Alex Toth In Depth

Ep. 022: In Discussion with Paul Pope

Paul Fricke

Comics creator and illustrator, Paul Pope joins me to talk about his correspondence with Alex Toth, and what he learned from Toth and his work. We also cover artistic development, quality of line, international appeal, and some of his other influences, like Crepax, Pratt, Moebius, and more. AND - Pope shares news about his Battling Boy.
Links below.
For a daily dose of Toth images, and updates on the program,
Follow @alextothindepth on Instagram.
Alex Toth In Depth is hosted by Paul Fricke, cartoonist and comics instructor at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design since 2012. Email:
Alex Toth In Depth podcast
Alex Toth In Depth on Youtube
• Paul Pope website
• Paul Pope instagram
Blood Orange comic - New Day Noir
Blood Orange instagram
opaulo comics, art & music Instagram
Prof Paul instagram
Show bumper music - “Silver Summer” from the album “Hungarian Jazz Rhapsody” used with permission from Mihaly Borbely Quartet
Audio & video edits by Rudy Brumm - Follow their instagram