The Grace Space

Sacred Intimacy: The Untold Secrets of Vitamin P Part 2

Claire Lautier/Megan Macdonald & Charlotte Gowdy Season 4 Episode 15

"When we're not afraid, we take very different actions in the world."

-- Megan Macdonald

Who would you be if you totally trusted Life?

What would you create? 

How would you go about your day, stand, walk and talk?

If you felt autonomous, provided for, and had everything you needed within you, how would that change your outlook?

To quote Megan Macdonald in today’s episode of The Grace Space, “When we’re not afraid, we take very different actions in the world”.

Our conversation about the ancient practice of Shivambu -- otherwise known as urine therapy -- continues with guests Megan Macdonald and Charlotte Gowdy. 

Today we dive deeper into the vibrational effects of this practice on the subtle aspect of our nature.

The spiritual benefits of taking in your own essence.

Which translates to deeper self-love, self-acceptance, trust, and confidence. 

I don’t know how to account for it – though undoubtedly some day we will be able to – but Shivambu does something wonderful in your energy field.

It makes you fearless.

There’s something woo-woo in there. 

Not to mention all the thousands of known elements that balance your body, mind and emotions from moment to moment.

Didja know Big Pharma and the cosmetics industry know all about your quantum elixir?

And that they’d prefer you NOT to know?

You already ARE everything you’re seeking.

Once you get this, no one will be able to sell you anything.

No one will be able to frighten you into compliance.

Once you really, truly know that everything is within, and FEEL it… you’re remembering the Truth.

*MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Claire Lautier, Megan Macdonald, and Charlotte Gowdy are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this podcast.*

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