#097: Is The Market Crashing? And What To Do About It...
REI Network with Gavin Timms
REI Network with Gavin Timms
#097: Is The Market Crashing? And What To Do About It...
Jun 21, 2022 Episode 97
Gavin Timms

People might be panicking over the current economy, but we’re here to bring some sanity and normality to the situation. In real estate, it’s only going to be bad for people who are ignoring the fundamentals. It’s important to listen to and learn from the people who have been through recessions before, like back in 2008. There’s always going to be opportunities in the market if you know how to find deals. In this episode, Joe and I go through the six points you need to follow if you want to survive and profit during this new recession.

One of the biggest mistakes new investors make is buying properties they can’t wholesale. You should always be able to make money, even in the worst-case scenario. As a real estate investor, you make money when you buy, not when you sell. You also need to have multiple exit strategies. Understanding creative financing is one of the most important keys so you can come up with good solutions for your sellers. Creating appreciation is another key and there are several ways to create it. If you haven’t already, make sure to grab our free PDF mind map, linked below.

What’s Inside:

  • The six fundamentals to follow to profit and survive during a recession.
  • Why you should never buy a property you can’t wholesale.
  • What it means to create an appreciation.

Mentioned in this episode:

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