Author Deb Burma is back as a guest on this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to talk about her newest Bible study, Leaning on Jesus. In her upcoming book, Deb encourages readers to see our continuous need for Jesus.
Find out more about Deb’s new Bible study by visiting
Show Notes:
Our culture tells us that we have all we need to make it all work, that we can smash our goals and own our own lives. But what happens when we can’t or simply don’t?
In Deb Burma's latest women's Bible study, readers will see their continuous need for Jesus and will learn to lean on Him. During this episode Deb explains why Christians need each other and how we were created to be in community. She will also provide some of her tips found in her book about finding a Godly mentor, having a “Jesus and me” space, and actively leaning on Jesus.
Questions Covered
· Why do we need to lean on Jesus?
· When will we know we're leaning on Jesus? Can you share some tips/helpful reminders to actively lean on Jesus?
· You mentioned finding a Godly mentor and how helpful that can be. What tips do have to find a mentor and what qualities should the mentor have?
· You wrote about having a Jesus and me space. Can you talk more about this - what is this - physical space, mental/spiritual space? What do we do in this space and why do we need it?
· Leaning and leading – what does that mean?
About the Guest
Deb Burma is a sought-after speaker for women’s conferences, retreats, and ministry events. She is the author of several books, Bible studies, and devotionals, including Be Still and Know: A Study of Rest and Refuge, Joy: A Study of Philippians, Stepping Out, Living a Chocolate Life, and Beautiful Feet. Deb is a follower of Jesus, a pastor’s wife, and a mom. She’s a blogger, a women’s ministry leader, and a self-proclaimed coffee/chocolate connoisseur. Above all, Deb is a grace-filled child of God. To learn more, visit her author page.