Rise and Align With Food

198: How to Get Back on Track After A Binge


If you’re like most women who have been healing their relationship with food, chances are you may have felt frustrated when you binged yet again.   

Trust me, I know from experience. 

But what I’ve discovered is that it's not about being perfect. 

In fact, the more you expect yourself to be perfect, the harder it is to make the best choices for yourself. 

When you’re on the path of healing your relationship with food to stop binge or emotional eating and lose weight, you will experience setbacks. 

The key is knowing what to do when mistakes inevitably happen. 

So in today’s podcast I’m sharing 3 things you can do to get back on track after overeating.  

When you listen you’ll discover: 

  • Why you should actually expect slip ups and what to do when they happen 

  • The Very next thing you should do after a binge 

  • The counter-intutive approach to handling a slip-up that allows you to make healthy choices consistently 

Did you enjoy the episode? DM me on instagram and let me know what you thought.