Episode 73: Adult Siblings vs Cool Runnings
Adult Siblings Versus...
Adult Siblings Versus...
Episode 73: Adult Siblings vs Cool Runnings
May 16, 2023 Episode 73
Bagels & Fried Chicken

This week the siblings pretend to be “sports people” and revisit classic Disney hit Cool Runnings as they try to feel the rhythm and feel the rhyme. Does this movie hold up? And hat’s the real story of the Jamaican bobsled team?


We are not Jamaican or Haitian!

John Candy’s passion project!

The other Jamaican bobsled team!


Olympic Trials (and the rest of the movie)

Hey kids, it’s Doug E. Doug!

Yul Brenner; like the actor!

I can see clearly now!


Contact us at adultsiblingsversus@gmail.com
Twitter: @AdultVersus
Instagram: @adultsiblingsversus 

Theme Song: “Sellout” by Zombie Apocalypse NOW!