Belly Dance Alchemy

S4 Ep 1: Goal Subtraction (Huh?)

Kelli Nottingham Season 4 Episode 1

If you're anything like me, by mid-February you've already fallen off the wagon with some (or all!) of your new goals or New Year's Resolutions.  It happens. 

But instead of beating ourselves up for not being as disciplined as we should, let's consider a new way of looking at goal achievement - Goal Subtraction.  What's that?  Giving up on my goals?  But how would I achieve anything?  Oh my lovelies, take a listen and find out!

Like this idea?  Want to share something that's worked for you?  Let me know!  Email me at

Do your goals include getting a new job this year, but your resume stinks?  Sign up today for my online resume course (only $57!) at  Resume Revamp | Nottingham Professional Development (

The article referenced in today's episode can be found at: When Less Is More: How Harnessing the Power of Subtraction Can Add to Life (

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If you want to grow your professional skills, either 1:1 or through workshops at your (day job) company or organization, let's chat!  Email me at, go to, or reach out to me on LinkedIn, so we can see if I'm a good fit for your organization's needs.