Crimes Against Nature

Targeted: They Shoot Horses, Don't They

Latigo Media LLC Season 1 Episode 7

Google the phrase “horse shooting,” and incidents pop up from all around the world. In the United States, the crime is, unfortunately, not rare. In most cases, the perpetrator is rarely found.

In this podcast, you will hear the 911 call placed by a terrified woman in Arkansas when a neighbor began to fire on her home. It wasn’t until law enforcement had come and gone that three horses were discovered shot and it appeared the neighbor shot the horses before shooting on the home.

Two horse owners, in Texas and Maryland, share their experiences after finding their horses shot, but alive only to have to be euthanized later due to the severity of their injuries. Finally, a representative of responding law enforcement in Arkansas will discuss their response to the shooting and provide perspective on what horse owners can do in a similar situation.