Grace & Joy!

Creative Changemakers - 3: Janni Littlepage 'On wonder, creativity, love and all the angels in our lives'

rowena scotney & Janni Littlepage Season 3 Episode 3

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‘Remain in harmony, wherever possible. Create beauty, wherever possible. Relieve suffering, wherever possible. That is all we ask of you.’ 

It was truly wonderful to be in conversation with Janni Littlepage, a friend with so many creative gifts and talents, including being a singer-songwriter, artist, writer, garden designer and much more…

Janni shares beautiful experiences, moments and insights that have inspired and influenced her life and the conversation includes thoughts around creativity, sensitivity, being an empath, and gentle advice to our younger selves and others.

Many animals also feature, including dogs, cats, quails, monarch butterflies and beetles… x

Janni reads her poem ‘Transcendence’ which is Pearl 22 from her book ‘Angels in my Teacup’.

*Thank you to Janni’s partner Paul who helped with editing and including Janni’s poem and music, ‘A Delicate Dance’😊        


1:54 – Conversation begins

2:13 – Alice in her ‘muchness’ and multi-dimensional creativity!

2:24 – The inspiration for Janni’s song ‘Strange Angels’ – including a stray cat, reading about a rescue and an encounter on entering the freeway in Los Angeles…

10:55 – On garden design and the little creatures within home and garden – celebrating much-maligned insects x

16:43 – Mentioning ‘That Quail, Robert’ by Margaret Stanger

17:30 – Janni’s current projects, including the illustrated poem ‘Lilli Belle the Wonder Dog’

22:55 – ‘The Tiny Kingdom Chronicles’ – Four little books on insect characters 

23:22 – ‘Angels in my Teacup – Divine Encounters and Extraordinary Events’ – almost completed

24:24 – Having met Janni in a Lee Harris group. Lee Harris, energy intuitive, has been such a wonderful and important part of Janni’s journey.

24:50 – ‘If my client is not a friend to begin with, they always end up being a friend.’ x Janni’s garden website ‘Janni the Garden Whisperer’.

30:53 – The Buckeye tree – smooth barked, fragrant conical white blossoms…

32:09 – At 7 years old …and also the Butterfly Parade in Pacific Grove, California

34:30 – ‘As I became a teenager and a young person, I had a difficult time knowing where someone else’s feelings began, or ended, and mine began.’ - On the gifts of sensitivity and being an empath

38:24 – ‘Each soul is sovereign’ – and on developing discernment

41:35 – ‘I had this feeling that I was supposed to do something, with music… Asking spirit and encountering an Angel.

43:58 – Interlude and the song ‘A Delicate Dance’ by Janni Littlepage and Johan Seige and then ‘Pearl 22’, ‘Transcendence’ – Janni reading her poem

45:42 – ‘When you have an idea, whatever it is…be discerning about who you share those early ideas with…

 ‘Now, as I’ve gotten older I have only very beautiful friends... Really think who you feel safe with… it is like finding a jewel.’

50:34 – ‘A Delicate Dance’  to the end

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