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Empowering Americans to Lead Physically Active Lives

Dr. Amy Bantham/Dr. Katrina Piercy &. Rachel Fisher Season 4 Episode 21

An interview with Dr. Katrina Piercy, Director of Prevention Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesm, and Rachel Fisher, Senior Advisor, President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition.

“And so we see that as a big role to take kind of the science and take that translational piece so that Americans have that information, to be able to hopefully make a healthy life for themselves.

Dr. Katrina Piercy
They really help give us advice at the federal government about how to reach these audiences, and to really meet them where they are, and to share messages that empower all Americans.
Rachel Fisher

Empowering Americans to be physically active
Making the science actionable
Catalyzing change in physical activity
Addressing barriers to engineer physical activity back into daily lives
Linking physical activity and other aspects of health
Taking a unified approach through partnerships and collaboration
Getting kids moving