For Vaginas Only

Start the New Year Right!

December 30, 2018 Charlsie Celestine, MD Season 1 Episode 19
Start the New Year Right!
For Vaginas Only
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For Vaginas Only
Start the New Year Right!
Dec 30, 2018 Season 1 Episode 19
Charlsie Celestine, MD

In episode 19 of For Vaginas Only we discuss my New Years resolutions FOR YOU all both young and old-er.
We also discuss some important health issues to get under control BEFORE becoming pregnant in the new year and My personal New Years resolutions.
Happy 2019!!!!

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In episode 19 of For Vaginas Only we discuss my New Years resolutions FOR YOU all both young and old-er.
We also discuss some important health issues to get under control BEFORE becoming pregnant in the new year and My personal New Years resolutions.
Happy 2019!!!!

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Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of four vaginas only It is me, Dr Celestine. I know it's been a while. I'm back now. And I hope you guys enjoy this most recent episode of four vaginas only where we're gonna talk a little bit about healthy New Year's resolutions, mine ears, resolutions and touch a little bit on pre pregnancy counseling and how to be your best and healthiest self before becoming pregnant. Happy New Year. Hello and welcome to four vaginas. Only the podcast about everything. Female. I'm your host, Dr Celestine, bringing you important information about understanding your health and body in the way you wish your doctor would actually explain it. All right, guys, Welcome. Welcome to four vaginas on Lee. Before we get into today's episode, I do want to thank you guys for bearing with me during this time that I've been taking or planning to take my oral boards. I did take them in the beginning of December and I passed so yea, for that and I'm really just looking forward to getting back into four vaginas on Lee sharing my thoughts with you guys hearing more from you all. I love the comments that I get on all my instagram posts and the personal messages and questions that I get. Remember that I can't really answer any specific medical questions online. I always refer you out to your own dr to get those questions answered. I would love to be each and every one of y'all's personal doctor, but I'm not, um, but any general questions, I usually I'm able to answer a special if you want to talk about just o B g y n in general, my day to day life, things like that. You know, im, um, all years that I'm ready to answer any questions that you guys have. And I'm ready to come back to four vaginas on Lee. Continue doing our every two week podcasts episodes and let me know any topics you particularly want to hear about or talk about. He could also drop me a line on the four vaginas only Instagram page as well, and then I can probably touch on it in an episode or two. All right, so for today's episode, let's ah, get into it. So I had this whole thing planned about talking about pre pregnancy counts laying and things to make you like your most healthiest cell before becoming pregnant, possibly in 2019 if that's your plan. But recently, you know, I had a few things go on in my own practice. That's making me think that I'm just gonna rewrite the script today. Welcome to podcasting. And up front. I want to talk about healthy living, healthy lifestyles and just respecting your body in general. So recently I've been diagnosing a lot of STDs. I've been diagnosing breast cancer with mammograms and two things I want to touch on with that, for one especially. I mean, any woman, but especially you young girls out there, you know you respect your body. Your body is your temple, as they say, which I know is cliche and sounds kind of dumb. But really, it truly is. Don't let anybody disrespect you. Don't let anybody force you to do anything that you don't want to dio. Make sure you're using condoms when you're having sex with these guys out here. You never know who's carrying what. Um, even if they tell you that there they don't have any STDs or their quote unquote clean doesn't necessarily mean that they are, and you have to make sure that no matter how much you trust someone that you protect yourself and protect your body and make sure that you know you're putting yourself first. And that's what's most important cry. So keep that in mind. These things I know to a lot of us are second nature. But to some of us, especially those of you that are young coming into your own learning about your bodies for the first time, you know some people don't even have the mentors out there to let them know what they shouldn't should not be doing with their bodies. So I recommend those two things as well as starting to c o B g y n between the ages of 13 and 15. You should have your first appointment whether you don't need to be coming for birth control. You don't need to be sexually active yet. Um, but just to talk about your body and the changes that are coming your way are very important. So for any young girls out there listening to this podcast, that is my New Year's resolution for you is to go see your over giant, learn about your body, protect your body and respect your body. All right, mammograms. Okay, So I did mention that I have been diagnosing breast cancer recently, which, honestly, is one of the I've been diagnosing it way more than I ever have before. Okay, which is crazy to me? I don't know if it's because I'm now in a practice in a different location where I feel like a lot of women are ignoring doing mammograms. A lot of the patients that I see these days have either never had a mammogram there in their fifties or sixties and never had had one. Or they get them sporadically and not regularly. So and those are the ones that you know, I've actually seen the breast cancer diagnosis in. So for you, older ladies out there to listen to my podcast, especially if you're in the 40 and older group, make sure that you keep up with your mammograms, Okay? My recommendation. There's many different schools of thought out there. I think I've touched on this in a previous podcast, but my school of thought is 40 years old. Get your mammogram and continue getting one every single year. It's the best way that you can not necessarily prevent breast cancer but hopefully detected early enough that if surgery is done on it, or if you get some sort of procedure or treatment for your breast cancer, that it has the highest chance of decreasing death from breast cancer. Okay, to put it simply enough, the earlier you detect, it is usually the best chance at a life that you have. So why not do that for yourself in 2019? Especially? All right, So that's my resolution for you guys now pre pregnancy counseling. So I know I know a lot of you out there are planning for pregnancies in 2019. OK, it's a lot of people have gotten married in 2018. They're ready to start families now. We backtrack. You don't have to be married to have a baby. Okay, I'm not that old school, but I know that a lot of people are planning that. So pre pregnancy counseling is a much bigger topic. I'll probably do a whole podcast episode on maybe like the different aspects of it. But in general, I just need everyone to keep in mind that there are certain medical conditions that if you have them that you need to make sure that they are optimized and as under control as they possibly can be prior to becoming pregnant. Your pregnancy stresses your body out for lack of better words. Okay. Pushes things to the limit. Things that you didn't even know were a problem for. You come out to the forefront when you're pregnant because your body is kind of on overdrive. Okay, but especially if you have a medical condition already, um, it's only for a lot of those conditions worsening it or bringing out aspects of it that you didn't even know were there, for example, things that are important to get under control prior to delivering or prior to conceiving. Rather, our diabetes. Okay, because pregnancy can lead to uncontrolled diabetes, which has its own set of issues. Also, high blood pressure. Ah, lot of you women out there don't even know you have high blood pressure before you get pregnant, which I understand. I mean, you're young, you're not really thinking things wrong with you. But if you have high blood pressure and your family or diabetes and your family, I mean it's important to find out if you have it within yourself, it's important to see a general medical doctor at least every once in a while to double check some things. Make sure you don't have any medical problems that you're not aware of because finding out in the beginning of pregnancy when you're already pregnant is not the most ideal. Another condition that you need to go check on and get under control is thyroid disease. So a lot of women out there have hyper hypo thyroid or thyroid is them rather. And it's important to get that under control, not only to make sure that you are able to conceive, because sometimes it can lead to issues with infertility, but also it can lead to issues in the pregnancy as well. So it's important to have that under control. In addition, which a lot of people don't think about our mood disorders, depression, anxiety There are some medications that you are taking for your depression anxiety. They're not safe in pregnancy, and some that we can switch you to prior to becoming pregnant. Thio decrease any adverse effects that medication you're on could possibly have on the pregnancy. Also just mood disorders and pregnancy can sometimes get a little worse. You could feel a little more depressed in pregnancy, and it's pop. It's important to get that under control prior to conceiving, to make sure you have care established with the psychiatrist and with your over July in working together to make sure that you're the healthiest and happiest you that you could be. Because pregnancy is a happy time and you want to be able to experience that. The other thing that people don't think of is bariatric surgery. So if you've had prior bariatric surgery, there are certain things that we as over Joan's need to make sure is optimized, including star in aspects of your nutrition, because it can complicate pregnancy. So, yeah, I mean, it's awesome. Greet. You've lost the way, and now you want to get pregnant and you know you're happy. But you have to make sure that you talk to your doctor about this early because there's certain things that we just need to do in order to optimize your pregnancy and make sure that it is a happy and healthy one. So those are my little tidbits on things to kind of keep in mind about in the new year and things to be mindful of in the new year. I'm very excited that a lot of you out there are planning pregnancies. A lot of you out there are becoming more aware of your bodies and sticking with the four vaginas only podcast and learning stuff about your bodies. And it's amazing to get the response from you guys about the things that you knew where didn't know or have learned a little bit more about since listening to four vaginas only. And let's keep doing that together, Okay, because knowledge is power, like I always say So now for me, Mine year's resolution. I have a couple. I guess one has to do with this podcast. I really want to build it and grow it. Build our community, you know, turn this podcast. It's what I've always wanted it to be. And I feel like it's kind of been stunted in the past, like six months or so, because I've been studying for my boards and I'm ready to just get back to what makes me happy. And that's bringing knowledge and sharing knowledge and learning from you guys as well. So that's definitely one of my New Year's resolutions. The 2nd 1 is two. Be happier. I feel like me personally. I'm a very I can be very pessimistic and I focus on negative things. And I don't give the positive things and the good things that are going on in my life. Enough credit. And I decided that, you know, although it's kind of a vague and broad in years resolution that I really want to try to focus on the positive things, no matter how small they may be. And those are just two of them. I'll probably touched on a little bit more of my nearest resolutions on the four vaginas only instagram page, where I share a little bit more about my life and my day to day activities. And, um, you know what kind of go from there? And I hope that 2019 brings you guys. Joy brings you guys happiness. I know that life can't always be rainbows and sunshine, but overall, you know, don't sweat the small stuff and just try to be your happiest, healthiest self in 2000 and 19. And that's it for this episode and Happy New Year's guys talk to you in 2019. Thank you so much for listening. Please catch Maura for vaginas on Lee on Instagram page named Four Vaginas only. Also same name on my Facebook group and Facebook page, which pretty much mirrors the Instagram page, please. Like I said, keep sending me your questions. Your D EMS interact with me on social media. I really like talking to you guys and I like sharing knowledge. I learned stuff from you just as much as you learn stuff from me. So let's go into the new year focusing on just gaining more knowledge about our bodies and ourselves, and I'll see you guys in the next episode by