Living in Alignment ⓖ

The 6 habits of Conscious Living (Solo)

Ghada B Khalifeh Episode 38

Do you get the feeling like you’re merely existing instead of really living? Most people think that if the calendar is full of repetitive activities and busy all the time (whether social or career) they are alive. It is hard to say but most people are spiritually dead. I relate to this lifestyle in my old days. This lack of lust for life may stem from living on autopilot—living out of alignment-making unconscious,mindless, automatic decisions that don’t align with how you really want to work and live. Living out of alignment looks like you are not conscious about your desires and dreams, just following others, what society and culture think you should desire or want, wanting something because you have been conditioned to want it, wanting something because others have it, wanting something because you feel inadequate and not enough.

In this episode on Living in Alignment Podcast,  I  give you some guidelines to help you identify your unconscious habits and introduce you to 6 habits that can help you anchor in conscious living.

To me , Conscious living goes down to self respect. It is about staying aware and connected to what I need and what would serve and support me daily"


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