Profit Producer Podcast

Exploring Entrepreneurial Success: A Journey with Dr. Sarah Renee Langley

DeKesha Williams Season 1

This is another episode of the Profit Producer Podcast, where we find out the stories and starting points behind every successful entrepreneur, hosted by our Virtual COO, DeKesha Williams. This week, our special guest is an Executive Leadership Coach, Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist and Award Winning TedX Speaker at LeadHER International, none other than Dr. Sarah Renee Langley. As we always do on this podcast, we’ll get to hear Dr. Sarah’s starting points, struggles and all the signs she asked for to get started being an entrepreneur herself. 


As a psychologist, she also shares tips on how we can adjust and maintain sanity on this global pandemic. For our profit producing moment, Dr. Sarah advises us to create a PROFIT PLAN - use a profit planning journal: track and measure your progress. 


Are you interested in hearing more of Dr. Sarah’s tips and advice? Tune in and join us in this week’s episode!

FREE Resources to Generate Consistent Leads:

  • If you want to learn the three tactics to generating consistent leads in your business grab this free resource - Create Consistent Leads
  • Are you ready to launch your next program using Challenges - Watch my FREE Masterclass -

Work with DeKesha Williams: