Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
Ease and Flow for the Purpose-Driven Soul
EP 02: Brian Smith - From Overwhelm to Calm and Confidence (live session)
How does a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur shift quickly from frustration and overwhelm to calm, clarity and confidence to move forward in business?
Find out right here...
After the sudden passing of his fifteen-year-old daughter Shayna in 2015, Brian Smith needed to heal himself for the sake of his family. This self-empowerment inspired him to launch the Grief2Growth podcast. He is a member of the Board for Helping Parents Heal, He has worked with hundreds of parents who have lost children.
[3:04 Brian Smith, host of the Grief2Growth podcast]
"Grief2Growth intervews everyone from those who had near-death experiences to... psychologists, healers, people who can help people heal from the tragedies that happened to us.
"Grief can come from any loss, not just of a person but also including loss of a job, a relationship, health, the loss of certainty...What we're gowing through right now with the coronavirus and with the protests that are going on around the world, those things are causing people a different type of grief. So the podcast is around healing.
"I believe that these challenges are put in our lives so we can grow. And when we look at it like this, and we say, 'What can I learn from this? How can I take this and transform it into something else?' then we can make sense of the tragedies that come about."
"There is hope in every situation," says Brian.
[8:17] Healing session with Brian. His challenges:
- feel like he's going in four different directions: online hair products business , grief guide, small business consulting, life coach
- really wants to do the grief work
- His question: How do I transition out of the other things I'm doing and into my business as a Grief Guide?
Devora faciliates "ultra uber healing" from the Divine, to remove hidden programming from Brian's DNA, a revolutionary energy healing technology. so he can be free to move forward.
[25:20] Brian feels more calm and confident, knowing he just needs to keep up what he's doing.and let things to continue to unfold.
[27:40] Brian's BREAKTHROUGH comes when realizes he has been focusing on what he is lacking rather than focusing on what's going well. "I'm focusing on the one thing that I've been lacking... I've had a lot of successes - speaking engagements, the book, the podcast, I've been asked to wrtie some guest blogs, my videos are taking off. All these really good things are happening, and what I'm doing is focusing on the one area that's not happening."
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