Blue Point Bible Church Podcast

12/29 - BPBC Worship Service

Pastor Michael Miano

On Sunday, December 29th, 2019 - Sister Meredith blessed the congregation with the Gift of Song being "Born to Die". Pastor Steve Schilling shared a Responsive Reading & exhortation from Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Lastly, Pastor Michael Miano reviewed the "fear of the Lord" the Israelites were called to have as the entered into the Promised Land, and challenged the congregation with that thought in a "thinking through the text" style, Deuteronomy chapters 10-11 as they enter a new year. Pastor Miano also challenged the congregation to read through Deuteronomy chapters 12-17 in an applicational way seeking the Lord's conviction regarding guarding the presence of God, shunning idolatry, not touching the unclean thing (self-righteousness), Christ our Sabbath, knowledge of the feasts of Israel, and convictions of seeing justice in our lives and in our land.