Leading for Equity - The Petersburg City Public Schools’ Story – Using Practices and Partnerships to Move the Equity Agenda
This edWeb podcast is hosted by AASA, The School Superintendents Association.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.
Petersburg City Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Maria Pitre-Martin, leads staff, parents and community members to answer one important essential question, “What would you want for every child?” Petersburg City Public Schools is an urban school district located near Richmond, Virginia with approximately 4,100 students. Though the school district has 75.26% of students who are considered economically disadvantaged, the school district does not see that as a barrier to access and opportunities for students. During this edWeb podcast, hear about resources that have been provided to students and their families so that the “playing field” is leveled for in-school and at-home instruction. Also hear about the process used to ensure that high school graduates have a high school diploma and a “plus.” The goal of the Diploma Plus Initiative for Petersburg City Public Schools is to increase access to high-demand career pathways, to remove barriers to postsecondary success and to positively impact the area’s workforce development initiative.
Essential questions include:
- What do students need in their homes to support their learning and how do districts leverage resources to meet those needs?
- How do school districts ensure students are receiving access and support that they did not have before the pandemic?
- Why is working with the community essential to finding missing pieces in student learning, filling the gaps, and celebrating student success?
This edWeb podcast is of particular value to school superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders, and aspiring leaders.
AASA advocates for equity for all students and develops and supports school system leaders.
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