Ford Taylor Talks

Ford Taylor Talks Mistakes and Excuses

September 08, 2021 Ford Taylor Season 1 Episode 38
Ford Taylor Talks Mistakes and Excuses
Ford Taylor Talks
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Ford Taylor Talks
Ford Taylor Talks Mistakes and Excuses
Sep 08, 2021 Season 1 Episode 38
Ford Taylor

 Ford and Patrick discuss how to own your mistakes instead of making excuses. When you make excuses and blame others, you become the problem. When you don’t make excuses, you become the solution. 

Questions explored in this episode:

  1. What happens to my leadership and influence when I make excuses?
  2. How can I own my mistakes?
  3. How does acknowledging your mistakes help with your leadership?
  4. What are the 3 steps of owning personal responsibility?

Ford Taylor and Patrick Williams give practical and implementable tools to transform individuals, organizations, families, cities, and nations.

Ford Taylor is a leadership solutions trainer, strategist, and speaker. With a primary emphasis on the people who serve an organization while simultaneously maintaining a clear focus on the business or organization itself, Ford shares straight-forward, practical solutions through authentic leadership training and individualized leadership consulting. Ford helps to both define and navigate leadership in today’s business culture with an empathetic intelligence derived from decades of experience with an array of people, personalities, and companies both large and small.

Patrick Williams met Ford Taylor in 2014, and his life was truly “transformed.” Learning, sharing, and modeling the tools and ingredients of Transformational Leadership has profoundly impacted not only his marriage and relationships but also his business interests, community involvement, and faith. Patrick loves people and lives to encourage others to be the best versions of themselves.

Especially in these challenging times, we all want to improve our relationships within our family, community, career, business, government, church, and every other aspect of our lives. We want to be better and move toward the vision we have for ourselves.

During each episode of Ford Taylor Talks, you will be pointed to tools, ingredients, and behaviors that can be implemented right away to help with real life issues and communication. This practical guidance will help you solve the constraints that have been keeping you from being the person you want to be.

If you want to LOVE the right way, have INFLUENCE with those around you, and TRANSFORM both your life and the lives of others (or as Ford Taylor says, “get L.I.T.”), this is the podcast for you.

Show Notes

 Ford and Patrick discuss how to own your mistakes instead of making excuses. When you make excuses and blame others, you become the problem. When you don’t make excuses, you become the solution. 

Questions explored in this episode:

  1. What happens to my leadership and influence when I make excuses?
  2. How can I own my mistakes?
  3. How does acknowledging your mistakes help with your leadership?
  4. What are the 3 steps of owning personal responsibility?

Ford Taylor and Patrick Williams give practical and implementable tools to transform individuals, organizations, families, cities, and nations.

Ford Taylor is a leadership solutions trainer, strategist, and speaker. With a primary emphasis on the people who serve an organization while simultaneously maintaining a clear focus on the business or organization itself, Ford shares straight-forward, practical solutions through authentic leadership training and individualized leadership consulting. Ford helps to both define and navigate leadership in today’s business culture with an empathetic intelligence derived from decades of experience with an array of people, personalities, and companies both large and small.

Patrick Williams met Ford Taylor in 2014, and his life was truly “transformed.” Learning, sharing, and modeling the tools and ingredients of Transformational Leadership has profoundly impacted not only his marriage and relationships but also his business interests, community involvement, and faith. Patrick loves people and lives to encourage others to be the best versions of themselves.

Especially in these challenging times, we all want to improve our relationships within our family, community, career, business, government, church, and every other aspect of our lives. We want to be better and move toward the vision we have for ourselves.

During each episode of Ford Taylor Talks, you will be pointed to tools, ingredients, and behaviors that can be implemented right away to help with real life issues and communication. This practical guidance will help you solve the constraints that have been keeping you from being the person you want to be.

If you want to LOVE the right way, have INFLUENCE with those around you, and TRANSFORM both your life and the lives of others (or as Ford Taylor says, “get L.I.T.”), this is the podcast for you.