Living in Alignment ⓖ

Changing your Mindset to attract more Wealth and Abundance with Barbara Benga

Ghada B Khalifeh Episode 33

One of the most popular and discussed topics is how to manifest money. I receive a lot of questions about that.  So Today, I am talking with Barbara Benga, a finance coach, a business owner and business english teacher in Barcelona . We will learn about money EQ and money IQ, how to shift out of a scarcity mindset and walk through the process of  becoming financially conscious and manifest more money into your life.  What living in abundance really means to Barbara is learning to create, keep and spend money without losing the joy of living -  both in your personal life and business.

Episode Notes 

  • Barbara story about becoming compulsive saver 
  • How  to unpack your relationship with money /current money story 
  • Judgments and beliefs perceived around money 
  • Money EQ vs Money IQ
  • Examples of stories of money wounds or blocks 
  • Money vs Abundance 
  • What Abundance looks like 
  • Practices to ground in abundance mindset
  • Steps to Deconstruct money mindset 
  • How to integrate EQ into IQ 

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