She Strives With Faith - Candid Conversations with Lady B. Celeste

Fake Positivity Affects Your Health

Berthena Jackson Season 2 Episode 34

Not all women tell the whole truth when it comes to their health. If they fail to meet the high standard of healthy living they've set for themselves, they are mentally beating themselves to a pulp but they smile and say they're okay. If they had one lousy cheat day, they label themselves as failures, but they pretend it's no big deal. They are critical of their body because it doesn't look like it did ten years ago, yet they tell everybody they are secure in their own skin.  To force a positive outlook on pain or disappointment is to encourage a person to keep silent about their struggles. Having words to describe how we feel, and facial expressions to emote (yup that can mean crying) help us regulate our stress response.

By the way, if you had one lousy cheat day. It's not the end of the world. It's happened to millions of other women, including me. Sometimes the thought of eating another kale salad with Apple Cider viniagrette dressing is JUST NOT appetizing. Sometimes you just want a chocolate bar. 

 “I couldn’t be fake about anything even if I tried. My facial expressions would never allow it.” (Quote by Goodvibes)

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.