Guides Gone Wild

2023 Year in Review: Gift Ideas, Goings-On, and Gritty Inspiration for Solstice and Beyond!

Guides Gone Wild

Hopping into the Wild One Wayback Wagon this week to take a quick look back at 2023 - and while we're at it, grab some last minute gift ideas, giving thoughts and gritty inspiration to take us through this darkest day and into the light of the new year!

GIFT IDEAS: - use code WILD at checkout to save 20% on memberships - support local Maine Guides and trip leaders - sweat and soak up and down mid-coast Maine - treat your bestie to a luxurious DryRobe - help those moms-to-be stay active and warm for all the natural skincare (chamois cream is a fave!)

CAN'T MISS EVENTS: Me & White Supremacy Challenge kicks off January 30; watch for Solidarity Hike Day in June Cheer on A Flying Flock - February 2-4 and Skijor Skowhegan- February 16-24 September 6-8

Anne Parmenter -
Bethany Cass -
Anyssa Lucena -
Tori Gray -
Lindsay Currier -
Kat Ripley -


What did I miss? Who do I need to interview? What are you looking forward to in 2024? Let me know -!

Happy Solstice, happy holidays, peace and love to you all :-)   ~Jen


Welcome to Guides Gone Wild. This is Jen, and can I get a Holy F? First reason what is up with this weather? And second thing making me say Holy F right now. Last week I published episode 150 of this podcast well, actually, I guess it was two weeks ago, which is the 177th thing I've barraged the airwaves with, if you count all the shorties and other random stuff I've thrown in along the way. Holy crap, I have historically struggled with year end or milestone type episodes, because three and a half years in this podcast is still me, myself and I, when it comes to scheduling, producing, editing, publishing, promoting 10 weeks late, if I ever do yada, yada, yada.


And so this year is not so different. I'm guessing, if you're listening to this at all, you're probably in line at Target or in your car trying to get somewhere, while simultaneously trying to maintain the jolly demeanor your kids or partner or coworkers expect of you this time of year. Or maybe you're stuck pumping water out of your basement or cleaning up damage from the wicked lashing we took earlier this week. If that's the case, my heart goes out to you. This is going to be a very difficult season for many of us here in New England. So we're going to keep it casual this week and I'm going to try to make it as easy as possible to get that last minute gift or gift of inspiration that you might need this holiday season. It is the guides gone wild. Year end review. Don't worry, I'm dropping links to all of these value bombs in the show notes so you can click over later when you have a minute to access all the good stuff. Here we go.


First big category last minute gift ideas in no particular order. Number one a back country foodie gift membership. I spoke with Erin Owens-Mayhew back on November 2nd. She's got a fantastic website backcountryfoodiecom. All kinds of recipes, resources for people who are looking fora, little variety and very little additional weight when it comes to eating outside. And bonus if you add the code wild at checkout, you'll save 20%. That's almost as sweet as the cold soaked brownie batter hummus. You'll be hovering on your next camping weekend when you get a membership to her site.


Number two a Navator gift card. This one's not technically from 2023, because I spoke with Shay Bellis of Navator back on November 21st of 2021 when Navator was in its infancy. Navatorcom is a one-stop shop for custom and guided experiences throughout Maine and I wanted to reshare this episode and idea because Navators also started curating local events and concierge services across the state, all on Navatorcom, making it easy to plan a rocking day, weekend or multi-day vacation in 2024. Plus added bonus Navator supports a bunch of former Guides, gone Wild guests who are building up their guide businesses, so I hope you will check them out. Number three Cedar Grove Sauna gift card. Jackie Stratton has added another sauna at her Montville base and her mobile sauna has an amazing itinerary for cruising up and down mid-coast this winter. You can check her out at cedargrovesaunacom and listen to her latest update in my episode from August 3rd.


Plus, I have got the 411 on some not-so-last-minute gifts because maybe they won't get there in time to nestle by the tree or the menorah or the Festivus pole, but they are so awesome your recipient won't care, they'll be Totally worth the wait. First off, how about treating yourself or your special person to the ultimate luxury? A dry robe from Amy Hopkins of Saltwater Mountain Co. If you're not yet sold on the benefits of cold water dipping, you have to listen to my episode with Amy from September 14th. It will leave you actually wanting to put your bare body somewhere cold and wet, so you'll have an excuse to wrap yourself in her hope-dipping dry robe. Speaking of the right clothes for the right activity, that girlfriend, who's trying to stay motivated and moving this winter throughout her pregnancy, really deserves some maternity base layers from Arctic Lynx Maternity. Check out my chat with Michelle Boyer from back on March 9th. Then get your order in over at arcticlinksmaternitycom.


And while we're talking about staying active through the winter, while it's never too early to start prepping for the spring biking season, if you're like me and do basically nothing at all all winter and know you're gonna pay for it in the saddle in April, you might want to ask Santa's elves to leave some chamois cream from Caroline's Dream Handcrafted Skincare in your stocking this weekend. Founder and CEO Susan Shashock visited with me back on February 23rd and we talked about a whole lot more than Saddle Sores, so I hope you check it out. Unfortunately, we wound up having to cancel the Fuck Cancer Fondo we were so excited about because of the last water Mageddon over the summer that destroyed Vermont that time. But we vow to be back. Keep those eyes on carolinestreamcom or at carolinestreamvt on Instagram for anything that gets scheduled in 2024.


Okay, now on to our second big category. Speaking of events, here are some can't miss events that you should put on your calendar right now for the coming year. January 30th marks the kickoff of this year's Me and White Supremacy 28 Day Challenge hosted online by Summits and Solidarity. I did the Me and White Supremacy Challenge last February and it was an amazing experience. This one I'm kind of cheating again, because the last time I think I checked in with Serena Ryan from Notch Hostel about this initiative was December 5th, 2022, but this is an amazing opportunity, so I'm squeezing this in. I've got plenty of work still to do on all of this, so I'll be signing up again head over to summitsandsolidarityorg for more information on the February challenge.


And now that we're in February, february 2nd through 4th, the US National Toboggan Championships returns to the Camden Snow Bowl. Our fearless flying flock, featuring Miley Buecher and friends, will be back in the competition this year. They've got a new toboggan and they'll be gunning for the women's overall title. Hear more from these amazing birds in my episode from February 2nd. Keep tabs on their training regimen at a underscore flying underscore flock on Instagram and check out camdnsnowbowlcom slash toboggan-championships if you wanna be a contender in 2024.


Now, moving on to February 16th through 24th, the summer set Snow Fast and ski Jor-Skauhegan Coming on back. This year's festival kicks off On the 16th, culminates on Saturday, february 24th, with the Northeast Equestrian Ski Joring regionals. You can hear all about it on my episode from February 9th of this past year 2023, when I talked to Christina Cannon of Main Street Skowhegan and Mary Haley of MXH Marketing, and you brave souls who want to sign up to ski jor can still register your team. There is plenty of time. Head over to SomersetSnowfestorg for more info. As for the rest of the year, one highlight will be September 6th through 8th. The Adirondack Canoe Classic, known as the 90-Miler, is an Adirondack tradition that dates back over 30 years. This water-based adventure takes paddlers from Old Forge, new York, to Saranac Lake, new York, the first 90 miles of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Registration opens in July at northernforestcanoeTrailorg slash Adirondack 90-Miler. But while you're waiting for that to happen, you can learn more about the Northern Forest Canoe Trail in my episode with executive director Kerry Thomas from May 11th. All right, there's obviously a ton more events happening next year, but I've got to leave time for wrapping and baking today, so we are moving on.


My third big category for this year is inspiration through and through. You can bet I'll be spending my vacation week car rides, re-listening to a lot of these women to get the inspiration I so desperately need at this time of year. To get my inner demonic voices to shut the F up so I can get out of my own way already. First one on my playlist and par mentor. I talked to her almost a year ago, on January 12th 2023. She's a Hall of Fame feel-hockey coach who decided to get serious about mountaineering in her 40s, started technical ice climbing in her 50s and recently retired in air quotes into a new career as a full-time professional climbing guide for EMS. For real In 2024, I aspire to be half as cool as she is.


Next, bethany Cass, my guides gone wild super listener, who I connected with on the pod back on October 12th, heard a devotion to pursuing things that light her up without blowing up her day to day. Her ability to focus on what's important and leave all the other BS behind has really been a lesson to me. She's continuing to build the life she wants, so listen into our convo and, while you're at it, maybe also consider treating yourself to a bucket list trip to Machu Picchu with Bethany this September, and I would be remiss if I didn't call out and re-listen to Anisa Lucena, genuine climbing. I did a catch-up episode with her back on October 19th because since our first episode she's added cancer survivor to the list that already included business owner, community builder and climbing badass. Lately she's been cold plunging into a barrel on her back patio and then ripping some great moves to warm up, all while her cats watch her from inside this lightened glass door. She's sharing it all on Instagram. It's kind of hilarious and definitely motivating. So head over to genuine climbing on Instagram to join in the fun.


I'm going to end this category with a few more rapid fires. First, tori Gray, the wilderness guru so much knowledge about so many things and a beautiful soul, who is all over my For you page these days, even though I already follow her because she's doing all the things with all the people all the time. She's at the wilderness guru on Instagram. I chatted with her back on June 15th. Next, lindsay Carrier, bikepackmaincom, and at bikepackmain on Instagram. She's a mountain bike coach, a racer, a freerider. Lindsay has spent the majority of her adult life creating inspiration for women to get onto bikes, whatever that looks like, and now she's passing on her awesomeness to her daughter. Give her a follow and listen to her episode that dropped November 16th. And most recently, cat Ripley, juniper Moss Guide Services. She's a yurt builder, pilot, domestic abuse survivor mom, snowboarding instructor so much more. She's at Juniper Moss Guide Services on Instagram. I just published her episode on December 7th, so I hope you check that one out if you haven't already. Woof, okay, finish line is insight, don't worry.


Our last category for today are some causes that I would like to continue to support in 2024. If we really mean it when we say we want to get everyone outside, we've got to get more deliberate and intentional about expanding our definition of everyone. So my first two recommendations are diversify whitewater and Latino outdoors. I spoke to Sage Perser back on July 6th about a local event she co-hosted to support diversify whitewater's efforts to break down barriers that exist for black indigenous people of color in kayaking, canoeing, rafting and stand-up paddleboarding. The 2024 events will be posted soon, so keep your eyes on diversifywhitewaterorg and think about kicking your allyship up a notch or two with a donation.


Latino Outdoors was one of the recipients of funds raised by Summits and Solidarity through the Solidarity Hike Initiative they host each June. Cynthia Ortegaes from the Boston chapter of Latino Outdoors join me on June 20th to talk about how this volunteer-led grassroots organization is facilitating meaningful outdoor experiences for individuals and families in the greater Boston area. The seeds have definitely been planted, so I would love to see more water and sunshine and money bucks raining on this great organization, so it will grow like crazy in 2024. So head to latinooutdoorsorg to donate and, while you're at it, check out the Summits and Solidarity fundraiser in June Summitsandsolidarityorg. You can get more info there.


Okay, the last two causes I'd like to tickle your earbuds about are Protect Our Winters and Main Gearshare, because if there's one thing we've seen this month, it's that the world is a literal hot mess right now and our crazy consumptive behaviors are feeding the flames. Back on August 17th, I talked to Tori Brooks, an evangelist for Protect Our Winners and a backcountry skier who waged a full-on knockdown dragout with Mother Nature this past year in an attempt to ski the Catamount Trail. Yes, virginia, there is global warming. You would make Tori's holiday season that much brighter and maybe someday colder and snowier, if you'd support the cause over at protectourwinterorg. But just because it gets colder doesn't mean you need to buy the kids those snowshoes they'll use, maybe once. Emily McEwen from Main Gear Share visited the pod back on January 26th to fill us in on the non-profit gear lending library and repair shop that is Main Gear Share, and they've spent the rest of 2023 hugely expanding their services. In fact, I should have included them in the last-minute gift idea category, now that they've opened their gear rental service to the public. Heck, yeah, you can get a gift card. So check out maingearshareorg, and if you want to hear even more about the importance of gear repair and recycling, you could tune into another episode I did with Anna Dai from April 6th.


Okay, I'm not sure I'm going to have the energy to wrap and bake and get actual work done after this, but I couldn't end the year without reminding you and myself of all the awesome folks we have in our outdoor universe. I'm not going to lie this time of year is really hard for me to stay motivated about anything. It's too dark, too expensive, too close to the new year and me getting a year older and all the introspection and internal judginess that comes with that. So this recap has helped keep the flame flickering for me in here. I might be taking a few weeks off to reassess and figure out what the heck this podcast needs to be for me and for those of you who've been here all along or just started listening. But I'm not done with this yet.


If you have people you want to hear from, things you want to hear about or stuff you want to do with other Wild Ones in 2024, drop me a note guides gone wild podcast at gmailcom or you can DM me on our Facebook or Instagram pages. Any communications are good communications in the Guides Gone Wild book. I hope to hear from at least a few of you, but to everyone who's listening at the holiday or at any other time, and, of course, to all the guides and leaders and total ballers who participated in this podcast since 2020, thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming along on this fun and inspiring ride with me. Happy holidays to each of you. Whatever you happen to be celebrating this month. I hope you're able to find peace, warmth and stability during a crazy time and I look forward to growing this community with you in 2024. Happy solstice, too. Get out there tonight, howl at the moon and make it a little wild.