Rise and Align With Food

194: 3 Ways to Soothe Without Food


In today's episode, I'm sharing a 3 tools that have helped me soothe the discomfort of stress, anxiety, or fatigue, without using food to do it.  

It all stems from the inside out approach of living that I've adopted over the past 8 years. 

When you live from the inside out, you become what is referred to as "at cause" in your life. 

This means that instead of being a victim to it, you become the creator of it. 

So whatever your goals, whether it's losing weight, eating more healthy veggies, being more active, going after some career dream.....you can create whatever you want from a place of peace and ease. 

When you listen now you'll discover 3 ways to soothe yourself without reaching for food as a comfort.  

Click play to listen now.

Referenced from the episode:

Wayne Dyer talk: https://youtu.be/Swd8kDT5lcs?si=hJdzgivLK4tmKOOp

Learn more about my mentor, Jim Fortin, here

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