called brilliant earth.

Speaker 2:

They created this super simple email and they had like little quiz where they were asking like four types of questions the answer to this questions. They were like color-coded gray, blue, pink and green and basically you had to answer the questions about your mom and your and her everyday style and then, based on what the majority of your answers were, they had like recommendations for the product. So, for example, if majority of the answers were gray, this are the gifts that she will like. If, if you picked like pink answers, this is like the the, the type of gifts that your mom would appreciate, and I think it's super cool idea because a you kind of help them to navigate through tons of different cues that you have on your website. But also it's such a cool idea because it does not require you to have any like additional technology. There are amazing ton of amazing like apps and technologies and you can build this like expensive M email, but honestly, you can do the same thing with less resources and the effect is gonna be about the same.

Speaker 3:

I never see this before, but this is this is such an amazing email and I love the concept. It's very easy to follow. It's like easy to navigate. You don't need to go to any Like outside of email, you can just scroll and I like the their categorization for like under hundred dollars, under right to fifty dollars, under like five hundred dollars.

Speaker 2:

It's such a cool idea. I love that. I bet this email was created by like in 90s kids, because we did have this type of like quizzes and this type of like Things and the magazines from the early 2000s, and I love that kind of things like what kind of chips Are you? What? What kind of Disney princess? We talked about it, but like I'm a sucker for all this kind of Stuff and I even know what kind of like potato I am, that's like my favorite I'm, apparently. I'm like a Irish Fries or whatever it is, so that's like my kind of potato. Well, anyways, so let's move on. Yeah, unless you know what kind of potato are you, andre.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not, but I wanted to say that I love the brand, not brand them breed of potato I don't know how to say like the golden one is Like. Until I tried that one I thought the potato, all potato, is the same.

Speaker 2:

Subscribe to our emails. Emails for For email marketing recommendations and potatoes recommendations, yeah yeah, potato recommendations.

Speaker 3:

And also, if you want to see if you're a Beater car, like subscribe and we won't send one just because yeah, just just because email subscribe, email newsletter.

Speaker 2:

I love that for us Cool. One more email that I really, really love. It's kind of like a gift guide email, but not really. It's by brand called Ipollita and it's like another jewelry brand, obviously jewelry, such a statement piece, such a like Mother's Day Kind of email. But I love that they created an email not around products necessarily, but more around like Moms and like mother stories, and they actually featured the Founder and her mom and that email. But they also featured like Zoe Kravitz and her daughter and this email because she's apparently like the co-owner of that brand. So, yeah, so while they were promoting the products, they also promoted like the pictures of their moms, which made this email so personable. I love that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like what I said, said, said earlier about this, make it people see the feel, to have a feeling about your emails and they will Feel more likely to buy versus like, hey, here's a product, here's 20% off, yours are free shipping. Market now or the sale will end.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're selling an experience, right. You're selling the difference between where person is and where they will be, or where they want to be. So that's what you're selling, actually, and I think this is like your example by Stephen Allen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was just trying to find some example, great examples, of give guides as well. This is also like curated email with some products, not much, but they have different titles, so caring for you, and they have different brands watching over you. They have different watches, so what they playing was watches and trying your shoes, as all kids oh sorry, not all, but mostly like lady like girls trying mother's shoes, but probably guys as well. I don't remember myself in the childhood but we trying parents shoes and such.

Speaker 2:

It's very clever way to organize the email. I love that, thank you I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, another cool idea is that I liked again another gift guide, but it's very different in the terms that they worded it differently and they said gifts to their door and basically the idea here is that this brand they were promoting the gifts that are like super small, that will be delivered in time, and actually the gifts are so small the smaller items will even fit through the letter box and that's their whole sort of like spend something like so small that you can like literally fit into the letter box.

Speaker 2:

So no matter whether your mom is at home or not at home, they will receive this package in time for Mother's Day. And now when I'm like looking at this email, I realized that it was from one of those like British brands, because apparently here is the entire thing to receive your package you need to be at home, you need to be like waiting by the door to receive the package, it's the whole thing. So, yeah, it's very cool concept for like British brands. Maybe for you guys in America it's not such a big like problem right To deliver or to receive the package. So maybe stay away from this idea if you are in the States or Canada.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So next one, next strategy is to stay away from sales. Yeah, honestly a big believer that, yeah, there's different groups of people, but also it's an option to stay away from sales and instead of selling your products or doing some kind of promotion, just remind that and I like this tough, tough and needle brand that you show an example and they have two boxes, the top images, and on one box is a tax, your mom and another called your mom, and tax is like crossed out and call. So it's very direct call to action like hey, instead of texting, call your mom. I think it's very clever way, clever email strategy, and just reminds us that calling talking is more personal than texting.

Speaker 2:

On the other hand, samsung did this entire Mother's Day campaign around texting and they actually picked like different funny messages from like moms or like people who received from their moms, and they actually were promoting, obviously, their phone. I think it was like back in 2018 or something, so they were like promoting their phone, but in a funny way. I really like this message from someone's mom that said how do I hashtag your brother? Like what, what do you mean? How do I hashtag her brother? Or like this message from a mom that said I took a selfie of your day, dad. Like the whole point of selfie, right, that it's like a selfie. Oh, and this one is my favorite the mom sent a message want to get some ice cream, and she had like a lot of poop emojis. Apparently, she thought it was chocolate, ice cream or something. So, yeah, text your mom, call your mom, do whatever you want.

Speaker 3:

The story about emoji. One of our team member was there, like he used to work with us last year, I believe, and you know that praying emoji where you have like two hands and he was thinking this. I mean the way he saw it and he explained it to our team. He thought it's like high five, you know.

Speaker 2:

But that's the thing Pantry did. You know that that's originally how they planned this thing to be?

Speaker 2:

Oh, really Like yeah, that's the thing. I read somewhere that they originally came up with the idea that it's going to be like a high five but then people sort of like understood it completely differently. And then the guy posted this like message saying like now I feel bad because I was always like high-fiving whenever they saw the news about like terror attack or something and he thought that he was like praying, but the original idea was the high five anyways.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow, okay, so yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

But I mean it became. It became the thank you or the prayer or whatever.

Speaker 3:

So we so ice cream. Ice cream was ice is not the ice cream correct.

Speaker 2:

No, the brown ice cream.

Speaker 3:

Brown ice cream was not ice cream.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no no, stay away from that. Like emoji, but I think it's such a cool idea, right Like they were promoting the phone, but at the same time, it's something that all of us can like connect with. I did receive my fair share of like finding messages from my mom to you, but I'm not going to share them because my mom is listening to this podcast, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

Hi to yours mom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and actually, andrew, maybe you saw, a few years ago they had this promotion. I think it was like American Greetings, greetings World or something like a greeting card company. They had this like social experiment where they were like auditioning people or not auditioning, they were like hiring people and they had like an interview.

Speaker 2:

They were like interviewing people and they basically created this like a fake job interview for director of operation position that required the applicant to work 24, seven, 365 days a year, with no breaks and no pay, and actually at the end of that video you might have seen it because it was so viral at the end of that video it actually was revealed that the job was actually being a mother.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it was like kind of like a sweet and fun way and they were also saying that the clients are very like demanding that they like give you no breaks, that you have to be available 24 seven and like. The reaction of people was like shock, you know. But then turned out that they were like describing of how it is being a mom. So, yeah, cool, okay, and the last one, but a very also powerful strategy that we use all the time is actually last minute mother's day emails and emails with countdown timers. So you just want to create that like sense of like urgency around your campaigns.

Speaker 2:

If you guys offer some sort of like gift cards, this is your day to shine because, believe me, a lot of customers will be looking for that like last minute Gift for their mom. So do deliver some like gift card promotions early in the morning so they can purchase it. Or if you say offer like an express shipping or something, you can promote it as well like few days before the actual mother's day. So here's the good example by one of the jewelry brands. They basically said that if you order today, buy like this time, order by noon today and receive it tomorrow with an expedited shipping, great. So if you offer that, that's also like a big thing.

Speaker 3:

But and if you don't, if you don't check out the exp, like expedited shipping, it might be a little bit more hustle for you, it will cost more to your customer, but trust me, you will pick up some sales from having that options on such on such holidays.

Speaker 2:

Right. Right, and I mean it's in general. It's a good idea to have that like shipping option for your customers, because there are some people who are, like, willing to pay to get the product delivered ASAP and you definitely don't want to lose that customer Right.

Speaker 3:

Actually I did not buy from some brands because of that, Because one and I even message them through chat on the website and ask them like listen, can you send you expedited and willing to pay more? And they like sorry, but we don't have that option. Like, OK, that's fine, but this is how they can lost me.

Speaker 2:

But you guys are spoiled Americans. I love that. I love that for you.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm just procrastinator with gifts. It's just sometimes like a lot of work I have to do, a lot of tasks to do, and then I'm like, oh, I forgot to buy a gift, or sorry, I didn't forgot to buy it, but there's not enough time to.

Speaker 2:

Right, no, I see what you're saying.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and one more thing that I would like to say or to mention is to have a chat on the website and not AI, if possibly, if you're working nine to five, like, have that chat available only maybe for this holiday, but you will pick up more clients. I, personally, if I'm buying a gift, especially some, is our jewelry or something they're personal.

Speaker 2:

Right here yeah.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, like personalized, yeah, stuff like that. I typically like to chat and confirm like this Does it work like this, will it look like that or like would you be able to deliver to my address by this day?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know you're a big fan of this, like automated AI chat bots.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not, Come on. Yeah, I said fan, I said fan. Yeah, that's people who are listening. They don't see your four fingers.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah. So Andrew is very like anti AI support chats and I do kind of agree with you. I'm on the same page with you because, like when you're going to chats normally, like you've exhausted all of your options and you actually want to talk to someone and not like the same thing that would send you the link to the same blog that you just like went through or to the FAQ section, but yeah, well, anyways, I actually going back to that, like putting things to the last minute, I really like this email by postable. It was very simple. It's like literally two lines email. It's at it's almost mother day. Schedule your card now, so you don't forget, stamps are still free and we have tons of new designs. Browse the card. So basically, this is the service where you can like pre, pre schedule the cards and send them and stuff like that, and yeah, and they actually not bragging, but maybe a little bit bragging.

Speaker 3:

We're like talking right now to work with them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I wish we could get them as a client or yes, they need some help. Yeah, you guys, your emails are terrible. You definitely need no. I really actually like this email. It's like so simple, so to the point, really good job, postable, yeah cool, cool, cool cool cool. Okay, andrew, you're a fan of countdown timers, so you can like briefly walk us through this same strategy applies.

Speaker 3:

Typically we say, hey, the last account died, count down timer for sales to end. But also you can use the countdown timer to last day to to get the product before, before the mother's day or less less chance to get the gift card and so forth. So use countdown timers strategically as well.

Speaker 2:

I love how you're struggling with pronouncing the countdown timer. So cute. Yeah, no, but they are. They are actually really cool and they're like super simple to add. You might need like a third party up to do that, but it's not a rocket science and we actually do have a video about it. And we do.

Speaker 1:

We do have a thing about like yes, we do, so we will share it, yeah, so we will share it in the description box as well.

Speaker 2:

Go and watch it. It's. It's pretty simple when you know how to do that, but it's like a powerful feature that can change your life, honestly Cool. So there you have it Six amazing strategies for you to try this mother's day. Let us know how it went, let us know if we missed anything. If there are anything else you can, you can suggest and, yeah, thank you for listening.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, see you next Tuesday. Bye.

Speaker 2:

See ya, bye.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to email. Einstein, can you feel that your marketing brain just got a little bit bigger? We ask that you please use it wisely. You've got all the theory you need to get out there and start boosting your sales, because great emails equals revenue squared.

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