Grace & Joy!

1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions for happiness

Rowena Scotney Season 1 Episode 6

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A bonus 'mini episode' :) with a little bit of info on my 1-1 Art & Wellbeing sessions.

I thought I'd add a quick audio here in case any listeners are interested...

Main info starts at 56 seconds!

Please also have a look at all the info on my website too if you'd like to know more...

(I also wanted to create a short episode to trial the Descript audio integration - and it's worked! Although the transcript is in one big block of text and the apostrophes have disappeared ....hmmm will look into this :))


Music by Podington Bear - 'Wavy Glass'
Artwork by Rowena Scotney

Episode cover - 'Saturday Song' (detail) intuitive painting
Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin’ felting

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Hi, its Rowena here, and I thought Id share a little bit of information about the 1-1s that I offer, and you can find more information about these on my website Under the tab HSP and Healing there's a tab for 1-1 Art and Wellbeing gentle intensives, and that's what this is all about. So please do have a look there for loads of information about these 1-1s which take place on Zoom. So when I mention here about the page, that's the page I'm talking about. Okay thanks a lot. Hi, thanks for taking the time to find out more about these intuitive painting and happiness 1-1s where we explore wellbeing and healing and creativity in your life and rediscover a passion and a joy in what you're doing or in what you would love to be doing. So this way of painting is a spiritual practice, which looks at expression without self-judgment or less and less self-judgment each time, because that can be very hard. It's about being open, listening within, being curious and trying new things out, exploring, being surprised and playful about what you're doing and also about finding your own style and your own voice, and this spills over into everyday life, as you make the changes within, these extend further and resonate without in your day to day life, and Ive found this over and over with myself and in the workshops that I run. So working together in this way, it sparks new areas of clarity and understanding that you might not have been aware of before, and in order to feel where you are and to move forward it's so important to address these difficulties that you might be experiencing at the moment in a very safe, supportive space. And so any challenges or limiting beliefs can come up any blocks can be recognized and felt, they have to be felt before they can be released in a really safe space, and we look at tailored approaches to help with this such as meditation, EFT, Reiki for self healing, and also other intuitive healing practices, energy practices, visualisations, and somatic processes that might work really well for you. So it'll be a tailored approach for you and your preferences and how you are. There'll be a gentle plan as well for you to take away and have as a framework for creating a spiritual daily practice, a very realistic one, and there'll be some homework too, where you can report back to me afterwards. So we have that connection after the session as well. So, all of this takes place over Zoom and in a warm, very sensitive and caring environment. And the onus is very much on self compassion for these sessions and gentleness as well towards ourselves. So please do have a look at all the information on the website and especially on this page and it would be lovely to hear from you if you're interested in having one of these one to ones. So I hope to hear from you soon and all the best. Bye.