Therapy For Your Money

Episode 171: When Telehealth Crosses State Lines...

Julie Herres

Navigating Tax Considerations for Multi-State Telehealth Practitioners
In this episode of 'Therapy for Your Money,' host Julie Herres addresses a listener-submitted question about tax considerations for clinicians providing telehealth services across state lines. Julie highlights the complexities introduced by factors such as nexus, the location of clients, and state-specific tax laws. She offers valuable advice, emphasizing the importance of consulting with a tax preparer, maintaining clear client location records, and understanding state-specific regulations. Julie also discusses registration requirements for hiring across states and the impact of multi-state telehealth practice on business structures and tax filings.

Show Highlights
00:00 Introduction to Therapy for Your Money

00:45 Listener Question: Tax Considerations for Telehealth

02:35 Understanding Nexus in Taxation

03:53 State-Specific Tax Thresholds

07:40 Registering as a Foreign Entity

09:57 Recap and Final Advice

12:57 Disclaimer

Links and Resources
Money for Therapists Practice Startup -

GreenOak Accounting -

Therapy For Your Money Podcast -

Profit First for Therapists -

Profit First Academy - 

Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio