Blue Point Bible Church Podcast

Getting Into Galatians (1)

December 17, 2021 Pastor Michael Miano

Unfortunately this morning’s sermon, Getting In to Galatians (Part 1) did not record. Therefore, I am going to provide a short outline to the details mentioned in the sermon regarding our introduction to the Book of Galatians. 

1.) In order to understand the historical and cultural context of the Book of Galatians, we must know of the Apostle Paul’s missionary journey’s: 

  • Acts 14 - First Missionary Journey (45 -48)
  • Acts 15 - The Council at Jerusalem (49)
  • Acts 15-18 - Second Missionary Journey (AD 49-54)
     - writing of Galatians (AD 51) and delivering during second missionary journey 
  • Acts 18-21 - Third Missionary Journey (AD 54-58)

2.) We must become familiar with the “Judaizing controversy” that was leading many astray in the first century. 

3.) Daniel Rogers in his teaching on the Book of Galatians provides a simple outline for the text: 

I.) Galatians 1-2 - Paul’s Apologetic 

II.) Galatians 3 - 5:12 - Paul’s polemic/attack 

III.) Galatians 5:13 - 6:1 8 - Encouragement 

4.) Finally, we must not only take note of the historical argument that Galatians made in the first century, but as Pastor David Curtis highlights, we must understand the argument it makes for those in the faith today as well. As I cited Pastor Curtis in this mornings sermon: 

“In this epistle Paul is fighting for the purity of the gospel, and he issues a strong warning against those who would pervert the gospel of grace. From its earliest days, the gospel has been attacked by those who would destroy it by adding to it. Two thousand years later we face the same battle. I think the need for this book is just as urgent now as it was when it was written…The goal of Galatians is to help us find true freedom in Christ­not just freedom from the penalty of sin but freedom also from the performance trap. No wonder it has been called "the Magna Carta of Christian Liberty.” - Pastor David Curtis 

“Believers, the descendants of the Judaizers are still with us today as teachers and followers of Jesus trying to improve on the biblical doctrine of justification by faith. Salvation comes as the free gift of God. It is not earned, it can't be bought, and it has never come as a reward for good behavior. It has always been bestowed upon those who are undeserving, unworthy, and unlikely in the world's eyes to receive such a gift.

Just as Paul battled the Judaizers during his lifetime, so we must constantly battle the Judaizers of our own day. The most important doctrine of the Christian faith is this one single teaching: "The just shall live by faith." Faith not in themselves, nor their ability to live a godly life, or their ability to adhere to legalistic requirements of the Law, but faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and Christ alone.”

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