A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Love To Lose with Camille Martin

October 20, 2021 Camille Martin Season 1 Episode 78
Love To Lose with Camille Martin
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
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A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Love To Lose with Camille Martin
Oct 20, 2021 Season 1 Episode 78
Camille Martin

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Camille Martin struggled with diets for many, many years before she decided to stop beating herself up about it.  To her surprise, taking the pressure off allowed her body to release weight that diets couldn't. Now, she is a Registered Dietician and she teaches women how to break free from the downward dieting spiral of failure and improve their relationships with food and themselves.  

Connect with Camille and get her free Kitchen Guide: https://camillemartinrd.com/kitchen-guide/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camille_martin_rd/

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Show Notes Transcript

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Camille Martin struggled with diets for many, many years before she decided to stop beating herself up about it.  To her surprise, taking the pressure off allowed her body to release weight that diets couldn't. Now, she is a Registered Dietician and she teaches women how to break free from the downward dieting spiral of failure and improve their relationships with food and themselves.  

Connect with Camille and get her free Kitchen Guide: https://camillemartinrd.com/kitchen-guide/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camille_martin_rd/

Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

A Subito Media production

Support the Show.

Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay, and I'm joined by the fantastic Camille Martin. Today. Camille is a registered dietician, public health writer and former chronic data dedicated to helping women quit dieting, set bigger and better goals, reclaim their excitement for life and lose weight in the process. She spent nearly 25 years of her life on. Well, I think we can all relate to that. And she's passionate about showing women how to break free from the downward dieting spiral of failure and improve their relationship with food changed their destructive habits and negative thought patterns and lose weight. At dieting. She also wants to show women how setting and achieving a big goal that has nothing to do with losing weight is what will help you lose it because the confident inspired person you become while working toward it naturally adopts the thoughts and habits consistent with health. She wants to teach you what she learned on her own journey. So you can shortcut the process and be on your way to a happier, healthier life. One that's no longer dominated by a desperation to lose weight. Camille is the owner of love to lose and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her two daughters and their rescue dogs. Welcome Camille. Thank you

Camille Martin:

Mo magic. Thank you for having me on I'm so excited to be.

Magic Barclay:

I'm so excited to have you here. Now tell us a little bit about love to lose.

Camille Martin:

Sure. Um, love to lose is really born out of my whole life, really. My experiences of dieting and trying to lose weight and failing over and over again. Which started my journey started when I was actually 12 years old, which is really young. But I spent the better part of. It really was nearly 25 years dieting failing, and finally figuring out that diets don't ever work. And that the only way to really change anything about your body or your life really is to come to a place of acceptance and non-resistance towards your body, toward everything about your life and in doing that, um, releasing the resistance that you've been feeling for so long. Things naturally start to change and take on a new creative, um, joyful, inspired energy, and all of that spills over into every aspect of your life, including your health. So my mission really is to spare any woman from going through what I have gone through for so many years, all though, I know that there are so many women like me who are probably in the midst of that. and I just want to help release women from this dieting prison and this insanity. I want them to know that they have more to offer this world than to waste, to continue wasting another day, another year on their law, on a diet, waste their lives on a diet, trying to find the one that works because none of them actually do work. So that's, that's what it's all about in a nutshell.

Magic Barclay:

That's fantastic. And I think. You know, looking at my own journey with weight. I never had a weight problem until my teens. And then I actually went the other way and was anorexic for so long. Once I had my kids, I, I realized it didn't have a relationship with myself or food, and that was my issue. And then, you know, post kids, I ballooned to severe morbid obesity. And just really struggled. When I finally started losing weight, I had this wonderful kind of honeymoon period there of being really happy in myself and then menopause got me. So I think, and it kind of went back again. I think there's a lot of women that do that kind of rollercoaster. They just don't have that relationship with themselves and therefore they don't have the relationship with food. And then they finally get it right. And it's like, you know, you close to 50 and bam hormones change. Yeah. What do you say to people that kind of get to the point where they realize diets don't work and then their body starts to change? Because that's a really big thing out there, especially with the stress going on. It obviously accelerates the menopausal symptom.

Camille Martin:

Yeah, no, definitely. Well, I think the first thing that you have to, um, the first place you have to get to is a place of acceptance about your body. And that's incredibly difficult when we have been taught and trained and brainwashed to believe that we are not beautiful, that we're supposed to look perfect and flawless, and it's just an escapable. The, um, The poisonous messages that women are faced with constantly. And it's, um, it's incredibly powerful and it's something really to, it's tough to push back on, but you do just have to come to a place. It takes work, it takes practice. It takes, um, you know, a lot of reflection to actually sit down and, and, and start to. I understand why you do the things that you do, why you eat the way that you do. So for me, I was an emotional eater and I still struggle with those tenancies. They won't probably ever go away, but I didn't realize I was eating emotionally. So what I had to do part of my work was to sit down and start saying why I was never getting to the source of the problem. You know, it was always just trying to change what I. And altering the food and changing the menu and following this diet and that diet. But what I realize is that it's the way that I was eating. That was the problem. Um, So filling yourself up with food or any other, um, any other sort of Philips source like alcohol or, um, you know, shopping online or whatever these things that women are gravitating toward, even prescription drugs. Um, Are a direct result. I believe of the toxic messages we are getting that we are not enough, that we are constantly feeling like that we're not beautiful that we have nothing to offer a value and that we must look perfect. So it's a natural thing to have all of that negativity and that resistance that we have toward our own bodies to push us to do something. Extreme to make yourself feel better, all that resistance. So for me, it was eating emotionally. So once I finally just said, you know what, um, I'm, I'm using food in a way that is not healthy. So let me investigate that. And then when I was able to go back to my childhood and realize, oh, now I see. Where it started and why I started doing these things. So it was a tremendous relief and a huge aha moment. To see that there were reasons why I was doing this because what I had done to that point is shamed myself. Or can't you just stop eating? Why can't you just stop eating? Why can't you just, you know, do these X, Y, and Z things. Um, so I think the first step is that women really have to sit down. And in a place of self-love it's so hard and it sounds sort of like, woo, you know, self-love let's journal and meditate, but it really is the key starting points. So I think I answered the first part of your question, but the second piece about your body changing and I'm in menopause now. So I totally get it. And I have empathy because things do change, but, um, All I can say is, is if you were consistently doing the work to find, um, forgiveness for yourself to find acceptance for yourself and who you are and why you do the things you do instead of shaming yourself and blaming yourself for not being good enough. The transition into menopause and your body making changes and it's natural and it's beautiful. Um, it makes it a lot easier because you don't want to hit menopause. And then all of a sudden, you know, shame yourself and blame yourself even more for not looking perfect. So it's, it's a. It's a journey. It's a process. And you just have to commit to the process of really waking up every morning and saying, you know, um, I don't, I'm not going to drop any F-bombs. I totally could, but it's like, I am beautiful, you know, enough already. I'm tired of hearing all of this stuff. That's being heaped on me and on you magic on every other woman in the world and it's enough already. And we need to be out there. Yeah. Setting and achieving big, exciting, fulfilling goals that will help change not only our lives, but the rest of the world, instead of all of this crap about how much we weigh and what we look like. So I hope that answered your questions.

Magic Barclay:

That was right. And I couldn't agree more. Women, you are the nurturers. You are the providers of life. Your bodies are amazing and they do so much. And then when that time comes that you can no longer provide. You provide for yourself, you provide spiritually for the people around you. And I think that's really important to know that you still are the provider, the nurturer and the creator, but in a very different way, things don't stop when your hormones change.

Camille Martin:

Right. That's very beautiful. Yes. Thank you. Thank you,

Magic Barclay:

Camille. What can your expertise do to accelerate health? Now when we're talking health, we talk emotional, spiritual, and physical.

Camille Martin:

I teach women how to lose weight without dieting, because I do think it's important. I realized that women want to lose some weight and shed some weight so that they can feel at home and comfortable in their bodies, which I think is super important. Um, But, you know, really the emotional and spiritual piece is what I was just talking about. It is about creating more emotional and spiritual beauty in your life. But it's also, I think the biggest piece is that you have to deal with. With the trauma of your past. And I don't necessarily mean like, you know, significant, um, sexual abuse or anything like that. But what I mean is the trauma that has society has placed on us and the trauma that you've inflicted on yourself as a result of those destructive messages. So once you can really. Drill down and really uncover all of these things and do the work, um, emotionally and psychologically and spiritually of dealing with what you've, you haven't really been dealing with up until this point, or even maybe not really noticing. One of the things that I teach women have to do is to deal with their inner critic, um, and see, you know, magic. A lot of these things, we talk about like the media images of women or the inner critic or meditating and journaling. We all know these things. Um, we know them intellectually, but we don't necessarily either practice them or we're not letting it absorb into our soul. That the messages that we get on a daily basis are so overwhelming. So target now, When I walk in with my, uh, teenage daughters, they have all these beautiful images of, uh, young girls who were all. And sizes and colors and, um, you know, physical features and it's wonderful and you're seeing all these changes and that's great, but what we're not dealing with is the effects of all of those images that you've seen until this point in your life have wreaked havoc on your self esteem. And it, it is so important to deal with that past stuff and really get in there and figure out, you know, how did this affect me? How does it affect how I eat? How does it affect how I show up in the world? How does it affect how I talk to myself? Or, I mean, there was a while. So hard for me to be, to be honest, I don't like looking at myself in the mirror. Like if I have weighed, I would never so much as try on a piece of clothing and a dressing room. I mean, there's no way I would even do that still, which is past trauma from these media messages. So it just infiltrates every aspect of our lives. So long story short, to answer that question, I think. One of the biggest things women have to do is, is see what's been happening in the past and, and try to understand how it's affected you and forgive yourself for some of the, you know, some of what's going on in your life. It's not just you, it's outside influences that, um, that you're not really getting, you know, does that make sense

Magic Barclay:

completely? And for myself, I was left with body dysmorphia after losing weight, gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight, and losing my sense of self. And recently I actually just wrote a practitioner's course on the PNI of trauma. So the psycho neuro endocrine immunology of trauma, and in doing that taught a whole lot of practitioners. New ways of helping their clients get over childhood traumas or what we now know is ACEs, adverse childhood experiences or acres, adverse childhood relationship experiences. And they're often water behind our, our dysmorphia and our gains and losses of weight now, loss of sense of self. And it's actually an intricate process. These four systems in your body doing it. So it's not just what you're thinking and feeling. It's the flow on effect that those things have on your health. So I couldn't agree more ladies, gents, even out there, you have to release that trauma and you have to do it in a way that stops that constant trigger, because that's what it is.

Camille Martin:

It's a constant trigger. That's beautiful. I love that. You're doing that. That's fabulous. I love it.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you. Yeah. Camille, what are your top three tips to creating wealth? We talk wealth here on the podcast and we're not just talking financial, but also personal and emotional.

Camille Martin:

The top three things to create wealth. Okay. So the first one that comes to my mind is laughter. Um, that might sound strange, but, being with my two daughters and laughing with them. It's just like totally rejuvenating. And I'm at try to make time every day to just, you know, notice when they're being silly and laugh and, you know, instead of not being in the moment. So maybe that would be a good one, learning how to be in the moment. Um, And just developing a sense of appreciation for everything that you do have. It sounds so, like everybody says the same stuff like that, but it really is true to just like, look around you where you are. And even if you're having a hard time, there's gotta be a few things that you can see in your environment that you appreciate. And then to have a sense of humor about it, if you can, you know, um, so that's first try to be in the moment and laugh more. Um, Another way I think to create wealth is what I'm trying to do here. And every single person, I always say women because that's who I work with most often, but every woman, every man has the seed of something great inside of them. And to just take one small step toward that, to create something in your life that will help another person, even if it's so small. Um, but just know that you have something great inside of you and to. And choose something. I always say in my, in my work setting, a big goal that has nothing to do with losing weight is a huge step in the process of actually losing it. Because when you redirect your focus onto something, you can create, rather than something that you hate about yourself and you know, that you want to change about yourself, um, or what you look like. That is a huge part of what I teach. So laughter being in the moment, laughing. Starting to create something meaningful in your life that I gift that you have to give to the world because everyone has it. And so let's say another way to create wealth. Um, Gosh, how could this be so hard to come up with three things? Well, maybe self care. I mean, I think the wealth that we all get is about putting our energy out into the world and then what comes back as well, you know, so, or it's destruction. So if you're, if you're putting out joyful energy into the world and laughter and self-love, I mean, it's just going to come flooding back to you in all areas, including financial. So, um, that's really what I would say. What's the energy you're bringing to the world and like, and I am not over you're preaching. Uh, every single day I have. Hardly any patients some days, uh, you know, I have a hard, hard time, like not being a type, a psycho and checking off every single thing on my list. And my daughters are over there playing and I could get some sort of joy out of it and I'm totally ignoring them. But you just have to every day, try to try to determine what, what your energy is that you're putting out in the world and just let it, let it come back to you. So that's what I would say.

Magic Barclay:

That is spot on, like who has lists in front of her as we like, but

Camille Martin:

it's a disease I'm cursed.

Magic Barclay:

That is fantastic tips. And can I just add to that listeners that some days it's okay to do nothing. Oh, yeah. You just take a breath,

Camille Martin:

you stole it, you sell it for me. Yes. Cause I'm always struggling with that. Like I want to just honestly, iMagic the other day I was so overwhelmed and so over all the stuff out of do, cause I'm a full-time job too, in addition to trying to start this business. But, um, Literally I got on the couch and I sat down and I watched Netflix and I was like, you know what? I'm not even going to beat myself up about it. I turned my phone off and I watched Netflix. So there, you know, I mean, we, we can't be so hard on ourselves.

Magic Barclay:

I agree. Totally. I did that last night. I went on my sunrise walk cause listeners, that is part of what you should do for your health. Create a morning routine. We'll talk about that more in another episode, but I went on my sunrise walk. Then I did some work. Then I went on another walk. I got the kids take away and I'll watch Netflix it's time for me.

Camille Martin:

Yes, it is. Yeah. Women don't take time for themselves. We're always like depleting ourselves, doing everything for everyone else. And the worst part about all of that to me, magic is not that we're taking care of everyone else and not necessarily ourselves as much, but that we feel bad about it when we do, you know, That's that's what's wrong. We shouldn't feel bad about taking a nap or taking a break or, yeah, don't clean your kitchen. Don't clean your house. Just sit down and relax. Totally

Magic Barclay:

agreed. Agreed. I couldn't tell you what I actually watched on Netflix. I can't remember, but I do know. That I filed my nails, played with the cat and, uh, you know, I just relaxed and I had a great night's sleep because I had let go of my own expectations of the expectations of others, of having to be on all the time and, you know, listeners, you need to do that for yourself. And for me, that's one key way that I create wealth is by giving myself time to just do nothing. And actually put it in my diary because I am type a as do nothing. Okay. I love that I'm taking that. I'm going to put in my calendar. Don't do nothing check. Yeah. So we're talking about weight loss here. I actually prefer to call it weight release because I think what you. You gain back from my own experience as well. We know that stress is a major factor in weight problems. What was the trigger for you with your own weight battle? And then what did you do to circumvent the stress patterns?

Camille Martin:

Um, let's see. Well, so the triggers that I used to have are still the same triggers that I have today, which are, um, Probably a lot of is environmental and I've managed to successfully take control of my environment so that like my kitchen is set up so that I'm not staring at all kinds of unhealthy stuff. It's not a complete disorganized mess. Your environment is hugely important to manage, um, triggers for eating. And we can talk about that more if you wanted to, but stress for me, um, is. It's actually not so much stress for me. It was sort of feeling down or lonely or, um, food eating to me, my emotional eating was more about filling up like a feeling of love and comfort, you know? Um, so it's not so much stress eating for me when I'm really busy. I don't eat as much. Cause I'm just going, going, going. But, um, everyone's emotional, eating tendencies are different. So if you're a stress eater, you just have to find a way to manage the stresses that are unique to you. So if you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off and you don't have anything planned out and your kitchen is a mess, it's not that you don't have enough little power. You're just not taking control of your environment effectively. And you can change that. Um, So, yeah, my, my stress, uh, triggers are, are probably not being organized or feeling. Feeling alone, really feeling lonely. My kids guessed I'm divorced, so they stay with their dad every other weekend. And when they leave, I mean, um, you know, I do immediately think, well, I'll just, you know, make something to eat and sit in front of the TV and eat that. That was my thing. So I know how to, I know that that's coming. I know that it's going to hit me. And so I just try to have something planned that I can. Keep doing like a project or something or get back to work or go take a walk or do something productive.

Magic Barclay:

So when you know that those times are coming up, that the kids aren't there. Yeah. What do you do to stop that stress?

Camille Martin:

Well, I, I, I make, um, a schedule of things that I want to get done. And then this is just me, my type a personality. That's what works for me. So, um, it might not be the same for, for someone else, but so what I do is I have a, a list of projects. I mean, I've always got work to do so, but if I don't want to like, get in that space of being stressed about work and then maybe eating, because I feel stressed, I try to do a creative project, like. Um, you know, either reorganize my closet or plant some flowers on my patio. I just did that a couple of weeks ago. Um, or, you know, call a friend, go, go for a walk with a friend, something that is uplifting to me that fills me up spiritually. Um, or it makes me feel creative is, is a good one for me. So it just depends on the person. You have to find what. You have to identify your trigger, your emotional eating trigger, and then whatever that is, you know, do something to fill that void without food.

Magic Barclay:

folks, there's your mic drop moment. Fill that void, find that trigger and don't just go to food.

Camille Martin:

Right. And then what I do want to say also, when you start releasing all of that resistance towards yourself and your body, and you quit being so hard on yourself. So this is what happened to me when I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I'm not going to die anymore. I can't do this anymore. Is it's killing me. I had an eating disorder and I literally sat down one day crying. And I said, I'm not doing this anymore. I would rather at that point, quit dieting and have the possibility of gaining weight then to continue with the torture. So I really did think, as said to myself, I'm going to eat whatever I want. I'm going to eat whenever I want. I'm going to eat as much as I want. If I don't want to work out, I'm not going to, if I want to take a walk, I will. But the most interesting thing happened is that I did not gain weight. In fact, I started losing weight. And the reason why is that all of that resistance that I was feeling was gone. So when I would normally sit down with a pint of ice cream in front of the TV and just eat it and not even know what happened, 10 minutes later, I allowed myself to do that. But it just wasn't like. It wasn't this push pull, like I'm trying not to. And then I went full force into it. I ate a little bit of ice cream and I was fully present in the moment with no judgment or shaming. And I was like, you know what? I really don't want to eat all of this if it's not really making me feel that. Great. So what I was just going to say is if there's a time when you do feel stressed and you're eating, it has been your go-to. It's okay. To allow yourself to sit down and maybe eat some cookies and just say, you know what, I'm going to actually, it's good because you can think you can sit there and pay attention to your thoughts when you're not trying not to so hard, you can actually sit down, get your ice cream and start eating it, but pay attention to what you're thinking. And that's what helps you make the changes. You know? So the main thing is don't beat yourself up all the time and release the resistance any way that you can.

Magic Barclay:

Wonderful. That is fantastic. Now, Camille, we like to offer the listeners a freebie here, because this is all about giving, about building people up and allowing them to create a magical life. So what freebie can you offer our listeners? Oh, I have a good one. If you go to my website at Camille Martin, R d.com, um, I have a free guide to setting up your ultimate weight loss kitchen.

Camille Martin:

So as I said, a few minutes ago that your environment. Hugely important to your success. And the problem is, is that your environment's always pushing you to do what you do every single day, but you're just not noticing it because you're so used to looking at the same environment. But in this guide that I offer, um, it'll show you how to basically set your kitchen up so that it helps make decisions for you so that you're not always having to use willpower. So, um, You can go there. There are several buttons, places where you can say, you know, sign up to get the free guide, but it's actually Camille Martin rd.com/kitchen-guide. And you can sign up and get the free guide. So. Sounds great. I think I'll go download it myself. Camille people can find you on Instagram at Camille underscore Martin, underscore R D and Facebook, Camille Martin RD. A really thank you for your time. I know it's hectic for you at moment. You've just moved and listeners, I need to tell you what I can see. Camille, I can see two little people and a dog. Oh, I put my kids out on our patio and I D I failed to realize that you can actually see them out on the patio. That's all them. You are not allowed to come in here for an hour, not even to go to the bathroom. So they'll be relieved that I'm finished, done very well. And they've been very entertaining. And I think they're so lucky to have you as a mum to teach them that their body is just, it's just a physical thing. It's not the sum of who you are. And you know, what I've gotten from talking to you for this past half hour is that your physical is just one part, how you think, how you feel, how you treat others, how you treat yourself is part of who you are. And, you know, that's a really important message. And I guess that's why you love to lose because you understand who you are. That's right. Yeah, we all, um, yeah, we're not our bodies contrary to what culture tells us, but we're all beautiful. We all really, and truly we are all beautiful and we have something to offer the world. Every single person does. And it's a tragedy for any woman or man, to be wasting literal years of their lives, trying to perfect their bodies. It just doesn't matter. You want to feel good in your body. You want to feel, um, peaceful and yeah. So much more to offer the world. So that's, that's my mission. And I'm so grateful for, um, for you having me on I've. So enjoyed it. Thank you. I appreciate, um, I love talking with you. I love your mission too. And thank you for having me.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks for coming on being my absolute pleasure. I think we've got so much more to explore. So maybe come back on again. That would be great. Our fantastic listeners. This was your episode 78. Loved to lose with Camille Martin in episode 79, we have Jeff Teresa coming. He is talking about cultivate create and connect.

Camille Martin:

So that will be your next episode for now. Listeners. Thank you for your time and go forth and create your magical life.