
Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 3

Nia Tero Season 3

Seedcast is back on March 15 with a new season, and host Jessica Ramirez will continue guiding us through a whole new series of stories at the intersections of Indigenous land guardianship, culture, and rights. Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity, and Indigenous cultures, knowledge, and practices of reciprocity are the best guide to the future we all want to live in. 

In Season 3, we’ll go around the world to hear from Indigenous peoples who want to grow our knowledge together. Featured voices include Laura Obregón Cañola (Colombian of Indigenous / Embera Katío descent), Lofanitani Aisea (Black and Tongan, Modoc, Tahlequah, and Klamath tribes), Leo Cerda (Kichwa community of Serena in the Ecuadorian Amazon), and Eric Terena (Terena People of Brazil). Featured song: Tetchi'arü'ngu (Remix) by Eric Terena and Djuena Tikuna.  

Seedcast is a production of Nia Tero, a global nonprofit which supports Indigenous land guardianship around the world through policy, partnership, and storytelling initiatives.

Enjoy the Seedcast podcast on the Nia Tero website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and your other favorite podcast platforms.

Keep up with Seedcast on Instagram and use the hashtag #Seedcast.

Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 3


March 1, 2023

[Sounds of chanting and flowing water from “Tetchi'arü'ngu (Remix)” by Eric Terena and Djeuna Tikuna]

Laura Obregón Cañola: [Introduction in Indigenous language], which is “hello” / “hola” in [Embera /Indigenous language].

[Seedcast theme song “Rooted” by Mia Kami begins]

Jessica Ramirez: Hey, if you’re new here welcome! And if you’re a seasoned listener, we’re so excited to have you back. I’m Jessica Ramirez, your host of Seedcast. A little bit about me: I’ve lived on Coast Salish territory in what is presently known as Seattle, Washington for the last 20 years. I’m Mexican, I identify as Indigenous, I’m queer, and I own a sweet little dog named Luna. 

Our new season of Seedcast starts in two weeks! 

Lofanitani Aisea: [Introduction in Tongan and Klamath] My name is Lofanitani. I'm a Black Indigenous woman who is Black and Tongan, and my tribes are Modoc, Klamath, and Tahlequah. 

Leo Cerda: I’m Leo Cerda. I’m the founder of the Black Indigenous Liberation Movement. 

 Jessica: Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity. And our culture and knowledge and practices of reciprocity are the best guide to the future we all want to live in. This season, we’re going around the world to hear stories from Indigenous and Native peoples who want to grow our knowledge together.

Eric Terena: [Introduces self in Portuguese]

Jessica: So do us a favor and spread the word. Listeners like you are the way most people hear about Seedcast. Please share with your friends and colleagues. And if you like what you hear, please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Coming to you in two weeks, March 15, is Season 3. See you then!

Eric: Hi, I’m Eric Terena from Brazil, and this has been Seedcast.