Tell Me About Your Kids

How To Raise Responsible Kids Without Punishment

Episode 130

Camilla is mother to four children ranging from 18 to 25. She has raised her children with a connected approach and is here to tell the results at the stage of launching into adulthood. Here’s what it means to raise kids with no punishment (that includes unnatural consequences) but only kindness, respect, firmness and focus on relationship above all else. If your fear is—How do they learn to do what you want? They’ll be entitled, disrespectful people. They won’t learn that real life has consequences—then this is the listen for you. Camilla has begged the question over and over: What’s more important being right or being connected?

 You can reach Camilla at:

Bonnie Harris, MS.Ed., director of Connective Parenting, 30+ years of coaching, teaching, and writing for parents.



Produced, mixed, and scored by Echo Finch

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When Your Kids Push Your Buttons and What You Can Do About It

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