Allerton Park Bird Club Podcast

Birding with Dr. Andrew Farnsworth

Evan Smith & Nate Beccue Season 3 Episode 2

Today Evan and Nate sit down a go birding with Andrew Farnsworth. Andrew Farnsworth is currently a Senior Research Associate in the Center for Avian Population Studies at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Andrew began birding at age 5 and quickly developed his long-standing fascinations with bird migration. His current research efforts advance the use and application of rapidly expanding technologies to study bird movements across scales including weather surveillance radar, audio and video recording and monitoring tools, citizen science datasets, and machine learning techniques. Andrew received his BS in Natural Resources from Cornell, MS in Zoology from Clemson University, and PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University. He lives in New York, NY with his wife Patricia and two daughters Aja and Elle.

We  begin by discussing birds we are seeing as well as highlights from the Piatt County CBC.

In our attempt to help out the AOC, we throw out new names for Swainson's Warbler.

A majority of this show is spent discussing BirdCast. Andrew has been with BirdCast since the beginning. We discuss its origins, functionality, accuracy and future. Additionally we chat about citizen science datasets, dangers, and responsibility.