Planet A - Talks on Climate Change
A podcast on climate change hosted by the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jørgensen. Inviting some of the world’s leading experts, policy makers and activists to share their thoughts with us. Not only to address the challenges and dilemmas inherent in climate change. But also to talk about its possible solutions.
Planet A - Talks on Climate Change
Chris Bowen – Changing the course of Australian Climate Policy
In this episode of Planet A Dan Jørgensen talks to Chris Bowen, Australian Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
This July was the hottest month ever recorded. Just another fact that underlines that humanity has to live with the devastating consequenses of climate change such as natural disasters.
“No country is being spared, and they're increasingly frequent, increasingly severe, and increasingly unnatural. They're not natural disasters anymore, because they're caused by human activity” says Chris Bowen.
But what can governments such as the Australian and the Danish do to tackle the climate crisis? How do you ensure green transition of an economy that used to build on fossil fuels? And what do we need to get out of COP28 in Dubai?
That’s being discussed in this episode where Chris Bowen shares his experience with setting a new and ambitious course for Australian climate policy, passing Australia’s Climate Act and increasing the national climate targets.