In the Ring with Billy Moore

The Heart of a Champion - Dr. Abuwi Mahdi -his time with Muhammad Ali

Billy Moore

Billy Moore speaks with Dr. Abuwi Mahdi about his 15 years as manager for one of the most beloved men of the twenty first century Muhammad Ali.  Dr. Mahdi discusses his book Muhammad Ali, The Untold Story.  Skin Color Cannot Think or Reason. 

Billy Moore:

Welcome to in the ring with Billy Moore. Yes, sir brother, Joe is good to see you haven't seen you in quite a while and shirts It

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

was almost eight years bear, almost 10 years

Billy Moore:

as we've been 10 years,

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

almost 10 years better a long time. But it's always a blessing to see you. That's a fact.

Billy Moore:

Well, it's a little before we get started, why don't you introduce yourself?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

My name is Dr. Abuwi Mahdi, retired business manager for Muhammad Ali. I was pitched Manager for 15 years did over 400 promotions in 42 countries. I spent 210 days out of the year when they say you really don't know a person until you live with him or work with it. I live and work with Ali. I have over 65,000 hours of companionship. And I basically carpet every relationship with Ali, I've written a book, Muhammad Ali, The Untold Story, skin color can I think the reason this book is going into the interior of Muhammad Ali, not the physical icon because it was more than a physical man. No, that was basically the house that he lived in. But we are going inside of his house, we're going inside the container and seeing what the cinder value that's inside of her man. And I'm trying to express that value of Ali, the value that he had to the to himself, to his family, to the community, to this country and to the world. And I'm giving out, I'm celebrating all aspects of that. And that's what the untold story is all about. I'm glad that we are participating. Because the sale of the book it's on sale now you can get the book in a digital form at Kindle and apple. Okay, you can you can go to affinity international publishing, affinity international publisher at affinity international publishing


// And that's the untold story that I'm telling story. website, you can purchase a book for $26. Okay. And and from the from the sales of the book, we're donating money to nonprofit organizations. And anybody can there's always been organization that for the last 25 years,

Billy Moore:

real quick, you get ready to get us in trouble. If you give her the mixed women coming in. If anybody came originally, Originally, it was any boy can. But but but but because we changed it to the 21st century. That's a good thing. Anybody can do anybody can.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

That's a good thing. So we're here. We're here to talk about the book. And I'm here to support Muhammad Ali. I supported the organization for the last 30 years. Yeah, yeah. And we always look forward to supporting the organization. So I'm gonna continue that tradition. And we'd like to support organization this way.

Dwayne E. Shigg:

Anybody can use foundation teaches our youth to step off into life with their best foot forward without cowardice, but with courage and dignity. ABC was founded by legendary life Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore in 1957. He had a heart and passion for helping the youth. He believed if we went into the business of prevention, we could save billions of dollars and millions of lives. He started ABC to teach us the basic ABCs of life. Are you concerned about the world today? Do you want to help train our youth to be that change needed in the world? Join us in the fight for equality in the fight for justice in the fight for our youth. If you would like to help go to WWW dot ABC youth That's www dot ABC youth Be well and be blessed.

Billy Moore:

Thank you. I mean, before we, before we get started, I want to ask a question. What was the photographer's name powered beings? How do I paint them? Yeah, how big is he still around. Now he passed away, oh man happened to all of those photos. Because there is a photo where we were all in Idaho. We'll get to Idaho in a little bit. But we were in Idaho, Boise, Idaho, and Ollie and my dad, and yourself and myself. We were in a limousine. And both of them fell asleep. was holding up each other. Got that picture?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Yeah, I don't I don't know what that photo was that. But I do. I do. I do remember Idaho. Yeah. And also remember the Idaho potato guy. Yeah, that's right. I can't think of his name. But his family his dad was a gracious host to us. I mean, they hosted us with I mean, the hospitality was open. But beyond what what was normal. So that's one of the reasons why we can we can never get out of a special place for us. It really was.

Billy Moore:

Well, let's, let's get down to the nitty gritty here. I was reading the book. Now, Dr. Murthy, let me ask you a question. While you throw the man's medicine out the window. You do all these medicine out the window? Are you thinking now, this guy? This guy's supposed to be the manager or the caretaker? And I've seen him carefully. But you throw medicine out the window? Well, we would be asking what you're supposed to be taking care of me. You're not doing what you should be doing. And user Okay, I'm not you take the medicine and throw it out to the limousine. Oh, yeah. Let's make room and going crazy. You want to take some time to explain that? If you the world, the most popular man in the world. You take Muhammad Ali's medicine in provokes your listen to this, please. He takes the bag of medicine and throws it up limousine window while they're driving down Highway.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I was using Virginia Beach. We went down for Aldi and I was on a promotion and his wife and Ali's nanny and Richard Hershberger, which was it his attorney? We spoke in the meeting him down there for for some type of business deal. So we got in a limousine we was driving in London was saying, Oh my Do you not taking care of my Hummer? You know, my husband Muhammad. Muhammad is my baby's not taking this medicine. And you told me making sure he take his medicine. I said look here. I'm not a nurse. I'm not at least but I somebody spin this magic. Now he was telling me he was taking the medicine she too, because it would take like he's taking the medicine when he wasn't taking it. She said but you got to make sure I said I got to make sure you're out he take his medicine. I saw he do you smirking because his life is good know me. Like I'm not doing my job. He got he's sitting back and he's smirking. That's okay. I guess it is my fault. I said, let me let me see you. Let me see your Let me see the medicine there. So I know exactly what what to look out for. And I'm looking for sure. Could you show me your medicine? He went in this case, we put up three acid acid, it's just all your pills. If he put two or three bottles of pills, he saw your pills. He said this is awesome. And I'm sitting. I'm facing he's facing me in a limousine. So I left him with a dash Are you sure this is all your medicine, PC and I do what I do when I leave biases. She said she's been she's up. Mighty. He's gone crazy. He's mad. He's throwing 100 medicine. I said if you don't want to take it, then I'm happy if he wants to. If he wants to die the most powerful man in the world. God bless him to be the most popular man in the world. He means so much to so many people. And he just wanted to throw it away. I said been I'm gonna join it. If you want to hurry up and get the you want to hurry up and die. I just throw it out to him and obviously value to the devotee Stop the car Stop the car Stop the car pull over limit a pull over the he stopped back and back to where to the to the medicine now, they all got out they were looking for the medicine. That's why I said Why are you looking for the medicine? He's not going to take it anyway. Let's get back in the car, Ollie all Luzi drive a fast runner the balls, man, she's I got one. Yeah. And then at least by finding another ball, and then I leave the last ball. I say Oh, why don't you get on the road? You're not getting out. I'm not gonna hit get out and look for that medicine and Ali's not gonna take it salimos to die. Let's let him back. So are you really thought that last fall he found that he was happy. He's I got it. So as I stepped out the car and let him in. He grabbed me around my neck and started turbie. You know, you know the word he always used? He said, Yeah, yeah. Are you choking me? He's I know, choking you. He said I got your point. I got your point. I said, Well, let me go then. And so we got back into cotton is five we're still getting out. He said no, my days, right? Maybe just trying to be a little dramatic, except too dramatic. He's just sending a strong message to me that I need to take my medicine he said for now. I'm going to take the meds because if I don't take them, medic Mati is gonna get the message he got flushed down the throat, I see exactly what I'm gonna do if you're not going to take it from that point on. He was taking this medicine every bathroom.

Billy Moore:

Yeah, that was uh,

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

that was that's I got him to stop being a little bit more mindful of the fact that who he was, and the importance he was important to us to the world. And he needs to take medication, if he wants to continue that tradition. Another

Billy Moore:

I can remember the time that we were all up in Boise, Idaho, and they were such a wonderful and joyful times, because there weren't a whole lot of us in Idaho. And at times, they were feelings. But he was a guy that could come in and make everybody feel as though everybody was together. And things work together. And that was a we have two wonderful times of different, some joyful times up in Boise, Idaho, and with Paul Brown. And we would gather up there for different boxing promotions. And when you guys would arrive in jail. He would really kind of stir things up. But sometimes it was. Thank you. And Paul, I think you want to I don't know if you remember the time you grabbed Paul Brown. You want to throw him over the balcony? Oh, no, he remember that. You said you saw it going toe to toe? I'll do something here.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

No, we will tell us tell us a little bit about power. facto power. I suppose you don't need to. You don't need to lie. When you can tell the truth. You don't need to steal the Sunfish free. I said you know full disclosure with me. I'm working with you, man. That's it. I'm watching I'm on two promotions to work. I said know that your finances just kind of tight. I said, you know, made up. How do you not have extra flight knowledge so we can fly in free, we can save you some money, we can save you four or 5000 miles on airline tickets. I said we can get the hotel who couldn't get the hotels didn't think I already know it pay for a hotel room. So we can just get to hotels calm, we can save you some money on that. I said on time to save you some money as much as I possibly can. That's how you have to do something. Because, you know, I probably have told me that we have a certain amount of money. He was good. He was paying for the promotion. I didn't tell him that I was paying for airline tickets. And I was taking care of a game like that. But I'm kidding. I'm literally trying to build your credibility up with it. But you're not helping me man. Absolutely. Now you're going to come up with the rest of us even come up with the rest of your five so I'm gonna put up half of the font and even put it that that's it. If you don't do that, then we got we don't have we don't have a problem. And we worked it out file turned out to be one of the one of the best supporters we had but that's why we anytime he called us we would always come with answers. You need to we had we had to we had misunderstandings but we worked. We worked through it. You know Paul's good I wasn't bad. And I told her I said probably 80% of your good I said under 20% we can that's it means clean, we cannot have two wrinkles. So that's just on it out. We can do that together. But we can't do that if we're not honest with one another and if we're honest with each other accidentally No, there's no time that we cannot resolve because honestly, it's okay. And then how over a period of time we gradually get the confidence. Now let's dive right in. And if it worked out, tonight we are at an outstanding relationship. And to this day, brother, and I, and anybody all the promotions, I went on to power is in the top team. Law, right? enforce relationships,

Billy Moore:

beautiful raise the Lord.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

And that was and that was mainly because I was committed to your past. And to you know, he

Billy Moore:

was Yeah, him. Yeah, him him. I probably. Yeah, have a very special special relationship. A very special relationship. Yeah. He was. He was like a kid. Whenever you got to run my dad.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

He said that your father was the key to his training. father taught him your father taught him the significance of training. Yes, yes. And he said if he was with your father, he said he would. He would run down he was he got into his training. He was so committed to his training he to run down the hill. And then he would run backwards. The same backwards the same speed running backwards up to here. He went back over here backwards in my data here forward. And he got that from your father.

Billy Moore:

Yeah. Yeah. It was a that was somebody dogma, Doc, you read another place where it Lee was such a compassionate. And he had no problem with showing compassion. And he had you spending the night with the homeless? Did he read the book? Yeah. Yeah, I was reading through it. It's, it's it's I get some giggle because I know you. You don't mean? what he told me. The whole reason I like to understand that mean, to see you in in 10. below. Well, I didn't really sleep with the homeless. In I know why you are. And you're already your beer down. You want to share a little little story about that? Huh?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Yeah. Yeah. We flew out from LA to New Orleans. Before the New York City. Mayor was talking about the homeless problem on the news. First thing I need to get in good in unlimited. He can on television, because he he wants to see cnn he wants to see what's current on the news. And he was talking about the homeless situation in New York, and obviously was bad Greece. How was that? It was 510. five degrees that night? Yeah. And we've listened to the to the broadcast news podcast, Sally said, Mary, we need to, we need to, I got an idea. We need to go out or need to try to really understand but just homeless. homeless in part two, we need to go out and spend a night for a night in the cold. That's it? I don't know. But that's it, despite the grief and I said, It's freezing. I said, you know, maybe a little later on. He said no matter who told me that man, who told me that it man can understand warm weather to experience cold weather. as well. I read I told you that he's where we go put that into practice. Because we want to go out on a limb. We don't do it. It could be that we don't want to tell the press but nobody, we just want to go out. And we want to spend the night with us. Okay, if you want to do this, let me let me let me let me first go find us some sleeping bags and so we can get prepared for now we're not I got the best sleeping bags that you can buy. I want to make sure that we was I mean it was cold. So we went out and about to find our equipment and everything that we needed. Then I wanted to pick an area I wanted anyone here to flow from hotel to share to hotel so I wanted to find a homeless center and I was walking distance. So I found a place where the homeless was hanging out at and I totally go there around 132 30 at night at three o'clock in the morning and then we'll wake up. We wake up around six or seven as well. We can't go there later when we arrive we need to go in there about asleep as we don't want everybody waking up in the cold trying to get through autographs and all that. So we got around 233 o'clock. We got into the sleeping bag was calling it beginning by by this Meteor adjustment was born. I fell asleep and a homeless guy come pick me up he says he told me to wake you up. And I wake up and I see it all these people who have it Yeah, and obvious telling me has a salary. Obviously, it's not a wake up. Call, you've been keeping up for about 45 minutes. That's how you should have woke me up when you got up. He said, No, you need to do this. And he got all these people out. He's signing autographs. Yeah, he said, so I got a piece of money. He said, we got to, we want to find a place where we can go get some coffee, and some donuts and everything you don't meet. So to some guy, somebody said it was coffee place, a block away of two blocks away. So we go to the coffee place. And we went inside. Here, we got about 40 to 50 people with us. And it. You know, in New York City, a cup of coffee is five $6, almost. So I said, Boy, we got about 5060 people. So I told the guys look here, we can't put everybody we put this on its own. So Miley, and the owner was so impressed with what he was doing this now, I want to take care half of this. And so he took care half of it. And we fit about four to 50 people in about four or five people outside that couldn't get in. So if we were to leave and I went on I told the people y'all can come with us now. He told him to come with us, we're gonna break we're gonna walk back up to the Sheraton Hotel. And as we, you know, Ollie, Fifth Avenue out, he can't. He came out he walk in New York, the police are gonna know if Ali's out walking because they already know the manger returns our two horses nearby to sell a pair of control the crowd. So we walking up to the hotel and all the airbag, five star homeless people despite our entourage now. So the police in protecting us gonna be walking up, we finally got to the hotel, and I'll even enter without it. We sit down. And the lady was the host came up and said that the people went dress when properly dressed. And I already told Luke here, if you if you don't if they're not, if you don't show them this, I'm just not gotcha capital to not go to a hotel that was here. So so she went back and she came back she said everything was okay. And when I told the waitress that told the hostess that he was going to check out the hotel due to his guests. And he wanted to be served and treated just like everybody else in the hotel. and hungry, so some of our criteria. So as we started, we started talking to him, I wanted to find out what happened. And they'd like to go to college and be homeless. And one guy was telling his story. And he was saying that his wife had passed away from cancer. And then two weeks later, less than a month later, his two daughters in a car accident and they lost both of his daughters. He was an engineer. And when he told me that story, because he just left the office. Now he said he didn't know what he would do. If he lost his wife when he lost his children. He said that there's too much for any man to bear. And now he was consoling the guy. And as he's consoling the guy, you can see that everybody else in the other home speaker, Tiriac I was fine. And now he talked to all of them. And he told him the care. asked me how much cash Do you ever get my next I got about four or$500. He got about three or $400 on him. So we took their cash. And he split it up with with what everybody told him about it people need in a day, in a distress. They're in a situation they I gave him my number he said call mighty mighty, we'll send you some money. And the people to whom this guy's favorite do is forgotten lady. And they were just in tears because it was taking the time listen to their stories. And then Ali's trying to do what he can what's happening financially, and told him anytime they needed something to contact me. And they just couldn't believe it. Desktop, Mohammed is just Muhammad Ali. And that just comes naturally. He's just something about him his connection with people interested in distress, especially if there's a there's a call for healing calls where there's some suffering out he just he just right there, just just just as part of his heartbeat. So that's what makes this in my opinion. That's what makes our leader, one of the greatest champions of our times, but he actually sincerely three, and one of the homeless guys when he woke me up. The homeless guy told me that morning he says, just man here he said just he was crying when he was telling. He's just he's a real champion. He said he comes down here. He didn't have to come down here. He said, I made you come out here. And he thought he autograph talking to us. He said he was he just it was just overwhelmed that he would do something like that. And that's just the way it was. But that's that's one of the events that act Put into the book to try to, you know, capture it in his, in the human kindness that he had. And this there's a lot of stories like that without a whole lot. I mean, you got to realize Ollie look for stories like that he lives so he can be a champion for people that in need. That's just a test

Billy Moore:

question What's it like? Here's a man in New York Times Square look just like that somebody you pull up your him get out of a limousine and you started walking and before you know it you've got all kinds of people around. Okay?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

What's this a traffic jam. I mean, you can't he just stops traffic. I mean, literally stop traffic. And one thing about the Washington DC and New York Police Department has always been good good to Olli. And they automatically know when he's in town, because of the traffic jams. And, and they are sent they sent a full guide pack on horseback. That's the only way you can control the crowd is with the police on horseback. And they they control the crowd. And tell Alia so you can see it out here too long, Ravi. Now, he knows that you don't want to be too much of a burden on the police officers trying to control the crowd. But it likes to walk the streets. And he likes to autograph and he he loves doing it. And that's just part of Ali's makeup. We include we are career and we are limousine. And as we are driving on both sides speak you got 100,000 people see an Audi Audi, my ego and they come to ours in the car. And I'm in the car I got to throw the flowers out versus just traveled everywhere. And there's a ton of flowers out, flowers are coming in and those stains the flowers, the stain from the foul suit from soaking wet from the flower stage. And it was what would tell the guy to stop. And I said you can't ask people to stop traffic or traffic jam. But it was to stop it. Get out the car. Go there here. See a little baby assembleia hook the baby. Take a picture with the baby do get back in the car start back over again. In in the Philippines that we went to see King five who's guess a key five, and he was at his palace palace was about 2121 floors. It's one of the most I've ever seen in a tiny market. So they had a chandelier to a 3 million hours chandelier on each floor and marble lamps and gold plated villages. It was unbelievable. So obviously if since we're gonna be here for two weeks, just shout out, get me sign out autographs all over the workers. And we're thinking this maybe about 3040 people. And there's over there's over 300 people in the bill that was working in the past. So we went downstairs and they had to read a copy of a copy of it with a table around two seats and that Friday night. And it sit down. I said, Boy, this is gonna be a holiday. This first time we can do a autograph session. As soon as he sat down became a mirror. It was all over us. So they all go west. And they get in I tried to get an autograph from Bobby and it looked at me. He says Do you know where he always grew up just country boy from country boy from Kentucky, he is just a private matter. You're more than a fighter. I said, these people know they respect you. But he does does the humility that he would he would have for people praising him. He's still seeing himself as a simple country boy from Louisville, Kentucky, who just boxing. And then this is what happened to him, especially with him. And he treats it but he don't let it go to his head. He's just another he just a counterpart from Louisville, Kentucky. That's one of the reason and I would tell me God forgive you for all you're seeing Tommy just for this statement here for this moment right here. I said this is why I'm proud and honored to be associated with you because he was a true human being. And I have met a man with a heart good knowledge. And I've been around the world that have been 42 countries me Nobody can come close to his heart. And I met all this most of most of the stuff Everything in the world at that time. None of them had to hide that. He had a hard life like Gandhi or someone. He was just a he was a special individual. Yes, he was

Billy Moore:

one of the things that I liked it before we go you'll only have a very very narrow very special unique relationship. It I mean, it's a it was something we mean it Argonaut attack, you know, something that you behold to sit there and laugh the whole time. Because you want him I mean, he would.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Yeah, we've been on this and I was sitting sit up and it would teach my leg.

Billy Moore:

Yeah, he granted gives me like, I was telling Shigg about that earlier. I had grabbed your leg and you'd be doing what he loved. He loved fully with you. And that was something that was very unique.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Yeah, he made one stop meeting and I got it we got to do so I got up and I moved when he came down until the guy next to me so that's how we don't do that. That's just just just clerical man. I said I said this is embarrassing. I said don't do that. I said I'm not gonna do it Monday. I'm gonna stop as soon as you find like me talking slipped my mind he go right back and jump up. And they used to really really upset me cuz I just don't know when to stop. You got to stop playing. You have like a kid all the time. I got to grow up man. But to air temperature if you got to grow up. He gets he think it's funny. And he laughed and joked with you right? I'm not gonna mess with you. He turned right back around and do it again. It just never he was not stopped with it. But when I was on he was really young. Man him he used to argue

Billy Moore:

all the time.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

We get an iron. hardheaded he said he does it somebody is hard here. Why do you think he goes there? He said audiences don't keep getting we start reducing your targeting to 30 to somebody that he knows everything. He said you don't want to you don't want to to MIT that everybody hates it. You don't want to save him I didn't know anything now so I'm kidding. You just want you don't you don't want to say that about Maddie and Garcia he thinks he knows everything. He did you think he knew everything? I told him not to say it. Actually, that I know everything you just don't know much. Love each person.

Billy Moore:

Thanks, think that's I think that was that was a relationship that can truly be said that you and him really and truly love one another. And that's what came out of it. It's a it was such a joy. Just setting to watch me interaction that two men had with one another. It was special. And the guy that you knew just how to work within that relationship. There was nobody that could have geared that like that. But the Lord you two were chosen for one another back to Monday.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

But I'm praying for better. I really I was blessed to be with the most popular most beloved man of the 20th century.Yeah. And theater over 400 promotion with him, traveled to 42 countries and sold a real are the inside and out. And to trust and confidence to he he put in me. I was honored and valuable to people that across the relationship. Remember leg cocaine code. But somebody, a guy came to him he said, I talked to Marty and he was David backbiting you. negative things about you and Ali interviewed Muhammad Ali's Brexit manager he started laughing any gas Why do you say you don't know might be. It might be something whereby everybody can wait to come in my face and tell me that I was a little like whatever and that he don't want He's quitting the day he don't you don't want to be associated with a man with a bag? It will he's not going to be working for a man who don't care for people, whatever, whatever it should be. But he's a mighty mighty Can't wait a minute in his face. He said, so I know my dad, he turned my back. I said, My dear no turbine, nobody's back. Yes, my dear to your face. And Mr. back, I was I was just honest about telling the truth and speaking the truth. Yeah. And I was speaking truth. It may be no different who it was I was truth to a power didn't make me any difference. The truth was to survive, this would be that right? Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. I sincerely believe in that. And so I've tried to relationship with our lead was based on the truth. And I never would never would lie to.

Billy Moore:

Well, what, you know, we've kind of come to the end of our time. But what I'd like to do to make this into a two or three part interview, how would you feel about that?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I feel good. To see you bringing up some stuff in the past that I haven't forgotten all about.

Billy Moore:

Okay, well, I like to make the three.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I always feel free to reflect back on the memories. Okay, so we can do a part three, Part Four. Whenever you need me,

Billy Moore:

I want to bring Paul Brown in on it. Okay, well bring Paul Brown. But now you know, I don't want you to reflect on when you got ready to throw him over that death can be you grabbing the throwing over the balcony.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I was I was I was young being very, you know, when I was practicing patients at the time, but I do remember that stage though. I really do. Be God forgive me. And I'm glad that God bless color and I to work on now. And for the relationship to be what it is today. All right.

Billy Moore:

All right. Well, that Monday, I really want to thank you for being in the rain with Billy more on this program, and we you kind of got my juices flowing again. Because I kind of wasn't that excited about it for a while. But it is it is very exciting.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Let me say this too for you. But let me say this to the people. Billy Moore is one of the best friends I have. And the reason why he's one of my best friends because he's a friend of God. He is a he is a believer, and no question about that. His faith is strong. And his commitment is strong. And his his God fearing mentality. And God fear and belief is what brought me with you Billy, because I know you are believing God carry you don't you don't know God is God. You don't believe God God you know God is God. So you speak Will you speak about God you speaking from your experiences? And God has blessed you with a universe in a millimeter of miracles in your life. And God is blessing that God is real to you. And that's why that's always been the attraction force with me and you always to the day that we died but may God have mercy on my soul. You know that you are

Billy Moore:

here we'll be back in touch with you. Doctor shake. See Oh, he'll be in touch with future All right, my brother. God bless you say hello to the family. Oh, yeah. Okay, all right.


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