Alex Toth In Depth

Ep. 006: Program Update

Paul Fricke

Program update: hiatus explained; the passing of two ultimate Toth fans and artists, John Paul Leon and Jesse Hamm; and the future of the show.
For a daily dose of Toth images, and for updates on the show Follow @alextothindepth on Instagram.
Alex Toth In Depth is hosted by Paul Fricke, cartoonist and comics instructor at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design since 2012. Email:
Alex Toth In Depth podcast
Alex Toth In Depth on Youtube
John Paul Leon Memorial Family Fund
opaulo art & music Instagram
Prof Paul instagram
Show bumper music - “Silver Summer” from the album “Hungarian Jazz Rhapsody” used with permission from Mihaly Borbely Quartet
Audio an & video editing by Logan Beecher - Follow on Instagram @hotmecha