Louder Than Silence

Episode 55: What is Sex Trafficking? with Stephanie Knapp

EndCAN Season 1 Episode 55

In this episode, Lori Poland is joined by Stephanie Knapp, a supervisory child and adolescent forensic interviewer for the FBI's child victim services unit.

The Louder than Silence podcast is brought to you by the National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN): www.endcan.org 

Episode Time Markers

1:00 - Lori introduces Stephanie Knapp and shares their connection 
4:22 - Here we are! 
4:50 - Stephanie shares her background and what she does in the world 
7:43 - Today’s topic introduction: sex trafficking 
8:16 - The “layperson’s” description of sex trafficking 
9:20 - What trafficking really is 
10:26 - Language and why it matters 
12:20 - Our most vulnerable population 
12:50 - Who is impacted by trafficking? 
15:00 - What are the traffickers doing to victimize our kids? 
15:40 - How do we identify the risks and what do we need to know about the traffickers? 
16:55 - What the most important thing to recognize about trafficking 
17:50 - We need to acknowledge trafficking is happening and how can individuals make a difference 
18:13 - Most important way to help prevent, acknowledge, and identify abuse 
20:43 - What do you do as a teen when you have concerns? 
22:00 - Helping kids prepare for if “they get that feeling” 
23:34 - Who do I call, where do I go, what are my resources if I “know” something 
26:25 - How big of a problem is trafficking actually? 
28:40 - Easiest, best way to protect the children 
29:30 - The power in one 


National Human Trafficking Hotline: https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en 

Local FBI Field Offices: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices