A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Relationships and Your Values with Summer Ng

August 19, 2020 Magic Barclay Season 1 Episode 17
Relationships and Your Values with Summer Ng
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
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A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Relationships and Your Values with Summer Ng
Aug 19, 2020 Season 1 Episode 17
Magic Barclay

Join the conversation! Send Magic a text here!

We are joined today by Summer Ng. Summer is passionate about helping women all over the world to connect to their inner wisdom so they can use their innate compass to navigate life's many possibilities and make rock solid decisions for their highest good, living a life of love, fun and joy.

Summer helps her clients gain awareness and understanding of their thought patterns and emotional health so that they can create a more fulfilling life.

Summer's top 3 tips for creating wealth, be it spiritual, financial, or physical:

  1. Get clear on what kind of wealth you want to create, put a number on it, and make it specific. Make it a SMART goal.
  2. Get deeper on your "why." When you accumulate your why, you accumulate your wealth.
  3. Drop into the vibes.  What is your life like when you have the wealth you want?  Visualize it clearly, in as much detail as possible.  You can decide now to feel happier, stronger, healthier right now.

You are a powerful creator.  You have the power to make a new choice, and therefore create something different for yourself.

Connect with Summer on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/summerngofficial
or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/summerngofficial/

She is offering a free audio program to our listeners called "Giving Yourself the Gift of You."  Reach out to her on FB or IG and mention this podcast to get access.

Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

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Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss +
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Show Notes Transcript

Join the conversation! Send Magic a text here!

We are joined today by Summer Ng. Summer is passionate about helping women all over the world to connect to their inner wisdom so they can use their innate compass to navigate life's many possibilities and make rock solid decisions for their highest good, living a life of love, fun and joy.

Summer helps her clients gain awareness and understanding of their thought patterns and emotional health so that they can create a more fulfilling life.

Summer's top 3 tips for creating wealth, be it spiritual, financial, or physical:

  1. Get clear on what kind of wealth you want to create, put a number on it, and make it specific. Make it a SMART goal.
  2. Get deeper on your "why." When you accumulate your why, you accumulate your wealth.
  3. Drop into the vibes.  What is your life like when you have the wealth you want?  Visualize it clearly, in as much detail as possible.  You can decide now to feel happier, stronger, healthier right now.

You are a powerful creator.  You have the power to make a new choice, and therefore create something different for yourself.

Connect with Summer on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/summerngofficial
or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/summerngofficial/

She is offering a free audio program to our listeners called "Giving Yourself the Gift of You."  Reach out to her on FB or IG and mention this podcast to get access.

Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

Support the Show.

Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay :

Welcome to A Magical Life: health, wealth and weight loss. I'm your host Magic Barclay, lead practitioner at Wholistic Natural Health Australia, and number one best selling author. In this podcast, I aim to give you practical tips on how to accelerate and sustain your health, increase your financial, spiritual and emotional wealth, and to look at something that haunts many of us needlessly: weight loss. In some episodes, I'll have guests available to give you even more tips, but in others, the floor is yours. Drop us a line at A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook and let me know what you would like to know more about. Now sit back and enjoy because it is time for you to create and truly discover a magical life. Welcome back to magical life. Find your host Magic Barclay and I'm joined today by the gorgeous Summer. Summer is one of my coaches. Now just a tip out there: if you're looking for a coach, get a coach that likes being coached. Because no one's perfect. We all have our own stuff to deal with. Anyway, enough of that Customer Service announcement there. Introduced Summer, my lovely coach. Now, Summer is passionate about helping women all over the world to connect to their inner wisdom so they can use their innate compass to navigate life's many possibilities and make rock solid decisions for their highest good, living a life of love, fun and joy. Summer is an international best selling author featured in Elevate Your Life, and for the past five years has professionally been helping people raise their power within, achieve their dreams, and have more love in their lives and create a life that they're actually excited about. Summer is a certified practicing accountant also, which I don't believe she's way too cool to be an accountant. Sorry, accountants. It's a running joke between Summer and I. And for 10 years prior to that was a certified self defense instructor. So welcome, Summer.

Summer Ng :

Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here.

Magic Barclay :

Good. Now, we've been talking for quite a while, probably about a year now on and off about different things. What lights you up in life?

Summer Ng :

What lights me up? I love the deep and meaningful conversations and really being able to see what makes a person tick. What brings them the most amount of joy, what it is that they truly want for themselves in this lifetime.

Magic Barclay :

That's fantastic.

Summer Ng :

And being able to help. Yeah, being able to help someone get from where they are to where they want to be.

Magic Barclay :

And I can tell you, everyone Listening that Summer does do exactly that. Amazing. Now Summer, What can your expertise do to accelerate health, be it physical, spiritual or emotional?

Summer Ng :

So I believe that our physical health is closely tied to our emotional and mental health. And therefore, through my signature system, I actually help my clients to gain awareness and understanding of their thought patterns and emotional health. From there, we can then work together to rewire their thought patterns, and break through limiting beliefs that they have to actually really get value from their past experiences. So instead of looking at past events as setbacks, we use these to set them up for success. What this means is that clients start to view themselves differently. They increase their self respect, their self esteem, self worth and change their self talk. This also means they tap into their courage to make new decisions and take new action. Now whether this means starting a new exercise routine, making healthier food choices, or acknowledging and celebrating their efforts, instead of harshly criticizing their own shortcomings. So the gentle, fun, easy way we look at life introduces transformation. And that, in turn, accelerates the health.

Magic Barclay :

So true Summer, so true. Now, you've been helping me, I'm gonna just throw it out there, with my dating life. And definitely, we've been addressing in our sessions, the setbacks that I'd had previously in life and what I'd made those mean, so - so the limiting beliefs aren't attached to things that had happened in the past. And we had a session this week where, I think I'd just about blew you away because I went, "everything is so cool! And this is actually entertaining." Like, instead of me getting stressed out about things that were happening and miscommunications, I'm now able to see the entertainment value in that and just sit back and take it for what it is and that's what a good coach can get you to. Wouldn't you agree?

Summer Ng :

Absolutely. And you definitely did blow me away.

Magic Barclay :

Oh, good. I think I blew myself away.

Summer Ng :


Magic Barclay :

Now what are your top three tips to create wealth? Now when we talk wealth, we're not just talking financial. Although as an accountant, I'm sure you have a lot of views on that. But we're also talking personal and emotional wealth. So what are your top three tips?

Summer Ng :

So here they are. First of all, you need to decide on what wealth you want to create. Now, whether This is personal, financial, emotional, put a number on it, make it specific. So as an example, just saying, I want more money, I can easily take $5 and hand it to you. There. You've got more money now. Make it more specific. Is it five grand you want? Is it $10,000 next month, put a figure on it.

Magic Barclay :

And it comes down to that SMART goal, doesn't it?

Summer Ng :

Yes. If you don't know clearly, where you're trying to get to how do you know when you when you have arrived at that place?

Magic Barclay :

You know, some of that actually reminds me of the old saying, "Are we there yet?" Where's there? Like if you don't know where there is, the answer is always going to be no.

Summer Ng :

Uh huh. And the thing is, there is always going to change right because once you get to your first there, There now moves further out. This is just human evolution and expansion. That's the way life works.

Magic Barclay :


Summer Ng :

But if you don't have that first clear point of where there is, it's, you would be wandering around in the desert, so to speak, and have no idea which direction or you could have gone past it and not know, as well.

Magic Barclay :

So true. So with wealth, you do the same thing. You create the specificity. You track it or measure it in a certain way has to be achievable, something that you can get to so you don't say I want a million dollars by next month. Maybe for some that's achievable, but for most of us, it's not. And it has to be realistic, and you have to have a time on it. Is that right?

Summer Ng :

Uh huh. 100%

Magic Barclay :

Right. So what's your second tip to creating wealth

Summer Ng :

Tip number two To be to deepen your why. So why is it so important to you to create that wealth you want, you might want to write this down. When you accumulate your why you accumulate your wealth. Because we are really, what we're doing here is to build and remember why it's so important to you to have that wealth that you desire. That is a very powerful driving force. And it just reminds you exactly why it is you want this, it makes it a necessary thing for you, if that makes sense.

Magic Barclay :

Cool. And what's your third tip to creating wealth?

Summer Ng :

The third tip I have for you is to drop into the vibes. What I mean by that, what is your life like when you have that wealth you want? How would you feel? What would you see? Hear taste, smell? What would you say to yourself? What would you say to other people around you? Really bring this vision you have of having this wealth that you want, bring it to life, allow yourself to feel what it's like, already being there. The reason behind that is, we all want something because we think we'll feel better when we have that thing. And if you can appreciate it, the thing is, you have the power to decide how you're going to feel. So you really don't have to wait till you have that wealth. Before you feel happier before you feel more confident before you feel stronger before you become healthier. It really is about changing the way you see yourself how you identify yourself. That's part of the key to making a new decision and therefore taking new action. Great. So those top three tips of some as to creating wealth, we'll just quickly go over them. So number one, decide on your what. What wealth did you want to create, and make it a SMART goal. Number two, deepen your why. Why is it important for you to create that wealth? And tip number three, drop into the vibes. Make it a real experience, the smell, the sound, the taste of you might be eating or drinking something, what you're wearing what the people around you are doing, create that full immersive picture. Those are fantastic tips. Thank you. Now we do talk about weight loss here, Summer. And it's something that many of us grapple with needlessly. But nonetheless, we do. So have you ever battled your weight? Have you had an experience with that? Yes, I have. Um, so I was overweight and that my heaviest while I was in an unhealthy long term relationship. Now if you ask me, I would say yes, there is a definite correlation between the two.

Magic Barclay :

Yeah, what did that look like for you?

Summer Ng :

Being in the relationship where I really wasn't valued for who I was. And first up that began with me it was because that's how I saw myself. Therefore, I accepted being treated that way. And that basically just contributed to eating the wrong kinds of foods and being quite inactive, which naturally led to being overweight. And on top of that, also very frequent breakouts on my face, which then fed back into the I don't - I don't look pretty, I don't feel good about myself. It was just a cycle really, a repeat, repeating loop for me.

Magic Barclay :

And how heavy were you?

Summer Ng :

I was about 63, 64 kilos at that point.

Magic Barclay :

Right. So to give you an all an idea of Summer, she's not a very tall person. I gravitated to her because I'm very short. But quite a slight frame so that weight for you was a lot?

Summer Ng :

Yes. I think I was about a size 12 back then.

Magic Barclay :

So you're in an unhealthy relationship with your partner and yourself and overweight. What changed? What happened there?

Summer Ng :

So I learnt that I needed to first acknowledge and then value myself, that that was the key thing in my own weight loss journey. I'm a big fan of journaling. For me, it's meditative and therapeutic. I've always loved writing. And in my journal, it's a space and time where I can get quiet and give myself a chance to have a voice and be heard. So I can understand and know myself better. In that space, it's just me and me. Nobody else has to read the journal, no one else has to know all those ugly thoughts I thought about myself, or how I was there to cheer myself on, to taking the actions that would help me get where I want to go.

Magic Barclay :

So what did that self awareness help you do?

Summer Ng :

So with that self awareness, I was then able to make the decision to change my habits, and then follow on with taking action. What I did was I started attending self defense classes two to three times every week. I've never really been a fan of the gym. So I picked something that had an additional layer of skills that I could learn, as well as the idea of personal safety, being able to look after myself. And on top of that, I was also making healthier food choices daily.

Magic Barclay :

That's great. Now I know that you do dancing. Did you dance back then? Or was that something that you found the freedom to do afterwards?

Summer Ng :

That definitely came afterwards. I would say quite honestly, I wasn't a very confident person. When I stepped into the self defense realm, it was completely foreign to me. Never thought I would even throw a punch, much less try and fight off a guy who's twice my size. And go on to to become instructor. That was a, that was a whole journey in itself. Learning self defense and learning that I, I am able to look after my own safety if the situation arises, then gave me the confidence to tackle something that I've always been curious about, which is dancing. Growing up in a Chinese family I, I've always thought - not that my parents made it explicitly clear, but in my little child's mind, I've always thought it's okay to do folk dancing or Chinese dancing, but nothing like Latin dance where you're, you know, not exactly covered up very much and doing all kinds of sexy moves on stage, or even if not on stage just with someone from the opposite gender. I think I saw it as a No, no, no, good girls don't do that type of thing. So to be able to step into that space and explore that and give myself permission to just have fun and play with Latin dance was definitely very freeing.

Magic Barclay :

And when you found that freedom, what did that do for your relationship with yourself?

Summer Ng :

That built on top of my foundation of self confidence. So I continued to show myself what else I could do that I had thought I couldn't. And it was also in this space that I met my current partner. So, before I did Latin dancing, one of the things that came out in my coaching and journaling as well is that I would be with somebody who also loves to dance. And one who sees fun in dancing. And the first conversation we had, just as two people who were new to a Latin dance class, when I asked him, what brought him to learning Latin dance, his answer really surprised me and caught my attention. He said to me, I'm here to be free to experience that freedom, both physically as well as mentally." Which -

Magic Barclay :

That's a very deep answer.

Summer Ng :

Exactly. I thought, wow, I never thought a guy would talk like that. And in that initial conversation to be this confident and this open with me, it definitely made me pay attention.

Magic Barclay :

That's great. Now, how much weight did you eventually lose?

Summer Ng :

From that point up til now I've eventually lost 12 kilos. And I haven't put any of that weight back on since. Which is quite amazing when I sit and think about it.

Magic Barclay :

And what would be the learning that you got from that journey?

Summer Ng :

That you are a powerful creator. So if you're not happy with your current situation, know that you have the power to make a new choice, and therefore create something different. It's always up to you. You hold the cards, you hold the keys to the change you want to see.

Magic Barclay :

I think a lot of people, especially a lot of women, and as we get older, we tend to think that because our lives have been somewhat on autopilot, and we've done everything for everyone else that we need external influence to create change and we really don't. It does definitely come from within you. And this is where having a results coach is so valuable and powerful, because sometimes you just need someone to keep you accountable and someone to lift the curtain on yourself, so that you can see what's actually there. Now Summer, people can get hold of you on Facebook and on Instagram at SummerNGOfficial. freebies freebie would you have for our listeners, we love freebies here.

Summer Ng :

And I love giving them out. So and what I've got for you is a free audio program. And it's called Giving Yourself the Gift of You. So let me guide you along step by step to stillness and gently lead you back to love, to your inner wisdom.

Magic Barclay :

Fantastic. Now everyone, I have to ask Summer about being an accountant. I can't let you go without asking about that. Was that something that you saw as a goal for your life? Or was it something that was driven by other factors?

Summer Ng :

That was largely a decision made from my left brain.

Magic Barclay :


Summer Ng :

Which is, it was basically a very logical decision for me, in the sense of being an accountant there will always be work. And it was a practical decision. I am good with numbers and fairly organized and part of me does appreciate structure. So I went with that. And to be really honest, what I would have loved to study would have been languages, which is now the right brain, the creative side. Yeah. And somehow all of that through my life journey, it's led me to coaching, which allows me to utilize both.

Magic Barclay :


Summer Ng :

Which is great, huh?

Magic Barclay :

Wow, what a journey you've had, Summer.

Summer Ng :

You just never know what life's gonna put on your path to take you where you want to go.

Magic Barclay :

Totally. And that's why you've got to keep your eyes open, because you never know when things are going to pop up that bring opportunity and reward and growth. And certainly as a result coaches, we look for those points. But so many people don't know what we do. And you know, it really is - it's not about us being your coach. It's about you getting the most for you, from you.

Summer Ng :

Absolutely. It's about you turning your life into To a magical life.

Magic Barclay :

Totally, he's just stole my line then, Summer!

Summer Ng :

Oh, did I?

Magic Barclay :

Oh good. So before you go forth and create your magical life, you can find some at Facebook and Instagram at Summer N G official. And don't forget to reach out and mention the podcast so that Summer can give you your freebie which is giving yourself the gift of you audio program. And definitely reach out and ask some questions about Summer's brilliant coaching skills around relationship. And you too can blow your coach away.

Summer Ng :

Yes, please do.

Magic Barclay :

She loves it. Thank you so much for coming on today Summer. I would love to have you on again and talk about some more facets of relationships and relationship with yourself, or anything else that you'd like to teach us all about because I've really enjoyed having you here today.

Summer Ng :

My pleasure. And I look forward to coming back here.

Magic Barclay :

Yay. Now next episode will be Episode 18. And that will be me talking to you about personal manifestos. So it will actually follow on from today's conversation a little. And be sure to check us out on all the podcast platforms, share this podcast and subscribe, please leave us a review. We would love to hear your thoughts. Also pop over to our Facebook page, A Magical Life Podcast. And there we will be collecting listener questions. So if you've got a burning question that you want me to explore, I will either talk about it myself or find the right professional to give us a hand. And again, thank you for your time listening and thank you, Summer.

Summer Ng :

Thank you.

Magic Barclay :

Thanks for listening today. Please subscribe to hear future episodes, leave a review and share this podcast. You can follow us on Facebook at a magical life podcast or at Wholistic Natural Health Australia that's holistic with a W. You can find us on Instagram, at Wholistic Natural Health or at www dot Wholistic Natural health.com.au. That's where you'll access all sorts of articles, freebies, and more.