Mid Life Punk Podcast
Music and interviews with bands from across the global punk scene, all coming at you from Spondon in Derby, UK. Join us every week and get rad with the fat lads.
Mid Life Punk Podcast
MLPP118 - Chris Wrenn (Bridge Nine Records)
This time we're joined by none other than Chris Wrenn, owner and top brass at Boston's legendary hardcore label: Bridge Nine Records!
Chris joins us from the Bridge Nine Shop to discuss everything you ever wanted to know about starting and running an enduring record label.
It's got tales that span the globe and Chis shares with us his choice cuts from 4 Bridge Nine releases which are all from 2008 (which is 15 years ago. Apologies for any existential crisis this maycause).
Niall's got Covid and this time he knows it, Tom's upbeat for a change and we reveal our upcoming run of premium guests.
Music this week is from: Sick Of It All, Glitchers, Kid Dynamite, Peach Kelli Pop, New Found Glory, Have Heart, Cruel Hand and H2O.