DISCy Chicks

What is Adaptive Behavior

Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines

What is Adaptive Behavior?

Listen as the DISCy Chicks help you understand the importance of your adaptive behavior at work. The truth is we all adapt our behavior at times and particularly when we are at work, not so much at home with family and friends. Our DISC Behavior assessment provider, TTISI has developed a patented method for both a natural behavior style profile to show we communicate at home as well as how we adapt our behavior style at work. We adapt our behavior primarily because of the nature of the work we do and to also "fit in" to the culture of the business. 

Let Cindy and Martha walk you through an example of someone that adapts their profile at work and the why's behind this need to adapt. As a leader, understanding this information enables you to best support each member of your team to perform successfully. 



