Calorie Conundrum Podcast

040 - Season 2 Summary with Coach Strick

Coach Strick Season 2 Episode 40

I would first like to thank all the guests that have made this podcast possible. Sharing our stories and lessons learned we can help others who may otherwise struggle for years and not know there may be solutions to their problems. I would also like to thank the listeners of the Calorie Conundrum Podcast. This podcast has been quite a bit of work to put together and it would all be wasted effort if there were nobody to listen to this information. Because of this I would also like to ask a favor. If you have listened the Calorie Conundrum Podcast and enjoyed it please share it with someone you know that may be in need of hearing these different ways of thinking. The slogan for the podcast is Expanding the Weight loss conversation beyond just calories but this mentality or way of thinking can be applied to health in general. The basic premise is if you are sick, overweight, or in pain and what you have tried in the past hasn’t worked, keep searching. The answers are out there and I hope that this podcast can lead you towards the answers you are looking for. 

In the first episode of seasion 2 episode…

021 - Calorie Conundrum's Mission, Vision, Core Values – I expand on the why behind the podcast. Listen to this podcast and let me know if you are in line with our mission. On episode

022 - Anxiety and Weight Loss with Jodie Ellenor – we discuss a very common but rarely discussed struggle for many trying to lose weight. On episode…

023 - What You Need VS What You Want with Carl Weston – We talk about the fundamentals of health and how sometimes what the body needs is different from what you may want. On episode…

024 - Gaining Health to Lose Weight with Jimmy Moore – I sit down with the one and only Jimmy Moore a true pioneer in podcasting, self-experimentation, and sharing helpful information. On episode… 

025 - Exploring Calorie Density with Chef AJ – We talk to the Vegan Chef Chef AJ and she drops numerous truth bombs that you must hear for yourself. On episode… 

026 - The Answer to All of Your Health and Weight Loss Questions I do a solo episode and whether you lose weight or not may depend on if you listen to this episode. On episode… 

027 - Fasting for Health with Chris James – We talk about one of the most powerful healing tools known to man. On episode…

028 - The Pizza Diet with Chef Pasquale Cozzolino – we talk about how Chef Pasquale ate pizza and lost weight. In episode…

029 - The 3 Problems with IIFYM with Coach Strick – I talk about some of the issues I have with the If It Fits Your Macro diet philosophy. In episode…

030 - Environmental Toxins and Your Weight with Lara Adler – We discuss the ever increasing toxins and how they may be affecting your weight. On episode…

031 - Jillian Michael's Calorie Counting Critique with Coach Strick – I do a critique of a youtube video posted by fitness guru Jillian Michaels where I disagree with most of her arguments for weight loss. In episode…

032 - The Invisible Soda with Coach Strick – I talk about a new way of looking at diet and weight loss that could change the way you look at food forever. On episode…

033 - The Dark Side of Social Media with Laura Lux – We discuss how trying to look good for the camera may not be good for your mental health. On episode…

034 - Champion for Weight Loss with Coach Strick – I once again talk about why I started this podcast and my desire to help those in desperate need. On episode…

035 - Your Wellness Detective with Berna Khoury – We discuss why you may need a detective to help you with your health. In episode…

036 - LivFitFuel with Olivia Ruth Estela – we discuss new and unique ways to approach weight loss. On episode…

037 - Six Miles to Supper with Kayla Cox – We talk about losin