Join me in this powerful and candid interview with John Fraser, who shares his remarkable journey through a triple coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. At 66, John, a previously active individual, faced unexpected heart issues, leading to a life-changing operation. Listen as John details his experiences from initial symptoms and diagnosis to the challenges of surgery and recovery.
In this episode, John opens up about:
John's story is a testament to resilience and the power of a positive outlook. Whether you've experienced a cardiac event yourself or know someone who has, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration.
Key Takeaways:
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You can read the complete article about this episode here Podcast & Blog Page.
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Getting to know Sallie Crawley
Survivorship after a life-changing event can be challenging. You can rebuild the puzzle of your life and thrive. It takes one beat at a time and the support of people that have had similar experiences. Join me and other hearties in the My Heart & Mind Community, you'll get a warm welcome.