Vale's Now U Know Podcast

Reno & Sunny Mahe - Growing Through Grief

Will Kinikini

Top tier athletes, like the Mahe's, often achieve public notoriety because of their prowess  on the court or field.  For Reno & Sunny however,  athletic accolades only  scratch the surface (this includes Reno's time in the NFL and Sunny training for the olympics).  
In 2016 the Mahe family endured a tragic accident involving the loss of their beautiful 3 year old daughter Elsie. 

How do you get through something like that? How would you help? Is it possible to help? What does healing look like?  Why this? "Why" period.

Gracefully Reno and Sunny offer a sense of peace and strength to these questions in this interview. You'll hear how they met, how they've grown, and how they press forward with  remembrance. 

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IG: valemedia.ut