The Infinite Learners Podcast
Be Better Educators. Be Better Humans. The knowledge and tips you don’t get taught on courses and qualifications. Real-life lessons from real-life people with real-life experiences. Listen. Learn. Share
The Infinite Learners Podcast
#74 Jana Elghobary
Jana Elghobary is a Year 13 student and part of the Student Leadership Group at BISR Al Hamra campus in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. As well as studying for her A-Levels, Jana leads the school's Health and Wellbeing committee from Y7-13.
Jana is reflective beyond her years and recently spoke about the concept of 'Perfectionism' at a TedX event here in Riyadh, alongside inspirational speakers from across the region.
Jana has just returned from a life-changing service and trekking trip to Nepal and is looking forward to the next adventure as she prepares for her exams and life beyond school!
Lewis and Alan discuss research, look at trends and have a good chat with the odd guest to support those working in education to be better educators and be better humans.
Special thanks to our sponsor partners Tsunami Sport, the leading eco teamwear brand. Thanks also to Stephen Jones for our dynamic content, and to Eloisa Keens for the Artwork and Branding.