Dream Again with Crina Okumus

How to take responsibility for your own personal growth and well-being with Ersin Pamuksuzer, LifeCo founder

Episode 47

Ersin Pamuksüzer is a visionary in the field of wellness and well-being. He began his career in electronics and worked for a big company. However, in 2002, something exciting happened. Ersin went through a special program that made him much healthier and happier. He started to look and feel better than ever before! This experience sparked his curiosity about ways to stay healthy and make others healthy too.

Ersin began to explore different techniques like meditation and changing his diet and exercise habits. These changes made him feel amazing! He wanted to share these discoveries with his friends and family, and they told others. Soon, everyone wanted to learn Ersin's secrets to better health.

In 2005, Ersin founded TheLifeCo Wellbeing, a company that helps people improve their health and well-being using natural methods. People from all around the world visit TheLifeCo to learn these valuable insights and transform their lives. Celebrities like Kate Moss have also visited TheLifeCo to experience the benefits.

Ersin Pamuksüzer's mission is to empower people with simple, effective ways to lead healthier and happier lives. He's like a health and happiness champion!

Ersin Pamuksuzer shares a life-changing experience that led him to retire from his successful business career and embark on a wellness journey. He discusses the mindset and characteristics of an entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and being open to change. Ersin also provides advice on losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle, including intermittent fasting and incorporating superfoods. He highlights the need to manage life routines and take a holistic approach to well-being. In this conversation, Ersin Pamuksuzer discusses the importance of taking a holistic approach to optimize one's life. He emphasizes that individuals are responsible for engineering their own personal growth and well-being. Ersin also highlights the significance of embracing gratitude and finding joy in everyday activities.


  • Take responsibility for your own personal growth and well-being.
  • Approach life with gratitude and embrace each day with joy.
  • Find purpose in your actions and focus on making a positive difference.
  • Take a holistic approach to optimize various aspects of your life.

A Life-Changing Experience

The Journey of an Entrepreneur

The Importance of Mindfulness

Connecting with Yourself

Transitioning from Entrepreneurship to Wellness

Losing Weight and Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Managing Your Life Routines

Creating a Holistic Approach to Wellness

Creating a Holistic Menu for Life

Embracing Gratitude and Joy

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