The My Sleeping Baby Podcast with Eva Klein
The My Sleeping Baby Podcast with Eva Klein
SEASON 4 EPISODE 12 How to Transition Your Baby Out of the Swaddle
The swaddle has been a trusted technique for sleep-deprived parents to calm and comfort their newborn babies for generations. It’s a known fact that proper swaddling promotes the best newborn baby sleep possible. This is because wrapping infants snugly in a swaddle blanket mimics the feeling of being in the womb and helps prevent your baby’s startle reflex.
As your baby graduates that newborn stage, there comes a time when transitioning them out of the swaddle becomes necessary. This process can be a bit challenging, as it involves introducing new sleep associations that allow your baby more freedom of movement. But with patience, a gradual approach, the correct sleep gear, and the right strategies, you can make the transition a smooth and successful one.
In this blog post and podcast episode, I explore in-depth the steps and techniques to help you transition your baby out of the swaddle, ensuring a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your little one. I also discuss the Baby Merlin Sleep Suit and why it’s my favourite swaddle transition product.
- Free sleep chart download - https://mysleepingbaby.ac-page.com/sleep-chart-landing-page
- Free sleep masterclass- https://mysleepingbaby.ac-page.com/registration-page-v-2
- Podcast episode on transitioning from a crib to a bed- https://mysleepingbaby.com/when-should-you-transition-your-little-one-from-a-crib-to-a-bed/