Planet A - Talks on Climate Change
A podcast on climate change hosted by the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jørgensen. Inviting some of the world’s leading experts, policy makers and activists to share their thoughts with us. Not only to address the challenges and dilemmas inherent in climate change. But also to talk about its possible solutions.
Planet A - Talks on Climate Change
Graham Hill - What Difference can an Individual Make?
In this episode of Planet A Dan Jørgensen talks to Graham Hill who is a dedicated climate change advocate and sustainability pioneer.
Graham Hill explains how he works to change the mindset on climate change within a corporation, what it takes to change a culture and how to reduce your carbon footprint by following “The Big Six”.
In the discussion Hill quotes the legendary management consultant and writer Peter Drucker stating that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, which is a key point in the talk.
Graham Hill is probably best known for shaping platforms like and LifeEdited as well as GreenRoots and the more recent Carbonauts. Through these platforms, he has worked professionally with what it takes to encourage people to adopt sustainable practices and conscious living for more than two decades. He has been ranked among the "100 Most Creative People in Business" by Fast Company.