Powerlifting & Power Ballads Podcast
Powerlifting & Power Ballads Podcast
Ep. 121 - Should lifters be able to do these things?
Episode 121 (12/21/22)
Jo House - National Record, not state record
Our Top 3 Christmas gifts of all time
#1 - my daughter Amanda although she was a week late!
#2 - Barbie Opera house - the gift my sister asked for! oops
#3 - 10 speed bike about 10 years old
#1 10 speed bike (10 years old? - santa)
#2 radio controlled mini helicopter - grandpa, brother, cousin, my (20’s?)
#3 radio controlled truck (8 years old - grandma and grandpa)
All powerlifters (or those training for strength) should be able to:
A. Perform 5 pushups
B. Sit in a bottom of a squat for 5+ minutes
C. Push knees out past toes while squatting
D. All of the above?
E. Anything else
PL Situation: You are just getting over being sick, should you adjust your training at all? If so, how?
15% OFF 1st 3 months of coaching from Team Rohr - find one of our lifters for their unique discount code. Good thru 12/31/22
Follow/Direct Message us @PLBalladsPodcast on Instagram & Facebook or email us at PLBalladsPodcast@gmail.com
More Information about the Podcast and Team Rohr Powerlifting: https://solo.to/plballadspodcast
Get the Team Rohr Training App!
The Powerlifting & Power Ballads Podcast is co-hosted by Josh Rohr and Lara Sturm and sponsored by Team Rohr Powerlifting - for all of your powerlifting coaching and meet day handling needs. The podcast covers Georgia Powerlifting information as well as National Powerlifting news. One of our more popular segments is music, specifically 80’s music and Power Ballads.
- Follow/Direct Message us @PLBalladsPodcast on Instagram & Facebook or email us at PLBalladsPodcast@gmail.com
- Submit your Top 5 Karaoke Songs by 8/10/24
- More Information about the Podcast and Team Rohr Powerlifting: https://solo.to/plballadspodcast
- Get the Team Rohr Training App!
The Powerlifting & Power Ballads Podcast is co-hosted by Josh Rohr and Lara Sturm and sponsored by Team Rohr Powerlifting - for all of your powerlifting coaching and meet day handling needs. The podcast covers Georgia Powerlifting information as well as National Powerlifting news. One of our more popular segments is music, specifically 80’s music and Power Ballads.