A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Sexual Energy with Elise Peck

November 04, 2020 Season 1 Episode 28
Sexual Energy with Elise Peck
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
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A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Sexual Energy with Elise Peck
Nov 04, 2020 Season 1 Episode 28

Join the conversation! Send Magic a text here!

Elise helps women to live a life that feels orgasmic.  She guides them into how to use their sexual energy as a power and energy source in their life, and to ultimately become the embodiment of magnetic divine feminine energy and power.

Elise's top 3 tips for creating financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth:

  1. Cultivate your sexual energy.  Step into your feminine power and own it.
  2. Invest in your wellness, your health, your mindset, invest in you so you can show up and serve in the world.
  3. When you're in your alignment, abundance finds us.  The way you find your calling is to trust yourself and follow your curiosity.  The things that excite you are not an accident.

We also go into a deep discussion about people as water, tying in with last week's episode about Internal Water Flow.

Connect with Elise:

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisepeck_well

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elise.matheson

For your free copy of the Feminine Flow Rampage audio, email Elise at elisepeck@gmail.com

Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

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Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

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Show Notes Transcript

Join the conversation! Send Magic a text here!

Elise helps women to live a life that feels orgasmic.  She guides them into how to use their sexual energy as a power and energy source in their life, and to ultimately become the embodiment of magnetic divine feminine energy and power.

Elise's top 3 tips for creating financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth:

  1. Cultivate your sexual energy.  Step into your feminine power and own it.
  2. Invest in your wellness, your health, your mindset, invest in you so you can show up and serve in the world.
  3. When you're in your alignment, abundance finds us.  The way you find your calling is to trust yourself and follow your curiosity.  The things that excite you are not an accident.

We also go into a deep discussion about people as water, tying in with last week's episode about Internal Water Flow.

Connect with Elise:

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisepeck_well

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elise.matheson

For your free copy of the Feminine Flow Rampage audio, email Elise at elisepeck@gmail.com

Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

Support the Show.

Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome to A Magical Life: health, wealth and weight loss. I'm your host Magic Barclay, lead practitioner at Wholistic Natural Health Australia and number one best selling author. In this podcast, I aim to give you practical tips on how to accelerate and sustain your health, increase your financial, spiritual and emotional wealth, and to look at something that haunts many of us needlessly: weight loss. In some episodes, I'll have guests available to give you even more tips, but in others, the floor is yours. Drop us a line at a magical life podcast on Facebook. And let me know what you would like to know more about. Now sit back and enjoy because it is time for you to create and truly discover a magical life. Welcome back to A Magical Life. I am your host Magic Barclay and today I'm being joined by Elise Peck. Elise is a mom of two that went from rock bottom postnatal depression and depletion of her health, with her marriage, her entire life really suffering, to going to complete thriving in every way. She turned around her health, her life, her marriage, and she now glows and I can be a testament to that. I look at Elise, we're colleagues, when we study with authentic education who I've mentioned before, and I just I'm amazed how much she glows. Anyway, she magnetizes all the visions that come to her and I would like to welcome Elise Peck. Hi!

Elise Peck:

Oh, hi, Magic. Thank you so much for that beautiful warm welcome. And the comments about my glowing. Always good to have some social proof.

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. And my pleasure, you do glow.

Elise Peck:

Yeah, yeah, I've gotta be, um - gotta be honest, I have noticed I do glow.

Magic Barclay:

Yay! So in a nutshell, how would you say you help women?

Elise Peck:

In a nutshell, in a nutshell, I ignite women back to who they truly are. I take them back to their authentic self, and the journey back there is one of both a physical, spiritual, emotional, it's a journey. But basically it's stripping away everything that they're not and returning them to their full, whole self, which is one that of course, glows with health.

Magic Barclay:

Now Elise is playing this down here. She sent me this line and I have to read it to you because boy, did it get my attention.

Elise Peck:


Magic Barclay:

So, Elise says that she helps women live a life that feels orgasmic.

Elise Peck:


Magic Barclay:

She guides them into how to use their sexual energy as a power and energy source in their life, and to ultimately become the embodiment of magnetic divine feminine energy and power. Wow!

Elise Peck:

Oh, I just - that just lit me up again. Thank you so much. I totally forgot I said that. And it's completely accurate. Yeah. Yeah.

Magic Barclay:

Today we're talking about sexual energy. Can you just quickly explain what sexual energy is?

Elise Peck:

Yes. So have you heard of the concept of chi, chi lifeforce? Like C H I? There's a couple of different spellings of chi lifeforce as in like traditional Chinese medicine. Have you heard?

Magic Barclay:

Definitely, definitely.

Elise Peck:

yeah. So there's actually a denser energy that is available to all of us often. It's an untapped resource. It's

Magic Barclay:

That is beautiful. And listeners, women called Jing - J I N G - Jing lifeforce energy. And this actually is a denser, more juicy, thicker energy that can actually transmute into more chi. And if we learn how to tap into this, then it just takes our lifeforce energy, our vital energy, it just takes our whole being to this, this buzzing, powerful place where we come alive. It's this untapped resource that many people aren't even aware is within them that can be tapped into, harvested, cultivated, and moved through their body and used to direct things in their life, to magnetize things to them, to make their visions become a reality, and to make their health go to extraordinary levels. So that's how I think of sexual energy really, is this sort of the Jing lifeforce energy that is even more powerful than a chi lifeforce that is running through you, circulating through you. And I love that living an orgasmic life because I know that this energy is really running through me when I can literally feel it. And it's sort of that feeling of, if you imagine an orgasm as a 10 out of 10, it's more of like a 6-7-8 out of 10, you can just feel as that build, and then you can feel it circulating around your body and you just feel this lightness and a buzz. It's not a stressful buzz. It's just kind of got this certainty, this power, you feel ignited, you feel alive, you feel like you're in the juice and zest of life. And when you're embodying that, and you're circulating that and cultivating that, yeah, you're you're really - you're in your power. are bodies of energy. We are life givers, we are nurturers, we continue the species. We have hormone systems going 24/7, you have abundant energy in this jing, energy this, this flow. So definitely I'm sure we can bring you some great information today.

Elise Peck:

That's - I love that you've said that, it just reminded me that every now and then we use this vital energy. This is the energy that brings life. It's the energy that creates eggs and ovulation and actually creates babies. That's how powerful this energy is that it creates life. But we're not always creating babies, we're always creating life. And that, that is there for us to tap into to birth out other things into the world; to birth our projects, our power, our passion. And yeah, it just shows you the power over that that is that is the power behind what actually gives life.

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. You can either nurture a baby or you can nurture yourself. Either way, you are the nurturer. Now, Elise, What can your expertise do to help people accelerate their health? Now when we talk about health here we talk emotional, spiritual and physical.

Elise Peck:

Um, oh, so much. So I've been a health nut my entire life. I was that kid in the playground that people would come up to me when I was five, and show me their lunch and say,"is this healthy?" I became known as, like, the health girl. And I tried every fad. And it's literally been a lifelong passion and I kind of always thought I was going to become a health coach. I've even trained as a health coach; I'm an integrative health practitioner. But it's interesting how my health didn't become what, what- I was always reaching for something. And it didn't become what I wanted it to become until I found this missing link of the sexual energy. That I was looking at food, and exercise and wellness and all of these things, and it wasn't until sexual energy came in that actually I finally became this glowing, healthy essence I've always dreamed of. And I really believe it's the missing link in so many people's health journey. I mean, before I had found this, I'd done 12 years of self development, intense self development, and a lifetime of looking into health. And I was eating all organic. I was eating veggies and greens and I was the healthiest person you know, quote unquote, that that everyone knew, "Oh Elise, she's so healthy." And yet, when I hit my rock bottom, I got a bunch of functional medicine labs done on me. And despite my organic ways, despite being the health nut, famously healthy, the labs revealed that I was pre diabetic, that I had candida, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, that I had parasites, that I had my hormones out of whack, I had very high cortisol, I had very low progesterone and estrogen dominance, even though both my estrogen and progesterone was so low. I had so much going on on those labs. It was a mess. And it was astounding to me. And so I started training with this. My health mentor, Dr. Steven Kimbrough, I initially got him as my own health coach, and he sort of transformed my life so much that I had to learn everything he knew. And the biggest thing, right, the biggest thing that came up, the number one thing you can do for your health is to decrease stress. Right, so it could be decreasing external stress, internal stress or internal stress, decreasing the parasites, external stress, you know, your lifestyle and how you're spending your time. And sexual energy is an incredible, credible way of number one, really decreasing the stress. Wow. You know, you can't harvest sexual energy. Unless you're, at least in your parasympathetic nervous system, you're sort of you're calm, you're, you're relaxed, you're allowing your hormones to flow and not only that, it becomes your ultimate feedback loop. If you're finding it very difficult to tap into your sexual energy, it's a sign. Whoa, something's off, you haven't been meditating enough, you're not using your wealth protocols enough, something, it's, it not only is an ingredient that takes your health to the next level in terms of - I mean, orgasm is, is a is a decreaser of cortisol. And, and look, I just want to be clear - sexual energy isn't necessarily about orgasm. And often actually, it's very important that we separate the two because especially for women, if they're seeing their sexual energy cultivation as a way to just get to orgasm, they're actually ruining the whole process. Because then they're becoming the becoming masculine about it, they're becoming goal oriented. And they actually bringing it, making it more of a stressful testosterone experience, which is ultimately not good for the hormones. Whereas cultivating sexual energy, as a, as a woman needs to be about sort of a feminine allowing, circulating, not goal oriented, and a nurturing process. So I think it is important. I mean, I talk about orgasms, orgasmic life. And it's important because the orgasm becomes a barometer. How orgasmic is your life? How much is life turning you on? From zero to 10? On the terms of zero is, I'm like I've got zero I don't even know where my sexual self is. To 10 is like I am orgasm at the drop of a heart. Where are you, and sort of your barometer for how for how you're experiencing life, how you're showing up in life, how turned on by life you are. But, But I want to separate it out in terms of, well, what can sexual energy do? It's not about orgasms. Yes, they're very good for our health. But the process of tapping into your sexual energy gets you into this parasympathetic nervous system, it helps you balance out your hormones, it, it makes you - it increases your self worth, your self esteem, your self love, it becomes the ultimate journey of self actualization where, not only do you feel incredible when you're circulating the sexual energy, but you come away rebirthed each time you shed a layer of that which you are not. Each time, it's a healing process, where another emotional trauma, block, limiting belief, something you've been holding on to for a very long time has fallen away. This is the power of moving and cultivating your sexual energy and tapping into it. In order to do it, the path to doing it is a path of ultimately letting go and allowing, and you let go of so much. And often our health, things that show up in our physical body, I believe, are a physical expression of something that we're holding on to emotionally. And so just having this process of powerfully moving out emotions, really letting go. And, and you can't cheat it, you know, you walk away each time knowing exactly where you're at. Because if you didn't sort of strip away enough, and enough layers, you won't actually feel the sensations running through your body. And so each time you know, whether you know where you're at, and how much in terms of where your vital energy is, emotionally where you're at. It's just - it's incredible tool that not only gives you health, but also shows you where you're at on your health journey. Yes, incredibly powerful.

Magic Barclay:

So just going back to stress to give the listeners a bit of an idea, stress, when you're in a stressed state, you release cortisol, which is your stress hormone. Now what cortisol does, is it blocks the HPO axis. So that's the brain-ovary axis, where the brain communicates to the ovaries that the two types of cells, theaker and granulosa in the ovaries need to convert testosterone, which we all have, into estrogen. Now, that is normally the only way to get natural estrogen into your body. When we're stressed and cortisol comes in, cortisol is what we call catabolic, it breaks things down. So not only does it break down all the collagen in your body, so your joints start to hurt. You get torn tendons, ligaments, you get wrinkles on your face, gray hair, brittle nails, etc, etc. But it also blocks the testosterone-estrogen conversion so you don't have estrogen, which is your nurturing happy hormone. That's the one that helps you release dopamine, makes you feel good, helps us birth babies, helps us be feminine. So you're not doing that. You get a surge of testosterone, the adrenal glands then get brought in because they are the rulers of the cortisol, and so the adrenals on the HPA axis, so the brain-adrenal axis, then get asked to make estrogen. Now when we get burnt out, if we're in a stress state for too long, we get what's called Adrenal Exhaustion, and, or adrenal burnout, which we've all often heard about. And so the HPA axis becomes pretty useless. And then we put weight on. And this is where body fat comes in, because body fat stores toxins. And the toxins that are in there include - include what's called xenoestrogens, or toxic estrogens. So the body fat then releases estrogen to try and make you feel good. So this is why when you're stressed, you might over eat, you might under eat, but you'll still gain some body fat, particularly centrally around the waist. And that is because you have to provide yourself estrogen. So this is where this comes in with the sexual energy. You need estrogen to have sexual energy, one way or another, your body will find a way to make it. Sorry, nerdy science moment.

Elise Peck:

Oh my gosh, I loved that. I totally geeked out on that. You are incredible Magic, the way that you broke that down and the way you know what, is the most feminine explanation of that I've ever heard. It was so beautiful. It was so - they way you connected it all up. It was like a beautiful synergy. It was so beautiful. Ah, yeah, that lit me up. I love that. Yeah, thank you for that. That's just incredible.

Magic Barclay:

my pleasure. Sorry, people, science geek at the helm of this podcast.

Elise Peck:

Love it. Share your magic. It's beautiful.

Magic Barclay:

So what are your top three tips to creating wealth, be it personal financial or emotional?

Elise Peck:

Well, definitely my top one is to cultivate your sexual energy. Yeah, like completely, actually, there's a mentor of mine. Anyway, it's anatomy so I'll say it, but she says like, lit vaginas make money. And what she's saying really is a woman in her power, she just shows up differently in the world. She has a sense of worth, a sense of value. And this power is cultivated when a sexual energy is running through her. And actually I'm doing a an abundance course at the moment with Reagan Helia on abundance. And she said that, that people that have abundance will have an energy about them. And the way she described this energy was literally exactly how I feel when my sexual energy is running through me. And so you just embody this essence, you are abundant. Sexual energy is an embodiment of abundance. It's life, It gives life, and so just being this energy, you attract what you are. So definitely cultivating the sexual energy is number one. Number two, I would say is invest in yourself. You are your best investment in your invest in your wellness, invest in your health. Invest in your mindset, just invest in you, you know, you are your number one investment and the more you invest in you, the more you can show up and serve in the world. And abundance is a cycle of you're getting value and it's coming back to you and more the more you're investing in yourself, the more you're going to better give that value.

Magic Barclay:

That totally reminds me of the saying that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Elise Peck:


Magic Barclay:

So for all the listeners out there, the more you do for other people, the more you need to do for yourself.

Elise Peck:

Hmm. Love that. Yes, actually, uh, yeah, actually reminds me of something else I learned from a very abundant person, his name's john butcher, does this thing called life book, he's a billionaire. And he, he says that your inputs need to equal your outputs in life. So if you're learning you learn and then your output and the same, it's the same with abundance, and it's so beautiful that you brought that in with self care. Same with self care. So invest in yourself with self care. And what is my third tip? So that is basically when we're in alignment when we're on our path in life. The one of the signs is that abundance finds us. It's kind of the signposts that like, you know where you're meant to go, the way that you find your path, the way that you find your calling, is to trust yourself and to follow your intuition. But that's too cryptic. No one really knows. Like, is that my intuition? Is that fear? What's the sensation? You told me to follow my intuition, I'm still in indecision. Curiosity is is beautiful override, because intuition is actually a very quiet knowing. It's it's kind of like it's just a hunch. And it's just this still silence sort of,"go this way go that." It's not panicked. Fear is sort of panicked. And sometimes we're like, oh, it's my instinct, my gut feeling is saying no, but it's a panic feeling. Okay. And that might actually be resistance or fear. But in terms of us being on our ultimate path, finding our journey, it's about honoring that curiosity, that quiet, knowing that well, that's caught my attention. Well, that's interesting. That's interesting and diving into it. And yet, the things that excite you are not an accident. And it's just has blown my mind how, by me just going, I'm interested in that. I'm going to read that. And it doesn't make sense to anyone else. It looks different to everyone else's journey. It puts you in flow with life, it puts you on the magic carpet ride of life where, yes, it doesn't look like anyone else's journey, because now it's your journey, because your curiosity is leading you to your unique path. It's like my number one life tip. I My life has unfolded in miraculous and I think, I people, I just look like an incredibly lucky person sometimes. And I it's just this following my curiosity. And we both we both learn from someone called Ben Harvey. And he speaks about fearlessly, fully the feeling.

Magic Barclay:

He also has this wonderful expression, "let's find out."

Elise Peck:

Let's find out. Love that, forgotten that one. If you follow your curiosity, which is the quiet knowing, and you just go for it, then you feel the fear and you do it anyway, you know?

Magic Barclay:

And this is something, Elise, that we do throughout our lives. So as children, we explore, we're curious, that's how we learn. We make mistakes, we learn from them. We change our behavior or our trajectory of life. As teens, you know, we come into being fertile and curious about partners, and what are we going to do for our futures? And we have to follow that curiosity there. Then as as mothers, there's no manual, these living things don't come with like a booklet going "insert thing." Yeah. Like, you have to be curious. Oh, yeah. What happens if I don't do the nappy up tight enough? What happens if my kid eats some apple or sucks on the cat's tail? Or, you know, like...

Elise Peck:

Yeah, yeah, it's a way of not being stuck. It requires you to be open, it requires you to, to keep moving. And I believe that from a spiritual standpoint, that there's this thing called the Tao, the Tao de Ching, and talks about it really resonates with me that we're spiritual beings, and we're meant to move like water. The way you do that is to just keep flowing and the way you flow is, what's getting your attention now, what's tapping on your shoulder? What's knocking on your door? And when you study anyone that talks about abundance, they say this in different ways. You know, Ken Honda, who's his Japanese billionaire talks about trusting that the money will never run out. Therefore, whatever has got your attention, whatever, whatever feels fully in alignment, what feels like a yes to you, which you only find your yeses when you fully curiosity is is where you're meant to go. And this idea also comes from Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote Big Magic and she talks about how ideas fly. And she wrote Eat, Pray, Love, turned into a movie. You know, she's got massive TED talks and, and talks with Oprah and soul Sessions is a massive success. And she says that for years, she had this message of Find your passion and people were devastated. Like, well, it's all good for you. I don't have my passion. And she realized, Oh, my gosh, you know, not everyone that has a passion, but the way that you find it. You might have 10 passions, the way you find what they are, the way you find what your path is, is to be like a hummingbird. I to just keep - which flower do ou want to go to next? Which th ng do you want to just - you just keep flittering around. nd I think sometimes as wome, we judge ourselves for tha. We feel like "Oh, I didn't inish that course. I didn't inish that book. I didn't finis. Oh, I'm so unfocused." Wha if in fact, you were only m ant to read two chapters? What if you trusted, that you h ve the attention span you're m ant to have? And your journey is unique and the things that g t your attention today? What if you lived in that essence f what Wayne Dyer said? Like, e like an otter and li e your Otterness? What if y u just flowed like an ani al and trusted that this has got my attention ,now this ha got my attention, and - and it becomes this easy dance and t's like I this woman, T rry called psychotherapist onc once gave the examples like dog. A dog doesn't questio itself. It walks to a street lo ks down a street sniffs, n. Keeps moving, sniffs, no. Kee s moving, I'll go down this street. It doesn't freak out, "I meant to go down every stre t I haven't covered all corners I meant to." Animals and nature re just like this and we're s pposed to be like this. We'r supposed to trust ourselves a lot more. But fear and resist nce get in the way. And for years I searched, I searched what is fear? And what is intuit on? And what's resistanc? Steven pressfield is like, ou know, everything you want bas cally is on the other side of r sistance - run towards resistanc. And then it's like, but ollow your intuition. And hen you're standing there, and y u're stuck in that feeling of, I've got a big no. But i that no intuition, or resi tance or fear? Or is that you know, is that my truth? I thin it's so hard. And if we take way from all the big feelings, a d we go, what's knocking on my d or right now? What's tapp ng on my shoulder? What just f els good in this moment? Also Abraham Hicks talks about getti g in the vortex reach for the ext good feeling, thought your uriosity will show you what's going to feel good right now. nd trust that. So yeah,

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. Well said,

Elise Peck:

I love it. It's really, it's really transformed my life doing that. Stop putting shoulds on myself and thinking it has to look a certain way. And that, you know, I'm supposed to do x y, Zed, but sinking into this beautiful feminine intuitive trust and wisdom from within, that my path ought to look unique from everyone else's, because I am a unique being. We've got to be humble and know we're all not that significant. But we are, we are all like our own fingerprint. And the way that we find our own thing that's going to light us up is by trusting our own hunches. And I think curiosity is a really light way of realizing Oh, it's a light feeling of well, it's playful, right? Yeah.

Magic Barclay:

I love that. And just on carving your own path and finding your own way, I live in the country. And a couple of weeks ago, we had torrential rain here. Thank goodness, we needed it. But as I went out walking, I watched how the water flowed. So we have a creek that runs through our Township. And the creek didn't flow where it normally flows. It can its own path. And what it did, was it cut through the countryside, passed some rocky cliffs and through some trees and just watching how the water made its own path.

Elise Peck:

Oh, I love that.

Magic Barclay:

Brilliant. And it ended up where it needed to go which was in our local lake. But just watching this powerful entity cut its path...

Elise Peck:

Oh I'm getting tingles.

Magic Barclay:

Oh yeah, it's amazing. Friend and I that we go walking every day and we were just standing on the bridge, watching the water and it's just so powerful. And people who are listening today, I need you to understand this. You are 90% water so you are able to cut your own path in life. It's not you know what your husband, ex husband, wife, ex wife, father, mother, Uncle, next door neighbor, Mrs. Jones down the road, it's not what they want for you. It's what you find for yourself. It's the path that you cut and remembering that you are water and you can choose your own way. Please remember that.

Elise Peck:

I'm feeling is so deeply. This is actual magic that just lit me up so much. Yes, yes, I love it and I love the way you created the beautiful imagery. I was imagining that water and it's so true and it's that's a beautiful thing to to say to ourselves. What would water do? In this situation what would water do? You know, because sometimes I find myself cycling back you know there's cycles in our life, cycle cycle cycle, keep going back to the same person, same situation, expecting a different result. In that moment you have to go bang, what would water do? Water would keep flowing, keep flowing, what is the next other thing that's getting a curiosity? Keep flowing and it's just an I love - but what was magic about that was the water cutting its own path. Because water is wild. And it also it's soft. And the soft overcomes the hard - as in, water flows in a softness but it will wear down rock.

Magic Barclay:


Elise Peck:

And so we've just got to remember that, that it's not about being a wrecking ball smashing things. And it's the same with people and relationships. We flow, we move, does this feel good? Does that not feel good? And we just move in and out and be light about it. Knowing that that would always ends up sort of where it tends to want to go, without really damaging things along the way, just flowing on past you know?

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. And if you listen to my previous podcast, it's all about internal water. Like it's it's so amazing how our bodies are made. Just the components, the mechanisms, the actions. It's all so perfectly synergistic. And we put so much stress on ourselves that we stop that flow. And then we get stuck. And we look for people to blame. There is no one to blame. You just have to look within or make some changes

Elise Peck:

Truth bomb. Yes. Guru Magic.

Magic Barclay:

Here we do talk about weight loss. Many people battle it needlessly, it becomes this overruling idea and conception in the world. So how can you help the listeners who might be battling their weight? And how can you talk to them about reducing their stress, which we know is a key problem in weight loss.

Elise Peck:

Mm, something I will say that is completely magical about sexual energy and, and the the tools that I provide in terms of cultivating it and, and having it flowing through you, is it addresses weight in a couple of ways. So for me, what what really astounded me actually was the refiguring of my body, because that always been eating really well and everything, but my body, the ratios of my body, reconfigured once I started cultivating the sexual energy because my hormones were balancing out, right? So when I was more estrogen dominant, I was holding way more weight on my bum and thighs. And you know, I am sort of naturally still more of like that pear shape and I am in I VEDA there's different OSHA types, I am a dominant kafir, which means I do accumulate and hold on to a lot more. So I do still have accumulation around bum thighs, but it's, my husband is like, "it's so different." The way that my body has configured is way less, it's far more even all over. And that was just from doing - the only thing I changed was the sexual cultivation. But the second thing that happened was that I wasn't as hungry. And just because sometimes our hunger is filling a void, you know? Because we can get dopamine we can get happy hormones from eating, right. And sometimes if we're missing other sources of those hormones, from connection from meditation, from exercise from being in the sun, from feeling good, we'll crave, we'll want those hormones and will eat more. And when I started doing the sexual energy cultivation and filling up this void, I, I'd always felt like I'd had this deep hunger inside of me, this deep craving that just could never be touched. And finally, cultivating the sexual energy it was just filling us up and so I've always been a real person who really into food, massive appetite, massive, and, and could just eat so much. And also, if I was eating, I could not stop halfway. Even if I got full, I just had to keep going. Right? And for a number of reasons. One, through working on what is the story behind that while cultivating sexual energy and using that as a healing tool to to, to, to decipher what was that pattern going on with me and bringing awareness to it and shedding that need anymore. The healing from the cultivating sexual tools, you know, kind of got rid of that hunger, but also just the chemical cocktail of having those beautiful hormones swirling around my body, man, I was just nowhere near as hungry. It's easy and effortless for me. It's so bizarre. So I've always followed health protocols, right? But I finally started, you know, learning about how to cultivate sexual energy and spending time doing this. And within two weeks, you can literally look at the photos, I transformed. My face started just having more shape, like fluid just straight out of my face, just fluid just drained out of my body it was like, because when when you've got the high cortisol and stress, it can create fluid retention, too. And I think just having that time of relaxing and this letting go, I just let go with this water. I let go of all this weight. And I noticed this, with a lot of my healing tools, I can spend 20 minutes whatever doing a healing tool and afterwards it'll look like I've lost weight. And it's just this letting go, this this getting the hormones back in balance. So it was both, I - everyone just kept saying, Well, what are you different? You've lost all this weight. I actually, when I hit my rock bottom I went off social media. And when I came back on social media two years later, everyone was like, the number one thing was, Wow, you've lost all this weight. And I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was trying to get well. Even though I was pre diabetic, right? I wasn't overweight. I was in a healthy BMI. It felt like, you know, 10 kilos, just came off, but what was more important was that it kind of it my body balanced out in terms of the ratio in terms of where I was holding fat. So I lost all this weight, but I didn't like lose it from my boobs, you know, I lost it from from my bum and my thighs. And importantly, at the same time, as I was doing the sexual healing cultivation, I was making sure I was taking in all the supplements that support the liver in detoxing, because as - as you were saying all of those toxins in the fat, once you start losing weight were releasing, and I was making sure I was taking the supplements to effectively release those toxins out of my body at the same time. So it's a synergistic picture. If I had just been losing weight and releasing toxins, you know, sometimes we hear of people that they lose this weight, and then suddenly they get a health issue. You've got to make sure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals and nutrients that support the the phases of liver detoxification. So you can ensure that that when the toxins are released, they're getting out of your body. But yeah, it's it blew my mind how this one thing I thought I was always having to look at food. And I thought I was always having to look at meal plans and things like this. And I was, before I found this piece. And now I see other women out there, you know, spruiking, intuitive eating, and the no diet weight loss plan. And now I can see why that is possible. Because if you feel the deep cravings and yearnings within you, with healthy sources of those hormones, with with this incredible satiation. And this satisfaction from within, which this sexual energy gives you this, then you start eating out of kind of love. And what do I feel like? And you also don't have this scarcity you feel abundant from within. So if you get a bit hungry, it's, it doesn't trigger scarcity freak out in me, because I'm feeling so abundant. Honestly, it was the missing link, as I said, so I've done like 14 and a half years of self development now. 30 years of being a health nut basically, will take what the first two years, alright, 30 years of being a health nut, and 12-14 years of self development. And it wasn't until I found this sexual energy piece, that I finally got the results I'd always been seeking, it was like, it was mind blowing, how, oh I'm actually gonna shout this from the rooftops that this is the missing link. Because the idea and the imagery of sex has been so butchered by this patriarchal view of women as objects and as toys for man's pleasure. It's actually robbed women of knowing this inherent intense immense power within them that if they own it, if they step into it, if they make it theirs, is it's incredible force that leads to abundance, it leads to creativity, it leads to the body and the weight of their, their desires that leads to their self love and self worth. They don't even attach to the fact that their body is what they want, because they just love themselves regardless. And it's, yeah, it's it's just so powerful. And I think women, we often uh, we're looking around like it's not fair, women aren't paid equal blah, blah, blah, we need to actually just rise up from within and find our power from within. And honestly, if all women came alive in their sexual energy, this world would balance out. And also there's a saying in sexuality in ancient philosophy, that that it is actually the woman who leads the man back to God. So I don't - you know, you don't have to be religious, you can say source, the universe. Basically, it's the woman. And it's because the woman is this magnetic essence. And when she steps into her power, it is she becomes the Muse and she inspires a man, the masculine, to want to rise with her. And so if women can rise up within themselves and heal the feminine power, that work alone will inspire the masculine to start healing the masculine power, because masculinity is butchered as well. And it just has the absolute potential to completely change the world.

Magic Barclay:

Listeners, we've brought you so much information today that, Elise, I think we need to have you back on the podcast and expand out some of these things that we've discussed. But for now, how can people find you on social media?

Elise Peck:

I absolutely love to. I find you absolutely fascinating and I love your geek science stuff, live and breathe it, and your discussion on the water. So that's an absolute joy. They can find me, Instagram is a big one for me. So at Elise, e li se peck underscore well, then like wellness, That's my Instagram. And also they can add me on Facebook. I had a, I do have a Facebook business page, but right now you can just add me as a friend on Facebook until until the spots maxed out. But yeah because I'm starting to Instagrams in my focus that I'm really starting to be more alive on Facebook as well so you can come join me on on Instagram and Facebook, I'd love to connect.

Magic Barclay:

And we love to give the listeners freebies here we're all about giving. So what freebie can you offer the listeners?

Elise Peck:

Yes, so I have this incredible feminine flow rampage audio. And it gets you to start stepping into your feminine power being this magnetic essence. But also, the biggest thing it does is get you comfortable with the idea of being in your feminine power and of being this essence that has sexual energy running through you, because sometimes the greatest thing that we fear is actually our own power or stepping into our full potential. And, and this this gets you in the zone, it gives you permission to step into your power, to acknowledge your power and to be comfortable with becoming magnetic, with becoming a feminine power, which is the most powerful force in the universe. So that's a beautiful audio that that really, yeah. It's called the feminine flow rampage really gets you in that sorry. Someone told me she was listening to it and just that alone she started walking into work and just everyone started complimenting her, "what are you? doing you look -" like it's never happened before. Because they were saying "You look amazing. You look-" she's like I just literally have been listening to this 10 minute audio. So it's a powerful 10 minutes.

Magic Barclay:

There you go listeners, you'll get the feminine flow rampage free audio at @elisepeck_well on Instagram or at least pick on Facebook.

Elise Peck:

Yeah, so they can email me for that, Elisepeck@gmail.com

Magic Barclay:

terrific. Coming up in Episode 29 we have gorgeous and glowing Inga Truscott coming to talk about essential self care using essential oils. We have lots more great episodes coming up. I have a list of guests that I have to get on to in the next few days for you all, but for now, please don't forget to review the podcast, share the podcast. Talk about it with your friends. If you're in a lockdown area in the world, this is your time to listen to podcast, take notes, share the information, live the information and just get out there and create your magical life. Thank you very much listeners. Thanks for listening today. Please subscribe to hear future episodes, leave a review and share this podcast. You can follow us on Facebook at a magical life podcast or at Wholistic Natural Health Australia that's holistic with a W. You can find us on Instagram, at Wholistic Natural Health or at www dot Wholistic Natural health.com.au. That's where you ll access all sorts of articl s, freebies and mo