In the Ring with Billy Moore

Legacy Never Forgets

Billy Moore/ Dr. Abuwi Mahdi/ Paul Brown Season 2 Episode 1

Billy Moore gets in the ring with two of his longtime friends. Dr. Abuwi Mahdi ( and Portland based businessman and boxing promoter Paul Brown. 

These three men have a history paved with the legacy and the wisdom of giants. They were all blessed to know and work with some of the greatest boxers and more importantly the greatest human beings of all time. One being Light Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore and the other being Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali.

These three friends talk shop, old days, legacy and greatness. 

Dwayne E. Shigg:

Anybody can use foundation teaches our youth to step off into life with their best foot forward without cowardice, but with courage and dignity. ABC was founded by legendary light heavyweight champion Archie Moore in 1957. He had a heart and passion for helping the youth. He believed if we went into the business of prevention, we could save billions of dollars and millions of lives. He started ABC to teach us the basic ABCs of life. Are you concerned about the world today? Do you want to help train our youth to be the change needed in the world? Join us in the fight for equality in the fight for justice in the fight for our youth. If you would like to help, go to www dot ABC youth That's Be well and be blessed.

Billy Moore:

Our guest today on the in the ring with Billy Moore. It's going to be pretty exciting today. We have the distinguished Paul Brown and the uncomfortable Dr. Muddy with a book called Muhammad Ali, the untold story. Those are guests on interbreeding with Billy Moore where anything goes stay tuned. Welcome to in the ring with Billy Moore. Yeah, we're not we're not in Idaho. Now. We're not. We were not in Idaho.

Paul Brown:

We got all the legends that we need baby. Yes. We were in Oregon by had to pull over. Billy. He called me late last night. So you got to call it nine o'clock in the morning. I got meetings and stuff. But he changed changed the time for us to get me in there. So I can appreciate that.

Billy Moore:

Right. In the ring with Billy more anything goes down.

Paul Brown:

That's it. You love both of you brothers. And I and I appreciate that. That general engineer, you have Mr. Terence and Terence. And I look forward to the conversation today that we have. And it's been a long time for all of us. You know, I mean? Yeah, I know. We talked on the phone. It was good to hear Marty's voice a couple months ago. But it's been a long time. So I'm glad that we're here and able to discuss the world today.

Billy Moore:

Well, it's so great. Because we go back how many years?

Paul Brown:

By 50 By 50 years 5060 years. We know building. Our first encounter was in 1973 in Boise, Idaho when you when you came in, he was boxing up there and you had your dad's robot. And I'll never forget, I never forget that when you got the ring up there. And the funny thing about it, it was good enough to hold a town about 1500 people. But 5000 people showed up that night for the fight and they couldn't they couldn't squeeze another soul in there but but Gabi was one heck of Moeller. Yes, he was. It's just it was just an amazing time and foundation. You know, last time I talked to timani A couple months ago that we were talking and some memories came up from the old days in Idaho and Lord, behold, God moves in a mysterious, mysterious way is I'll send it to you guys later. Have Mati And Ali's shown up in Boise the first time and and Muhammad is holding a child at the airport. So man things things happen. Definitely God moves in mysterious ways.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

You remember? Yeah, Night

Paul Brown:

night, the first time it was 1985. And, and I was talking to you, I was talking to you negotiate in enricher hertz field. And I remember her sria Yeah, in Virginia, I believe. And he, he's you said, Paul, I know, I know you struggling a little bit, you know, understand this, tell me what it is you want. And, and my ego would let me do that I will still tap dancing and thing. And you said, Paul, I'll get the ticket. Just Just tell me what it is that you need. And we can take care of the rest when we get there. And, and lo and behold, you know, you always get your word, you would sit me down in the room, show me everything, all the expensive, and this is what I'm doing for you. And I've always been grateful for that now, but I still would like to fight you because you threatened to throw me over the bridge, not just but important to as soon as soon as you got into Portland at the Hilton Hotel, we went up to this penthouse suite. And Billy said, y'all be cool, man, y'all just be cool. And Billy sort of stayed in the middle of us. It makes you that was gonna be cool. But we just love each other as brothers and you want to see me to see you. And I was happy that you all he always, always believed in what me and Billy was doing, you know, in that era, man. So that's, that's just great foundation and the things that you've done with your book and your family. And the history of you traveling the world with Muhammad Ali and in in Archie Moore and in living, you know, living a life of allah God wants you to do and stuff. So I'm very appreciative of you today, Mr. Mahdi. And Billy

Billy Moore:

We give God the glory, thank you for holding on to a need to come back here and gather and talk with one another. Go ahead, Doc.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I said, motto 1985 to come alive in 1985. They used to model the comfortable water native fat. That's all right. And we was when I say coming live, we would want to activate the goal was to activate Ali in every section here now parts of the world and however we could. And when you call, the whole thing was we got a call. And we can activate this. And that's what I was trying to get you to do. I said, I know you're trying to put your promotion together. And I know Idaho, I leave never been to Idaho. I said, this is how we can work it. We're going to come there, we're going to help you but one way or the other, we just have to figure out how we're going to do it. And yeah, hershfield was telling me tomorrow, you're not gonna be you can't be no social worker with Ali as well. According to mine, to record my religion, I'm supposed to be a social worker. I said, religion to me, this is a real life. I'm totally happy to have I come in contact with as your brother needs some help. Absolutely. And how he doesn't mind happening. This is serious tells us what we rent we pay for our room in heaven. And I'll use this as an opportunity to finally put the act of service in and so we join you in turn out to be okay, Paul, did you have to be one of them? Not all of them. But you right up there with Darren Kane and Barbarin in the restaurant brother in my eyes because you didn't get much more character than all of them. So I

Paul Brown:

surely appreciate that. That means a lot to me and how we've come up and how we was raised in the old wisdom of Muhammad Ali and Archie Moore. What they would sit you down and talk to you about man it was it was still today it's breathtaking. And every day that it seems like when we do come close to talking. There's there's something that's special, the movement that still in your you inherit in your heart for what you learn from these gentlemen, throughout your life, and even now there's a marvelous special I've been watching day to day two was last night and Night Out watch the series of OPB this start of Muhammad Ali. And and in that era, of course it was cash play. But you know, there's stuff I was telling Billy this morning that I've never seen. I forgot. I knew about more more than four and all those things. But I even forgot that that Ali Ali and Archie fought. But were so great friends throughout the years. They never talked about that in a mean when they were when we were working together. So that was that was a time of foundation then and then Archie trained him as well. That's right. That that was that was something that came back in history but seems like this year. I'm seeing stuff on Both both gentlemen that I never seen before on tape, or radio. And I've even shared it with some historians in England that their parents worked with ollie over there when all he would come over there to London. And a lot of different tapes that they never seen. But this last night, the series on OPV a, I've never witnessed some of the things that I've been witness last couple of days. And it's, it's, it's amazing. And it goes back now. Hey, Marty, I remember, I remember getting jumped on by, by by Herbert Muhammad, you know me and send their money. And Herbert was a good looking man when he was when he was young. But I remember those, I remember those discussions with with Herbert and yourself. And, and Billy back in the day, and I said, Man, that's, that's some legendary stuff. And I never seen any lies. At 61 years old. Now, the history I've been seeing this last couple of days, you know, me, but I know one thing that God is real, and that the opportunities and the times that Ali was even talked to my mother, evangelist and missionary, ew cup, brown, that they would always exchange to buy the Bible, and the Koran, the Torah, and, and, and, and talk about the faith of God, because you got to be able to know if you know, one, you must know the other at the end of the day, and that's and that's, that's real talk there. and stuff. So I remember I remember those days, my brother,

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

my brother, I was, it was a blessing to be a part of color that and, and that's the whole point of life. I mean, it's a memories that you capture, and you live forever on those memories. And those memories. All I have is memories, but Ollie and Archie is the friendship that they had. And that Audi the respect that Ali had to it more, and he told me that I laid down the foundation for his training and showed him children the importance of training, and how to focus in his training and PC got that NASA manager of the day he got that from Magic war. And he was painful for that. He always always told me he said it was because he was in his prime. He was one of the best fighters in the world. So that respect is still there. Well, that's so here we are. Everywhere to book pop, if you got to book No, I

Paul Brown:

have not got to hurry. I

Billy Moore:

don't get the real like y'all.

Paul Brown:

book is The Best New York bestseller. And we need to get the book. I know Billy, I was surprised Billy read it before me because he was breaking it down a couple months ago to me, you don't mean but I need to get the book and read it and get you get you out here for signing a signing session at the bookstore. And we go we definitely got to make that make that happen. I got another gentleman I want you to meet is a great, great man as well, man. But I mean, I'm looking forward to reading that book and see how many times you put my name in the book. And that's that that's gonna sell a lot to

Billy Moore:

you. That's what you got to know what you got to be careful. Go see Paul, when I told Paul about the podcast, and he was telling me well, you know, you know I get a you know, man, I get a appearance fee. I say what? appearance fee

Paul Brown:

right. Are you doing Are you doing a podcast and boy with the work? I said, Look, I think it should be the Billy Paul podcast. Yeah. You got me. That's why I think I want to take a global immediately. So we could all make a few dollars

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

in Oregon, I'm gonna come to Oregon, I'm gonna spend, I'm going to spend four days four or five days in Oregon. I'm going to go out to Oregon, and I know that you're going to set this whole thing up. I don't need nobody to do that. But you radio, TV, all of that. I'm gonna put all that in your hands. So when I come to you gonna be my house. That's for five days and you're gonna take me to the city, every city I need to go to you're going to take me to those cities.

Billy Moore:

Hold on, hold on, hold on our listeners need to realize they're probably hearing to the you know, they've heard about Don King and heard about dot Bob Arum and all that kind of stuff. But right now they're listening to two of probably the greatest promoters of all time. Dr. Madi

Paul Brown:

you know me, I will put myself first commodity if I don't, it might pull my coattail he gonna put himself first. But I think I think I'm a little I got a little add on but the only thing I've always admired about when, when Muhammad and Monty were overseas, the stories that came back that I'll take to my grave that they would tell us about different things that the king would talk about. And those remarkable those were a remarkable story. But one thing for sure. As soon as Mahdi stepped off that plane from the Middle East, in New York City on his way back to LA he would always call me and check on us and see how he was doing his favorite word. His favorite word was you know your money and stuff

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

but I say you know your money passion right you know your recent money but I'm not gonna hold that against you but do not take my kindness for weakness. And don't you misuse me because

Paul Brown:

I would get butterflies. I'll get butterflies. You got it all. Here we go. This is it. And it was so crazy. One time. I said we got to figure this out. So Billy, Billy, since he was in San Diego, he runs he runs over to owl and tell Lau Oh, I was traveling with you guys at that time he tells out say look out Paul needs some money to give to get money out Billy put put it in my name and put it in his thing. And our game was out gave us the money. I never seen the money I don't know what Billy was eating traveling. Oh. Oh would always call me and say man when you don't pay me that money back. I've never seen the money before you took care of mine. And to this day I said God God rest out so he was a great great man photographer guy to ban I think what he owns some all photography shops and sending

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

cameras and stuff. Yeah. Down to

Billy Moore:

Philly, so we Yeah. bailed us out a few times. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Good, man. He

Paul Brown:

it was it was so tough back in those early 80s. Man I before that, I raised about a million dollars for the Greg page fight. And Tim Weatherspoon with Don King important, but the struggles It wasn't even the money it was the struggles of life man that you went through. I mean, there would be times really with me$20 At first first interstate bank and he was send that to me, man and I would wait for days for that check to get there. Can we only have real mail back then? I mean, I mean yet Western Union But Billy would make sure that we'll get something to eat it then Dale's and Amari, this this thing when you guys came there, you always stayed in there. But my bill got to about 25,000 And the man says, Well, you just keep staying here until you pay that pay that bill. So I was living free but I owed them 2525 grand

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

to talk to me let me come on right with the guy trying to keep I was trying to keep me I wanted to relationship I wanted cuz he was the only guy with this mo at that time. You're the smartest luckier I got to give these guys that opportunity. I keep telling me they don't have all the money. So fill in the blanks. I'm putting up the money myself. And I'm telling I'm giving up Everybody's building yet. Now he thinking everything's fine. Then he looked at me, he said, he said, they got no money, you already know that. He said, You know this. I said, I'm trying to I'm trying to help him out. He said, Well, you just tell me, Maddie, do you don't have to give me that we can do the next one with the teacher, we'll do the next one that has a hair fracture, we just discounted altogether. That's no, we can't discount it. Because I don't want to take our candidates to witness it, without them to put the work in it. So if they can come up with the money, good if they can't write it off, and that's what we're doing.

Paul Brown:

I remember giving him some money just in his hand. And he says, Take me to Western Union. So I took him to Western Union. And he said, friends money all over the place. You know, he just that money wasn't for him. And he, I took communion. And he sent money to different people. You know,

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

anytime he had cash like that he always go to Western Union send money across the country to people, you know, now seeing 2000 miles here, and he just didn't he would do that just about on air and promotion. He would just send money out to people.

Billy Moore:

That that, Paul, that we could talk about Ali and Archie Moore. All day long. Yes, sir. All day long. But now one of the things that that I kind of want to wanted to share the humanitarian aspect of Dr. Modi and Muhammad Ali and things of that nature that's in this book. The hostage situation? Yeah. That. Yes. I would like for you to share a little bit about that hostage situations. Without going. What was that over the Beirut?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

We was we went we went to Beirut, there was seven Americans being held hostage, right. They were and the terrorists had sent a tape to the, to the State Department indicated and in 30 days, they're going to execute, to sell and if they don't change their foreign policy in that region. Now, you know, the US government cannot change a foreign policy and any reason in 30 days. But they were stood terrorists were serious. They wanted to be able to execute. And one of the gentlemen was Benjamin were moving to the minister, actually an important number he was following in California. He was writing in San Diego, and 30 minutes from my office. And so we they asked us to come back to Washington, DC. And we went back to the Niagara gravlin. President Reagan, they just been nominated for president. And I didn't know at the time that we would spend in limousine. We was firing during President caravan with President Reagan, because we assigned him to different events where he would go in and speak for 1520 minutes and he'd go to the next event. So we were starting and we stopped at the Hilton Hotel and they said, Well, you're going to sit these a company, you know, meet the president. Here. He wants to talk to you. So we went backstage and President Reagan was speaking to the crowd. And we was backstage and his, his assistant. When he finished his assistant leaned over. He leaned over he told her that there was Muhammad Ali was backstage when he said she said Muhammad Ali, his eyes just lit up. And then he saw Ali. He was I mean like a kid in a candy store. He was just glad to see how they have given all these together. These are these types of shabby start shadowboxing. And he was introduced everybody and he said, I'm gonna thank y'all for behalf of the American people, but a mission that y'all have decided to take on. And I didn't know that about the mission only Jabir and Harish via outies attorney Domitian. And I said, I didn't say anything I didn't ask they said yes, sir. Prepare. Thank you as it's okay. I said, we whenever we can do this, we open we are available. Now. We got in a car accident. I told Jabra. So what did it what mission are you talking about? He said, Well, they want us to go to Bali to go to Beirut. They're going to execute seven Americans being here. I should ask where are you going? I really don't want to go to Beirut. I don't want to get involved with the CIA has a browser just back out of this. Do y'all go? I said I just stay in house. I said I don't I don't get in bottom and get involved and you got all these these sub personality, these hidden agendas in thing that's it. So yeah, I'll do it, I stay at home, because I really don't want to get involved. And he said, You should at least come to the meeting and see what see what they have to say. I certainly I don't care what they have to say I don't want to go. I don't want to participate anything but just see, I just want to stay away from NASA. I just want to keep my hands clean. And so the next day we went, and we went to we, we met with a sticker for about 24 people, State Department of people in the middle. This was in the middle eastern fairs. And they said, Vice President Bush is going to be attending a meeting, he'll be here in four minutes. And exactly four minutes, he walked in the door. And of course, when he saw Muhammad Ali, he was glad to see it again. Like the kid in the candy store. He was a clown. And I mean, really happy to see Ali. And Ali was, you know, Ali, he was doing praying with him. And we sit down, at least we start talking. And then they indicated that they wanted to us to go overseas. And they wanted us to go to Beirut, to stop the execution and bring him home. He said, If you can't bring him home, and he stopped execution, as the speaker, he said, we're going to do your briefing out, and eventually for people around the conference table. And he started speaking that he had suggested that we go to Mecca as a gimmick. And he go from Mecca to Toronto to speak to I told me about how surgeons in Beirut, I raised my hand. And I told the he said the guy told me he said you have to question this after I've taken to speak? And the answer is no, I'm not raising my hand for you. I'll give you my hands Ali. Ali, as someone Ali, I'm raising my hand so it can recognize that because at this point you you've made a big mistake. I see you dig in a hole that you can get out of as I want you to stop digging now. So we can straighten you out. So we can help you get out of the hole that you did. I see. And in policy as President, Vice President Bush will be okay. He said yes, let it speak. And I said Look here, first of all, you have to go to Mecca as a gimmick, this is the problem that you have. This is a religious, this is a this is a religious right, he has it this time, no characters, and you talk to us, you tell something constitutes a certain hold it and you treat it like it's some type of toy, as we don't need to go to a Mecca as no gimmick. First of all, and we're not going to do that. I said, if we want to talk to how to read, we just go to our outdoor media in the name of God. We asked our told me to give us the hostage. We'll take it off his hand we see we asked him in God's name. And based on that, give give us Tacitus as Yes, it's just as simple. If you understood the salam you know how to deal with the successor. But that's the problem. You don't understand the Muslim. And you end up you refer to your foreign policy is prehistoric. I said it's ineffective. And this is why you had a problem that you have now. Now. I said we're not going cool. They're waving the American flag to great Americans when you overthrew a democratic government in Iran. And 94 to 90 You stole the show. Do did that this is the worst dictator in the last 1000 years you'd stolen mankind for 35 years. He ran this country badly and he got tattered and they kicked him out. And now you want to go there to my great Americans. I said no. Are you do that they don't kidnap you? I said so. We're not gonna go there. We're gonna go there. If you go. We will tell so many Americans degree shaytaan your demonstrators discriminate against black people you're discriminated against the Muslim. American people are something different. The government and people. American people are good people. They have no idea that the CIA Oh through a democratic government and installed this dictator, they don't know that. I so that's what we will tell Khomeini and and in Frankfurt and push to Texas guy, his name was Mike something I can't take a class name but he was he was over to Toronto MC at the time, he was now the ambassador of Tunisia, Morocco. Yes. He said, Mike, what do you think about what Maddie said? He said, Well, one thing for sure. Oh, man, he's gonna lag muddy. So there's bushes? I agree. Well, you're in Rome. You do as the Romans do. He said mighty, mighty, mighty be only two hands. We competed out for support. And he got up. Now, I'm saying that. I'm saying all this about American dictators. And I'm saying this because I want to let them know. I don't want to go. So I know. They can say no, definitely. But Vice President Bush put me in charge. There we go. They told me to lead the delegation over there. Now. That's how we got in. That's how we got involved because we went over there. And we successfully negotiated the release. We start execution. We brought him home. And we didn't we weren't ever no briefing. And the people from the CIA didn't like the idea of bifen Bush The door isn't there or need to be pleased. I said I don't need to be bruised about my religion. That's what are you talking about? So this is a religious day, you can how you going to brief us on the song. I said you can't do that. That's the problem. And he told us to go we went there without that brings me to get briefed and we went debrief and the seat of the CIA agent and her trio was there and all the time they was trying to prove that food to me you know, food for rice pretty much to be made a mistake by letting me go without being briefed to debrief and that's how that's how I'm going to terminal what was taking place. So what happened in spite of all opposition, we still successfully negotiated it stop the execution. That's awesome story. All that is in the book. You can see all opposition that we had the bombs going off in Beirut, we haven't done an actual rally. This is not no Hollywood movie. These are real bomb Tali and these people are waking up in the morning. They want to they want to die today. They don't want to come back home they come I know it can rewarding to know baseball the World Series going to make don't beat people up. So we got to realize what to who we're dealing with over here. And when we talk to them, we got to understand to tackle mentality we're dealing with

Billy Moore:

know that. You know, that really just look. This book is fantastic. Fantastic. And

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

you're not? You know, we are you

Billy Moore:

know, on read Book Paul just told you while ago, I was sharing sharing with him about the book. The very immortal is probably amazing. It's amazing. A guy that you're talking about Ronald Reagan, you don't my dad, worked for Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was governor, Governor of California. He worked with him both terms. When he is president of the United States. He said no, my dad, we're good friends. Mr. Mays, amazing. To actually, you know, my dad went to Vietnam during the Vietnam War. I remember that. He went there and spoke to the soldiers there. But to see a guy Ali was one heck of a human being to be the champion fighter that he was two people. They talk about people's champ people's champ people's champ. That guy was a real people's champion. Absolutely. Real people's champion. Now, here's a guy, and you're traveling with he, that's a heck of an experience. And I think it's so wonderful to sit here. Paul and I are sitting here talking to you. We remember the days in Idaho. And Paul, it's time to start that book. It really is. But it's amazing. But this man, a civilian. But a civilian that people love. Yeah. Across the world and get people released. People that will surely go into depth.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

How he was going to execute it. There's no question about it. I mean, that's,

Paul Brown:

that's amazing. And, you know,

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I had told I told him that told him one of the terrorists I told the terrorists that's okay, let's get some straight. I said, so you're not you're not. So my belief is strong. As a navigator different to you, you differences as to how to know how to stand where you can't find as you don't, if you got a guy in the family in the car in this room, you he's in a car or on a bus with 15 or 20 other people, you don't kill everybody on the bus trying to get to mind guy, you want to get off the bus, and then you sell your school ID. That's what the problem was you you don't want to go out and kill innocent people. You come off the battlefield, and you go into the civilian and you want to kill innocent people that have nothing they're not soldiers. But you can just be for now and if I told you right now I want based on you can you know to innocent people I'm gonna go out and kill your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your cousin, all your routers, I want to kill them but for a murder for an actor you've done it justice as a now you just blew up some people last week in unison. So why not go out to your family? So you can't complain? You can't say God that's that's terrible. That's a terrible thing. For for your for your family to be interested in to the our die, but you're doing the same thing. That's the difference between you and I fight. If I see my enemy, I find my enemy, but I'm not gonna be going, I'm not gonna be fighting my enemy. He's in his house with his children, I'm gonna blow up this whole house with his wife and his children, they're probably not going to do that. Because that's not necessary. That's the difference between a terrorist and a non terrorist, but you have to realize that things do happen in war. But, yes, and listen killing innocent people. That's not you're not gonna be in heaven with those people. That's what I was telling the terrorists. You think you're going to heaven with the people that should murder innocent people? No, you're not gonna be in the same, you're not gonna be in Paradise with them. So let's get that straight right now. Where are you going? I'm gonna wait, you're not gonna be in heaven. Not with the people that you did murdered.

Paul Brown:

I have to just stay. I have the article because that was a time that you guys were coming to Boise, Idaho. And the headlines read and I stayed in my room. All the forsake Boise for Iowa total honey, I still have that article today. And her fam richer and richer hershfield speaking and they were interviewing her Spiel at the time as well, but I I have the headlines in Boise, Idaho, to this day, that Ollie forsakes Boise for our toe honey and stuff and then the pitcher with him and Herbert as well. You know, travel traveling over there meeting meet with, you know, the the the Middle East leaders and things of that nature, man, but the history body is It is breathtaking. You know, maybe because you as a civilian travel those territories with Ali, and I remember at one time that me and Billy, were going over to London, you guys are going over to London, and we ended up getting on the same plane. And he made you get out of your seat so I could sit out. And he said I want to tell you something, I want to show you something. So we're we're we're we're flying. He says you see all those lights down there? I see. Yeah. And he says they there's there's not a door that I can go into. Or portion. I can't walk on to there all those people where those lights are on that we looking down on. They all know who I am the greatest of all time, Muhammad Ali. But it was the things that he said. And I remember I just got out of mortuary school one time. And he asked me we're sitting at a hotel at at the Red Lions, Lloyd center important org. Are you remember? Yeah, he looked over to me. He looked over to me and he says, Are you scared? Are you scared to death? And I just get down school, you know, three or four years prior? And I said somewhat, and he says why? He says you practice it every night. And ever since he said that that day, I never forgot what he said that statement. He said you practice it every night when you go to sleep. And that's up in the hole. That's something to hold on to. Because you do you don't know if you don't wake up in the in the land of the living or not. When you close your eyes at night. But it's so it's so true. You do practice it. You just got to believe and hope that you got the faith and your soul and your heart is right. If they don't open up on the ground of Earth, because boy when the when you enter into the kingdom, every every morning, how at the end of the day and stuff but I'm just grateful man that we've had the opportunity to conversate and and talk with Billy and yourself Dr. Marty and how God has tremendously continued to bless our lives and to remain steadfast and, and walk with faith. Man, that's the deal. We got to do some great things still. If the good Lord says the same and continue to move on, and I tell you man, there's just so much more opportunity. I know Billy's doing some some great things on some developments down in San Diego and I understand you're back I'm gonna have to get your old school maybe at San Diego State re Leary when you come to town so we can get together get re Leary to buy get re leery of the bias bias luck.

Billy Moore:

Yeah, yeah. And

Paul Brown:

I haven't talked to him this this probably this last year but we say we stay in touch. He's always on me. That I owe him to

Billy Moore:

let me hear let me you know it's we're talking about some great things but you know, while I have both of you here, ABC use foundation It's an organization that my dad started over. The dad started over, over 63 years ago. Our kids are in trouble. They're in trouble. And it's going to take people like us. Coming together. Black, red, white, yellow, and brown EGBDF every good buddy does fine. That's if we all work together. Yes. And so um there's some people here to see us at ABC from Mrs. Jackson, Mississippi right now, a place where we will be opening up an ABC there in the near future. Where we teach our youngsters here at ABC, how to step up in life with your best foot forward without cowardice, but with courage and dignity. I'd like as we talked about on this show earlier, it was called in the ring with Billy more anything goes. But what I'd like you all to do, is partner with us. In saving our kids, in saving our kids, it's okay. And I'm gonna say it just like this in somebody else, kill one of us. We want to beat and do whatever whatever it is. We do too. But it's okay for us to kill each other. Don't a damn thing happen? Right? Nothing happen. Our kids are dying all the way across the country. And don't nothing happen. So let's, I'd like to see you guys because we've come to the end of the end of our hour. But I'd like for us to come together again.

Paul Brown:

For the kids. Let me finish is a Greatest Gift body game thing is when he got gaming the boys and came to the hotel. And I told you what you got to do. I'm told you that. And then about five or six credit cards fell out of his wallet, because he was mad at me. And I looked at the credit cards I said I got them down. So here's weapons but because I always do you can come to me and say, Oh, I got no money to give you before

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I got money factor if I got the money. I'm gonna give it to you. If I can afford to give you but I've got to manage all I can do but I'm not gonna say I ain't got no money. I got money in my pocket.

Paul Brown:

I want to hear if the money wasn't there, I said boy, that boy got into scratchcards. I know he flies all over the world. You know me and Ollie never without. You know me. I love you. I can't wait to see you again. I can't wait to see you.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

I'm coming up here. I'm gonna stay I'm gonna stay and I'm gonna stay in Oregon for three or four days, brother. Yeah. Now I'm gonna share I'm gonna share with you some insight and I'm gonna show you how you can host me for five days and ain't gonna cost you no money

Billy Moore:

I don't mind this isn't something now. I don't have to come up there to stand between you guys doing?

Paul Brown:

Oh, yeah. Don't worry about that temper you see back in the day, we didn't know what that was. But that was called the greatness of being bipolar. Because you can go off at any given time so you better keep bumps on balance. Even though he ain't but what we say we say it all with love but I love I love Dr. Mike.

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

My favorite saying is I don't mind being used. Use me I'm totally an asset don't run from it but don't miss us you but as always we working together but it will be inhaling and exhaling for this move. And this is the problem that we have with each other. We just don't know how to work and serve each other. And we're struggling and if you can help somebody here,

Paul Brown:

we got we got we got to be better. But Bill you know I'm an ABC guy for everybody. Like you said, we got to be politically correct. And I'm always been a supporter of this Porter for years. And I'm just glad that we're able to reunite and do the things that needs to happen for these for these great kids of America. And let's not stop, you know, this is just the start. And remember, it's not always how you you finish the race. It's how you start to race and I know that

Billy Moore:

that's all agreed that we're gonna all come together for let's all remember that ABC. Anybody can guess? Anybody right?

Dr. Abuwi Mahdi:

Let me read a book, the book that and Muhammad Ali, the untold stories in skin color cannot think or reason can be you can purchase the book on digital and Apple digital version. And now you can go to affinity international publishing, that's affinity international publishing, and you can publish the book from the website at 26 dollars. And it's a good read favorite body. And hopefully, if you really do get some type of enlightenment from it.

Billy Moore:

All right. Oh, yes. You're right. You mentioned something about prayer, didn't you?

Paul Brown:

Yeah, that's a little prayer. Yes, we close up. God, we just want to thank you today for the meeting and opportunity for us brothers to worship Dr. Monty and Billy Moore. We're so grateful for all the talents and his life giving precious words and encouragement to the youth with ABC program. God we want you to continue to look down on the Dr. Body's family and and Billy Moore's family and Mr. Brown's family, because we, we know that you are the one and only way to do the things that we need to do in life. Here and above. In the grace of God Almighty, we just say thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Billy Moore:

Hey, Dr. Mahdi now. I'm about to tell you something right now, Paul, within probably probably another five years, Paul will probably have one of the biggest if not the biggest mega church in the United States. And I'm not exaggerating. He's what he's working on. And he's been working on it for a while. So but

Paul Brown:

that's the true story.

Billy Moore:

So we've had an exciting time today with our guest, I think those of you that heard this show will I'm sure, Patrick kind of on your seat there certain times, especially when Dr. Mahdi was talking about the Beirut incident about the hostages. Until next week, do we talk together with each other again, God bless you. And thank you for being in the ring with Billy more