Now That’s Something Good Podcast

Mike "Papa B" Boulware talks family legacy, cancer, faith, and more

September 16, 2020 Sarah Good with Mike Boulware Season 1 Episode 8

Mike "Papa B" Boulware shares stories in our first on location recording, all from his family's legacy "Woody's Cabin" in Hatton, MO. Grandpa Mike talks about his 102 year old veteran father and how Woody’s Cabin and beach came to be. His cancer diagnosis, and how he’s kept faith through it all. You’ll hear about a starfish changed his perspective, his favorite coffee, and some great encouragement along the way.

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Mike works at The Calloway Bank

Some quotes from the episode:

“I didn’t do a lot of preparation, but as God often does, he began to lay thoughts on me the week before.”

“Just raise your eyes to the Lord. Open the Bible to whatever page it comes to." 

“Just remember He’s the reason you’re here.” 

“Usually those low points don’t last that long. They’re more of a brief indention.”

Fun things from the episode:

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[0:54] Hi Mike how are you today good good so good to see you sir I'm so glad you're here so Mike I tell you this is our first on location podcast episode oh you're the very first one oh so we're here with Mike boulware
at inside at Woody's Beach inside be called a cabin Woody's cabin Woody's cabin so can you can you tell us just a little bit about what he's cabin so people can picture where we're at.

[1:18] Woody's Woody's cabin is a family-owned on a family-owned farm.
And it's on the edge of the lake here we're there's always been a cabin really my dad built this Lake when I was in junior high.
1965 or 1966 somewhere in there and it wasn't too many years after that that he built a little cabin here.
And we decided it was time for an upgrade and so.
About maybe two years ago we started on that and and we got two latest start so it.
Actually most of the work work happened in nineteen OK and the old cabin.

[1:56] It was actually saved their deceit we said yeah sorry about that the old cabin was actually picked up and moved over here to the side and is now The Boathouse for the storage of the toys and the boats that you need at a lake.

[2:11] And then we poured a new slab adjacent to the old slab and so the old slab is the porch.
Slab and the new slab is here and it's little.
Twenty by Thirty yeah metal building with rustic cabin yeah and we just completed it last December I think and we've really enjoyed it it's been used.
Many weekend since then and often during the week as well so it's just a wonderful resource for our family and friends yeah it's beautiful we've been.
Beneficiary or beneficiaries that the word by word of getting the come out here a couple times and we loved it but you said so we're going to have to post them
pictures for the you listening will post some pictures so they can Envision with his cabin and wings heat that's fine but see I didn't even know you already said the little fishing there's a it's wooden right out here was the original
that was the original cabin yes
okay it was built in 1974 as it says on that slab out there and it was built by my dad and his brother-in-law guy named
GH Rock so that that was built in 74 it
it served us well for a lot of years but it wasn't very big and so it's now The Boathouse and we're have this nicer cabin now I love it and how big is the lake that's it's right out here three acres three acres.
Of course we're blessed that it is old as it is and it's been cared for cattle have not been able to get into this Lake and the.

[3:37] The land above the lake has not been crop so this lake is still about as deep as it ever was about 20 foot deep lake and three acres and.
But we had a lot of lovely sorry about that we have a lot of lovely trees around it that have just matured over the years and so that really helps the setting part well it's really beautiful
we love being out here so you got to tell me well let's jump back I'll jump back to Woody's Beach but so Mike I got to ask you this question
you a lot of people around here call you Papa B now
mainly Christy Bowl where is that is she the only one that called you she gets that like it's all her family it's Christy who thought of it
and it served per family that's that's where the Papa becomes like the name Papa B I'm okay with it my wife sort of has some little
bit second thoughts about it but no I like it fine okay or no problem well she calls that to you so much that sometimes I feel like we don't know what name to call you oh yeah the name I hear in my head so much like Michael be so far up all night Grandpa Mike works good too so yeah well let's back up tell us about your family your life tell us
okay well my wife and I have lived.
Not far from here for ever since we got married I guess in 1973 okay so what this is.

[4:58] How many years have you been married then I'll 73 220 we can't do the math we're not in six and 2046 yeah that's been married 46 years I didn't go far to get her she was in my.
Graduating class at North Callaway high school she's a raised up in Williamsburg and I grew up in Hatton and those two elementary schools attend the same North Conway High School.
And so we've just had a wonderful life together raised three wonderful kids and.
Two of the kids have settled in Calloway County with their family and there's there's five grandkids there okay and then
Christy and Troy have settled in Wentzville and there's three more so we have eight grandkids for boys and for girls and wow life is really good to say how does it feel getting to be a grandpa
so it's well worth the pain and through the parrot dude well yeah it's well worth the effort somebody said I've heard people say that like
grandkids are like the reward for making it through to think there's probably something to that.
I do enjoy all of them at once when they're here and they can get outside and you can.
See him when I have all of them in my house sometimes that's a little much but I enjoy all the grandkids but I enjoy them whether it's one-on-one or a tan well.
That's a lot of fun that's a family's good so you have extended family in this area to outside of kid yeah yeah see my.

[6:26] This this Farm was actually purchased.
By my great-grandfather okay three years after the Civil War.
And but he actually bought it from another family member his.

[6:44] Soon become his father-in-law and we have not researched when that person,
got the farm so it goes probably pre-civil War wow being in our family and you know there's been times some of it maybe.
Was on parts of it might have been on somewhere else but anyway it's all back pretty much together Archibald Harding was that.
Great great great grandfather okay but that's a long time for it's a long time being family yeah so as a result of that yeah we have cousins around here we have aunts and uncles and
I have an aunt down by you down in Troy okay and so I'd say,
I'd say from st. Louis to Hatton that's been our world family was.
That's great so and so you call it Woody's Beach and Woody's cabin we gotta back up where who's Woody or where does would be good Woody is Woodrow Wilson boulware born in the pandemic,
flew here of 1918 wow named after then President Woodrow Wilson.

[7:49] His wife I love her name Jay Lee she she she and Woodrow married.
After World War II and so that's Jaylee past December of.
Woodrow still alive and living in the Veterans Home in Mexico Missouri and I love to go there and visit him they sometimes they shut us off somebody some worker will get the covid or something and they'll shut us off from visits but.
The way it is now and has been several weeks during the summer
is that we can set up times and go in there and visiting when we try to do that every week that's available we try to do it wow and so did he have a house out here to his house is on the other end of the farm about a half a mile west of here okay it's now rented out to my son's mother-in-law
wow and yeah I mean that house was.
Now here's a story he had house was started by his father finest and if you can imagine at that time,
find its own 80 acres that this house was on Wow and it's now much larger Farm but anyway.
He started this house and his story to my dad was,
it was a spec home he was going to sell it now if you can imagine somebody building a spec home on 80 acres in 1950 I think it was a setup my dad was dating my mom he was trying to prod him along,
and indeed before the walls were totally framed up they did announce their engagement and.

[9:18] Wow that was their home wow and so they've looked so this bitch is still can't get over like the generational I feel like that's something that we're we've well will grew up on a farm
so yeah I mean it's probably a little more for his family that the generations passed on my family does not have anything like that so I always love your store like we have no land there's no like but I love hearing those stories of generations so,
Mike did you okay so you grew up in Hatton Missouri that's where we're at we didn't even say we're Woody's beach has out that cat injure had misery what is your.
I know you're retired now right is that true well what is what does life look like right now and so my whole career has been at a bank in Fulton Missouri called the Callaway Bank okay and.
I went through the various progressions was a loan officer for many years but then.
I became business development person and because I'm a good salesman okay and so that's what I've been doing the last 25 years probably and I still do that but I do it from home,
since I've been diagnosed with cancer.

[10:22] It's just been smarter during covid never thing for me to not go into the bank so,
they call it working from home okay how's that go how it's going fine okay that's good it's going fine that's good well Mike you mentioned cancer I want to bring
bring this up to and whatever part of that you want to tell but you well has it been since yeah that diagnosis yeah okay.

[10:48] Let me think about that it was almost a year ago now when I spoke at a Fearless conference about my.
Diagnosis with cancer had in it and.
So I just learned I guess in April before that so that goes back to April of 18 and I'd already.
I knew you had had prostate cancer and had my prostate removed but I thought I was totally free of cancer okay and then all of a sudden in April of 18 they said oh no your prostate cancer is back
and I said well where is it I don't have a prostate and I said we're always going to call it prostate cancer wherever it appears but it's in your bones so.
At that time they said well this is this is a bad one this is 9 out of 10 as far as being bad and said it's so persistent that we probably.

[11:37] At that time how old was 66 they said we're probably give you five years life expectancy Okay so.

[11:45] That really shook me yes I shared with the Fearless women yeah and but.

[11:52] You know you do what you got to do and the Lord is really blessed to me,
with a great tolerance for chemotherapy the particular recipe I'm taking is called docetaxel and docetaxel has done me a lot of good.
My numbers are good let's just say that right now cancer is not an immediate threat okay okay no that's good news but but the fact I'm taking chemo and have had it all summer
I'm not a very energetic boy if you know what I mean okay yeah I gotta get I gotta get my sleep yeah and how did you start the chemo treatments right away when you found out again with the I took chemo right away all summer last summer and it worked pretty good
and then I tried a second opinion and tried something called.

[12:42] Immunotherapy and then it's not a lot different than chemotherapy but anyway they called it immunotherapy and I tried that it did me no good at all I had to quit that because my numbers were just really going south okay
and so back in February or March I switch back to
the first doctor in the chemotherapy treatment of docetaxel and been doing that every three weeks now for about seven or eight treatments so
I'm doing good though and how many do they have is this the kind where there's x amount of chemo treatments or they just kind of keep watching it as it goes or yeah they've changed their philosophy on that a lot and they don't tell me right now okay just kind of just say well well
it was time to quit will tell you yeah but the good news are you said the number good news are all my numbers are pretty good and the scans that they do your bone scans and.
And connective tissue scans and all that stuff you know they're all good that's,
praise God praise God well Mike if you don't mind and again I ask a little more you said that shook you I mean this was kind of out of the blue a little bit with a reoccurring oh yeah do you mind talking anymore to know that's what about that.
That's fine Christy asked me to talk about it that day or at that meeting and I didn't do a lot of preparation but.

[14:00] It's got often does he began to lay thoughts on me that week before that and a lot of it came from Sunday school or or the preacher and just comments that were made and.
It it really.

[14:17] It really had a grip on me at that time I could barely talk about it at that time I my voice was very emotional when I made that talk but it was.

[14:28] Yeah it was it was just something that.

[14:32] I had to do because Christy asked me to do it and I was really really wanted to do it when she asked me to do
so to connect a couple of dots for you listening a few episodes back we had our friend Christy boulware so we've not even made this connection on she leads a Ministry called Fearless women,
Christy is Mike's daughter in law so Christie married Troy who is Mike and Brenda son and at Fearless,
Christy had might come out and speak and we'll link it in the show notes because I know that probably was really hard and emotional but you did such a great job thank you so I guess part of my question about how did it feel to be talking to a room full of mostly women does that look like yeah,
it was very ironic I mean here I am a guy with a guy cancer that would never invade their body but it was no it was it was.

[15:18] I enjoy doing that and looking back on it.
I don't know how my change something about what it changed too much it went pretty well you did really well you actually if you don't mind you shared analogy you had a piece of paper up there like mine thing and you shared it would you mind your I mean do you can you tell that
it's really good you know it has just come to me in Sunday school class that week that lives.

[15:45] You know Christians everybody's life but especially a Christian Life there's just so many ups and downs and how do you explain all that and how do you and and I talked about the fact that the typically when we're.
Referring to the ups and downs in our life that the graph the heart graph what's it called oh yeah like the echo Carter is an echocardiogram is used as a butt
I said you know that doesn't really describe it properly it's more of a starfish like up and down where it kind of goes in a circle
when you're in the low point of your low points in life it's kind of like when you're down in the little start they call the starfish,
thanks arms and of course your high points in your life when your way up on the tip of the starfish arm and then the low point of your life is when you're down that armpit you know that little V and so that.
And I've done some research on starfish they're pretty amazing and they you know the ones we typically think of have,
five arms but they could go up to 40 arms so you know we depending on what kind of life you live if you're like David in the Bible my God she would need a 40 arm starfish to describe that poor guys up and downs but.
You know yeah.

[17:02] Okay and so you said up and down and then I remember you saying you said like then the closer in parts are you kind of put God in the middle God you put God in the middle and when you're in the lowest point when you're down that armpit you know that's when
you're closest to God yeah and it really
what really helps golly yeah it really and so easy to forget about God when things are going good you're up on the tip of that arm and things are riding high and we,
we forget how much we need him sometimes we do so I guess Mike how I mean how would you say in this last year this season that you've felt God closer have you felt,
that like if you're in the armpit yeah yeah yeah starfish and I don't feel like I'm in the ARP it today okay yeah yeah yeah I feel like it was an armpit you know 18 months ago but you know I've had some good high point since then and
so yeah.
He just you know how it is I mean God just works in your life daily yeah there's we've had several things go right in the family now we were through.

[18:08] With you having the grandkids so all those wonderful events are already in place yeah but all the little accomplishments that they come up with you know those are just wonderful
wonderful to witness and be around and then
just the changes as the family develops you see what our kids are doing and
you know I'm so proud of drawing Christy and Steven and Rachel and Jody and Cory it's just wonderful yeah yeah well the someone listening to him like we have
listeners all over different ages different life places somebody who's feelin like hey they're kind of in the low Arts what
would you would you give to them or what would you say God bless you just just raise your eyes to the Lord and.
Open the Bible to whatever page it comes to and read a few verses and just remember that he's.
He's the reason you're here and.

[19:04] And whatever he's got in store and usually those low points don't last all that long that's another thing they're more of a brief indention usually bounce out of them pretty quick.
And you know thanks things will get better yeah that's good you mentioned I don't know if you if you will I'm sure you'll remember this but in case you don't already have here at fearless and then you mentioned the song that particularly had kind of been just,
ministering to your you were clinging to tell us a little bit about that well that was a song that we.

[19:35] Back when a back way out of choir back before covid my wife have sung in the choir for a number of years now we've been
out of it for a while but thanks to covid but thank you Corona yeah but that particular Sunday.
Our Song leader had reached down into her.

[19:57] Past books that we've sunk had sung out of and pulled out an old one that we all remembered our.

[20:05] Wonderful tenor singing and anyway it was.

[20:11] It was such a it was just it's the same God in the night as it is in the days of basis for the song and
same to God in the high points and low points of your life and it just hit so close to what I was planning to talk about that,
I couldn't even sing it I couldn't sing the words in church that Sunday and so then we had the meeting on Tuesday and I had the words printed out I wanted to use them
and I couldn't read them I had to have Christy read it was just
I didn't bring those words but no it was amazing song well there is a line I just got to tell just to give a little encouragement here at like I said I was there at that night and it's
there's a line that says he's the god of the mountain and if the god in the valley yeah no matter where you're at where they're at the arm tip of the arm of the starfish or in the armpit of the starfish which I love I love the armpit time that he's still there and thank God
yeah there's a newer song that we've been seeing it's called graves in the garden so it's the same off that
send it to you later for those of you listening go check it out all right and it talks about just how that gods in the business of making beautiful things out of things that look like they were dead or that
don't have life that he does that and they sing that line in there that he's the god of the mountain and the god of the valley and I will
I think I will forever remember that line as you talking my about that is so powerful being
every time I hear it I just made them like this so the so true or so hopefully I'm sure somebody listening today you need you need to remember that and you don't reminder today.

[21:39] That's good that God's got the same same God yeah do you have any scriptures or Bible stories that have been kind of impactful to you through this season that,
you know I haven't really picked one out there they're all impactful and meaningful and of course the four gospels are,
which hang on to but you know all the letters of Paul are really important and then I even like Old Testament
stuff you know like I said we'd be spent studying David and all,
all his ups and downs in the Bible and read about David he had a heck of a life poor guy yeah you been God loved him through it all so yeah
that's good yeah okay well Mike thank you for for sharing that part of your story I know you're a little difficult but you're using it across the board.

[22:34] Hey there will break it into today's episode with Papa Mike boulware so glad that you tuned in today I just want to share with you to encouragement is really number one chances are,
that you are an elder to someone in your life there's probably someone that looks up to you and that just like Papa B,
I could use a good word could use a funny story and could use just some wisdom that you could share from your own life.
Even through the hard times that you've gone through chances are someone else's going to be encouraged.
By your story about how you whether through those storms and how you came out the other side a better person and so I'd encourage you.
Those who are looking up to you be willing to share your story the highs and the lows to offer words of encouragement because that's definitely going to be something good in their lives and number two.
Look through your contact list chances are you know someone that you look up to that you could receive encouragement from.
I'd invite you to send a text message or reach out on Facebook or send them an email however you reach out to somebody give him a call and ask them if you could buy him a cup of coffee.
Or take them out to lunch or have a zoom call,
just ask him to tell your story they're going to be honored that you asked and willing to tell their story to you and I guarantee you it's going to offer some hope and some life that's really the heart behind our podcast is to share the good things happening in our lives.
Often seems like mundane or ordinary can turn around and be extraordinary for somebody else's life.

[23:59] So I invite you to do those two things this week it really will bring something good to somebody else's life got a favor to ask if you would.
Would you share this podcast today if you've appreciated our conversation with Papa B so far would you share it with a friend look through that contact list find somebody send them a text message or however you share information and tell them why you appreciated this episode or the podcast,
number two if you could actually go to Apple podcast or wherever it is that you listen to podcast if you can write us and give a little description of why you appreciate it that'll help Point other people towards the value of now that something good,
it's not about us it's not about Sarah not about will it's about telling goodness that will help hopefully bring hope and help to somebody who's going through a tough time in their life that's why we're here.
Okay time to get back to the conversation with Papa B and Sarah but first I want to tell you as you know our life is a little bit crazy when we went out to record this episode live at Woody's cabin,
I forgot to bring the charger and so the computer died halfway through the recording thankfully we have a couple backups and so we put those together so you're not going to miss a single part of a conversation,
the quality is just not as good in the second half as it was in the first but I'm sure.
Thank you for your grace let me just say that thanks for your grace thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy the rest of this conversation with Sarah and papa my.

[25:17] Mike let's switch gears a little bit so we were actually talking before we hit record about coffee,
and I feel like we need to talk about coffee for a second let's do it are you an everyday coffee drinker every day okay and what's your what's your coffee of choice.

[25:37] Will Folgers has been the one that I've drunk at home for several years yeah and it's always tasted pretty good to me.
But that's one of the dreads of chemotherapy is your taste buds get affected okay okay after last summer they really got affected and I just didn't care for coffee at all at the time I was through with my.

[26:02] Cable there yeah joke all last summer but it's been better this time and,
it's really I mean Wills coffee is so good I can't even tell any difference in what I was not on,
he chemotherapy when I drank his coffee so you know I doctor a Folgers with creamer and that sort of thing but Wills coffee,
straight buddy okay well that that's pretty good what kind of camera do you normally use if you're going to put creamer in coffee,
David extra song that not picky whatever kind we usually use,
because Doug have sugar in it okay okay gotta watch Kyle so what you gotta watch it I'm with you well
Mike I feel like you got some stories that you could just randomly tell it do you have any good stories that just come to mind here something you want to tell us about,
deer hunting is pretty important in our family okay everybody's that deer story Sarah.
Well Mike I'm not you should I'm interested whatever you're going to say I'm all in because I'm not a deer hunter so put it in layman's term for a non Deer Hunter.
All right well my dad was a lifelong Deer Hunter okay.

[27:13] He was always really good about going out getting these dear he just get it every year he always went by selfie so independent.
They almost never needed any help but I remember the last time he went hunting he was 91.
Something told me he probably ought to help the dad this year so instead of hunting over where I live why I came over here to hunt with Dad that.
And he was honest and about.

[27:43] Oh not quite 400 yards south of where we're sitting okay and.
He didn't go to a lot of trouble he drove his little John Deere Gator down in the woods and got out and set off a folding chair and that was Dad stand well I love it I was.
That was about 300 yards west of him through a lot of woods and I was actually probably standing on the site of the new like we're going to be building soon.
And I'd seen some deer move through but hadn't seen anything quite as shoot particularly and also in I heard a shot.

[28:20] And I thought oh I'll bet that was dead and there was right now from where he was at so I waited about five minutes and I started walking.
Quietly down through there to where Dad was well when I got to wear his gator was.
He had gotten up and he gone about 60 or 70 yards further south and he was standing in a.
Just a little gate in the fence there and he was looking hurt his head he look.

[28:49] The always scope up and he looked through it.
I walked up there and I said did you get one dad he says oh I must have missed him I said what you never missed a deer.
And he said well I don't know he was standing right here where I am and I shot him.
And he ran off down that trail and he went around the corner and I don't know sit well I bet he's laying down there so we just started walking down dad had these pass mode through the woods.
And so we went down through this path I mean we we had gone 40 yards in there laid that deer just around the corner we can see it and.

[29:25] I'll never forget what he said we were looking at this deer and the racks right out here on the porch the kids use it to hang my wet towels okay and it was at that point buck has a nice dear.

[29:37] We looked at little bit dad looked at me and he said.
You think next year that deer would have had 10 points and I said well I don't know I've heard that they get a little bigger each year that's possible.
He said you know I'm not even one years old I'm not going to wait for any nine point buck to grow up like you did right thing that's great that's that story yeah and then.
Oh this one is this is just amazing.

[30:08] Boys Troy Steven is really into deer hunting and trail cameras and and they have multiple Farms they like to do that on well.

[30:18] All of a sudden a few years ago about four years ago now maybe they began to see this nice buck on this Farm Woody's car.
So they named about Woody and I mean he had a picket fence on each side wow just their match perfectly the points and he was a wonderful animal.
And a couple of years went by.

[30:40] And we probably had more pictures of Woody than some family members so when we made our calendar at the end of that year my daughter always puts together the calendar Woody.
Woody back all he was on the calendar for whatever 19 or to 2018 whatever your was he killed him.

[31:01] And so.

[31:05] So that ear Steven finally killed bloody his bow on November the 5th.
And miraculously that was only one day off from the day they put his picture on the couch.
Oh my goodness and it was more amazing than that is Troy it shot the same deer a year earlier with his gun.
Hey called Christy to tell her he shot Woody and in about three minutes later when he gets up and runs off.
And so he survived survived that and wow so anyway Woody there just Woody stories and of course buddies now.
In Stephens home on the wall and he's very elegant looking at wow and it's still part of the family still part of the family.
You said your daughter makes the calendar every year for your family if she doesn't do it for our family she does.

[31:59] My wife's family and she's out for.
Her in-laws and she takes about four of these and she'll just accumulate all these electronic pictures everybody has lots of yeah she goes through them and just I mean.
Pages are just full of pictures on these calendars and it's wonderful what a neat thing I'm sure every year to flip over the month and just she's going to start she usually puts it out about the end of September so she's getting ready to start on this okay wow.

[32:26] So my how are you are you on social media Facebook and I have a facebooker for.
Quite some time as he has his Woody my hundred and two year old photos on Facebook Facebook or oh yeah.
And I feel like we're all gonna have to go find Woody I'm gonna go look up with roboworld Facebook wow yeah he's a he loves to watch Facebook it does he you call out he'll say no news going on around here it's time you all started putting on some stuff.
Most of peoples are posting things and comments Tom loves all that I think we're going to go comment and leave
comment Tu how old 102 he's born in eighteen wow.
And so he's an amazing story where was I going with I'm sorry social media Facebook.
Like last weekend or don't two weekends ago two weekends ago I had him a phone to Cristina I said I think I'll be on Instagram so she got me on Instagram so I've been on Instagram now for it.
That's great do you care if people like if our listeners come.

[33:36] Friend you on Facebook right yeah well have them I just I just friend about everybody I can think yeah well I hear that you're you're pretty well known around here like that most people know you or.
That's probably true but I know a lot of people that's that's that's twisted around yeah okay that's a good my contact list in my phone is this
is a lot of people a lot of phone numbers I love it I love it
won't make sure everything finds you on social media yeah well my kind of just to wrap up our time or do you have anything else that you want to share with our listeners before.

[34:13] We kind of want some Will's coffee I know I feel like we need the coffee...  we'll have to get you,
out here for a... maybe we need a Woody's blend we need to ask our friend Glenn yes it's our friend Glenn he owns a coffee company they are listeners over is what Java hopster, hopster?, Java Hipster is what it's called,
maybe we need to see about getting especially he comes up with a Woody's Cabin Blend we'll help him sell it
I feel like I just hey I thought we could get a lot of takers on the or we're going to work on that we're gonna see what we can do well Mike that does sound good but the podcast is called now that something good so you have anything good that you just,
want to share as put something making anything there's no well I probably shouldn't compliment you so much but Sarah.

[34:59] What you are doing here is very very good and you are so gifted at your questioning you really bring it out I was and you bring her.
Emotions out and I'm sure that that makes more enjoyable listening.
And this will guy he got here and he was a pretty good land for you he's all right he really is he was definitely good
yeah so I'm here I think you two are pretty good well thank you Mike so much thank you for being on our podcast it's going to be a lot of fun and a blessing to a lot of people and offer hope.
okay thanks.