Rise and Align With Food

184: 3 Surprising Skills that Helped Me Stop Binge Eating and Lose Weight


Here’s one thing I wish I had known much sooner in my journey: 

Your ability to create lasting change in your relationship to eating is directly linked to your strategy. 

And If you’re trying to do quick fixes and short-term tactics without looking at the principles behind true behavior change, then you’ll constantly feel stuck in a cycle of getting some success, then when inevitably some life circumstance happens like an illness or a holiday, you find yourself back at square one yet again. 

I don’t have to tell you that this cycle is not only frustrating, but EXHAUSTING. 

And when you listen to today’s podcast, you’ll discover 3 surprising strategies that are principle-based that when you implement them, you’ll notice your changes are not only faster, but lasting.

Did you enjoy the episode? DM me on instagram and let me know what you thought.